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Can UV Transform Python Scripts into Standalone Executables ?

17 February 2025 at 17:48

Managing dependencies for small Python scripts has always been a bit of a hassle.

Traditionally, we either install packages globally (not recommended) or create a virtual environment, activate it, and install dependencies manually.

But what if we could run Python scripts like standalone binaries ?

Introducing PEP 723 – Inline Script Metadata

PEP 723 ( introduces a new way to specify dependencies directly within a script, making it easier to execute standalone scripts without dealing with external dependency files.

This is particularly useful for quick automation scripts or one-off tasks.

Consider a script that interacts with an API requiring a specific package,

# /// script
# requires-python = ">=3.11"
# dependencies = [
#   "requests",
# ]
# ///

import requests
response = requests.get("")

Here, instead of manually creating a requirements.txt or setting up a virtual environment, the dependencies are defined inline. When using uv, it automatically installs the required packages and runs the script just like a binary.

Running the Script as a Third-Party Tool

With uv, executing the script feels like running a compiled binary,

$ uv run
Reading inline script metadata from:
Installed dependencies in milliseconds

ehind the scenes, uv creates an isolated environment, ensuring a clean dependency setup without affecting the global Python environment. This allows Python scripts to function as independent tools without any manual dependency management.

Why This Matters

This approach makes Python an even more attractive choice for quick automation tasks, replacing the need for complex setups. It allows scripts to be shared and executed effortlessly, much like compiled executables in other programming environments.

By leveraging uv, we can streamline our workflow and use Python scripts as powerful, self-contained tools without the usual dependency headaches.

Learning Notes #70 – RUFF An extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust.

9 February 2025 at 11:00

In the field of Python development, maintaining clean, readable, and efficient code is needed.

The Ruff Python package is a faster linter and code formatter designed to boost code quality and developer productivity. Written in Rust, Ruff stands out for its blazing speed and comprehensive feature set.

This blog will delve into Ruff’s features, usage, and how it compares to other popular Python linters and formatters like flake8, pylint, and black.

What is Ruff?

Ruff is an extremely fast Python linter and code formatter that provides linting, code formatting, and static code analysis in a single package. It supports a wide range of rules out of the box, covering various Python standards and style guides.

Key Features of Ruff

  1. Lightning-fast Performance: Written in Rust, Ruff is significantly faster than traditional Python linters.
  2. All-in-One Tool: Combines linting, formatting, and static analysis.
  3. Extensive Rule Support: Covers rules from flake8, isort, pyflakes, pylint, and more.
  4. Customizable: Allows configuration of rules to fit specific project needs.
  5. Seