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Python List : The Delivery Man’s Busy Day

30 July 2024 at 12:55

Meet Alex, a dedicated delivery man who starts his day bright and early. He works for a company that handles all kinds of packages, and his truck is his mobile office where he keeps everything organized in a series of bins.

In Python terms, these bins are like lists.

Let’s follow Alex through his day to understand how list operations work in Python.

Morning Load

Alex’s day begins by loading his truck with packages. His truck is like an empty list in Python.

Today, his truck starts with three packages: "Letter", "Box", and "Parcel". He creates his initial list like this:

packages = ["Letter", "Box", "Parcel"]

Accessing Packages

As he drives around, he gets a call from a customer who needs the "Box" delivered. Alex quickly looks at his list to find the "Box", which is in the second spot.

He accesses it like this:

item = packages[1]  # "Box"

New Delivery Request

On his next stop, Alex receives a new package a "Special Delivery". He needs to add this to the end of his truck’s list. He uses the append() method to add this new pack

packages.append("Special Delivery")

Now, his list of packages is:

["Letter", "Box", "Fragile Box", "Parcel", "Special Delivery"]

Package Removal

Alex finds out that the "Box" was mistakenly loaded, so he needs to remove it. He uses the remove() method to get rid of the "Box":


After removal, his list looks like this:

["Letter", "Fragile Box", "Parcel", "Special Delivery"]

Returning a Package

Later in the day, Alex realizes that he needs to take the last package off the truck and needs to know which one it was.

He uses pop() to remove and return the last package:

last_package = packages.pop()

The last package removed is "Special Delivery", and his list is now:

["Letter", "Fragile Box", "Parcel"]

Finding the Position of a Package

One customer calls inquiring about the location of their "Parcel". Alex finds its position in the truck using the index() method:

position = packages.index("Parcel")  # Returns 2

Inspecting a Range of Packages

Alex wants to check all the packages from "Letter" to "Parcel", so he looks at a slice of his truck’s list:

subset = packages[0:3]

This slice includes:

["Letter", "Fragile Box", "Parcel"]

Organizing Packages

Before heading to the depot, Alex decides to sort his remaining packages in alphabetical order. He uses the sort() method:


The list of packages is now:

["Fragile Box", "Letter", "Parcel"]

End of the Day

Finally, Alex wants to see the packages in reverse order to double-check everything. He uses the reverse() method:


His truck’s list now looks like this:

["Parcel", "Letter", "Fragile Box"]

As Alex finishes his day, his truck is empty, and he’s ready to start fresh tomorrow. His day was full of managing, accessing, and organizing packages, just like managing a list in Python!
