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Indexing and slicing

27 July 2024 at 02:48

Hi everybody
I am Kavin
I going to write a blog which I learnt in my python class.


Indexing is nothing but a position. Indexing refers to accessing individual elements of a sequence, such as a string.

In Python, strings are sequences of characters, and each character in a string has a position, known as an index.

word = K A V I N
       ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
index= 1 2 3 4 5 

Basic Indexing



Negative Indexing
Python also supports negative indexing, which allows you to access characters from the end of the string.



Combining Positive and Negative Indexing
You can mix positive and negative indexing to access different parts of a string.



Real-World Examples

** Initials of a Name**

full_name = "Parotta Salna"
initials = full_name[0] + full_name[8]


Accessing File Extensions

filename = "document.pdf"
extension = filename[-3:]



Slicing enables you to create a new string by extracting a subset of characters from an existing string.

Basic Slicing
The basic syntax for slicing is:



start is the index where the slice begins (inclusive).
stop is the index where the slice ends (exclusive).

Simple Slicing

text = "Hello, World!"


Omitting Indices

You can omit the start or stop index to slice from the beginning or to the end of the string.

text = "Python Programming"


Slicing with Step

You can include a step to specify the interval between characters in the slice. The syntax is:



text = "abcdefghij"


Negative Indices and Step

Negative indices count from the end of the string, and a negative step allows you to slice in reverse order.
eg with Negative Indices:

text = "Python"


eg with reversing a string :

text = "Reverse"


Real-World Examples

1.Extracting File Extensions

filename = "report.pdf"
extension = filename[-3:]


2.Getting a Substring

quote = "To be or not to be, that is the question."
substring = quote[9:17]

'not to be'

3.Parsing Dates

date = "20230722"
year = date[:4]
month = date[4:6]
day = date[6:]
print(f"Year: {year}, Month: {month}, Day: {day}")

Year: 2023, Month: 07, Day: 22

Advanced Slicing Techniques

1.Skipping Characters

text = "abcdef"


2.Slicing with Negative Step

text = "abcdefghij"


This the things which I learnt I my class.
Thank you

Tasks – Indexing & Slicing

22 July 2024 at 10:37
  1. Write a function that takes a string and returns a new string consisting of its first and last character.
  2. Write a function that reverses a given string.
  3. Given a string, extract and return a substring from the 3rd to the 8th character (inclusive).
  4. Write a function that returns every second character from a given string.
  5. Write a function that replaces the middle third of a string with asterisks. If the length of the string is not divisible by 3, adjust the middle third accordingly.
  6. Write a function that checks if a given string is a palindrome (reads the same backward as forward).
  7. Given an email address, extract and return the domain.
  8. Write a function that returns every third character from a given string.
  9. Write a function that extracts and returns characters at even indices from a given string.
  10. Write a function that skips every second character and then reverses the resulting string.

Python – Indexing & Slicing

22 July 2024 at 10:32

Indexing & Slicing in general is a foundational concept which roots to the usage of all data structures or containers.

Indexing & Slicing is a fundamental concept in Python, especially when working with strings.

If you’re just getting started with Python, understanding how to access individual characters in a string using indexing is important.

What is indexing ?

Indexing is nothing but a position. Indexing refers to accessing individual elements of a sequence, such as a string.

In Python, strings are sequences of characters, and each character in a string has a position, known as an index. Python uses zero-based indexing, which means the first character of a string has an index of 0, the second character has an index of 1, and so on.

For Eg, Check the below β€œHELLOWORLD” and its index,

Basic Indexing

Let’s start with a simple example:

# Example String
word = "Python"

# Accessing individual characters
print(word[0])  # Output: 'P'
print(word[1])  # Output: 'y'
print(word[2])  # Output: 't'
print(word[3])  # Output: 'h'
print(word[4])  # Output: 'o'
print(word[5])  # Output: 'n'

In this example, we accessed each character of the string β€œPython” using its index.

Negative Indexing

Python also supports negative indexing, which allows you to access characters from the end of the string. The last character has an index of -1, the second last character has an index of -2, and so on.

# Example String
word = "Python"

# Accessing characters from the end
print(word[-1])  # Output: 'n'
print(word[-2])  # Output: 'o'
print(word[-3])  # Output: 'h'
print(word[-4])  # Output: 't'
print(word[-5])  # Output: 'y'
print(word[-6])  # Output: 'P'

Combining Positive and Negative Indexing

You can mix positive and negative indexing to access different parts of a string. Here are some examples:

# Example String
word = "Indexing"

# Accessing characters using positive and negative indices
print(word[0])  # Output: 'I'
print(word[-1])  # Output: 'g'
print(word[2])  # Output: 'd'
print(word[-3])  # Output: 'i'

Real-World Examples

Let’s look at some practical examples where indexing might be useful.

Example 1: Initials of a Name

Suppose you have a person’s full name, and you want to extract the initials.

full_name = "Parotta Salna"
initials = full_name[0] + full_name[8]
print(initials)  # Output: 'PS'

In this example, we used indexing to access the first letter of the first name and the first letter of the last name.

Example 2: Accessing File Extensions

Consider a filename with an extension, and you want to extract the extension.

filename = "document.pdf"
extension = filename[-3:]
print(extension)  # Output: 'pdf'

Here, we used negative indexing to get the last three characters of the string, which represent the file extension.

What is Slicing ?

Slicing enables you to create a new string by extracting a subset of characters from an existing string.

You specify a range of indices and, optionally, a step to determine how slicing should proceed.

For eg,

Below is the β€œHELLOWORLD” String referenced by variable message, and β€œLOWO” is a subset which can be represented as message[3:7]

Basic Slicing

The basic syntax for slicing is:



  • start is the index where the slice begins (inclusive).
  • stop is the index where the slice ends (exclusive).

Example 1: Simple Slicing

# Example String
text = "Hello, World!"

# Slicing the first 5 characters
print(text[0:5])  # Output: 'Hello'

# Slicing characters from index 7 to 11
print(text[7:12])  # Output: 'World'

Omitting Indices

You can omit the start or stop index to slice from the beginning or to the end of the string.

Example 2: Omitting Start or Stop

# Example String
text = "Python Programming"

# Slicing from the beginning to index 6
print(text[:6])  # Output: 'Python'

# Slicing from index 7 to the end
print(text[7:])  # Output: 'Programming'

Slicing with Step

You can include a step to specify the interval between characters in the slice. The syntax is:


Example 3: Using Step

# Example String
text = "abcdefghij"

# Slicing every second character
print(text[0:10:2])  # Output: 'acegi'

# Slicing every third character
print(text[0:10:3])  # Output: 'adgj'

Negative Indices and Step

Negative indices count from the end of the string, and a negative step allows you to slice in reverse order.

Example 4: Negative Indices

# Example String
text = "Python"

# Slicing the last 3 characters
print(text[-3:])  # Output: 'hon'

# Slicing from the beginning to the second last character
print(text[:-1])  # Output: 'Pytho'

Example 5: Reversing a String

# Example String
text = "Reverse"

# Reversing the string
print(text[::-1])  # Output: 'esreveR'

Real-World Examples

Let’s explore some practical uses of string slicing.

Example 6: Extracting File Extensions

filename = "report.pdf"
extension = filename[-3:]
print(extension)  # Output: 'pdf'

Example 7: Getting a Substring

Suppose you have a long string and want to extract a specific part of it.

quote = "To be or not to be, that is the question."
# Extracting 'not to be'
substring = quote[9:17]
print(substring)  # Output: 'not to be'

Example 8: Parsing Dates

Consider a date string in the format β€œYYYYMMDD” and you want to extract the year, month, and day separately.

date = "20230722"
year = date[:4]
month = date[4:6]
day = date[6:]
print(f"Year: {year}, Month: {month}, Day: {day}")
# Output: Year: 2023, Month: 07, Day: 22

Advanced Slicing Techniques

Example 9: Skipping Characters

# Example String
text = "abcdef"

# Skipping every other character
print(text[::2])  # Output: 'ace'

Example 10: Slicing with Negative Step

# Example String
text = "abcdefghij"

# Reversing every second character
print(text[::-2])  # Output: 'jhfdb'
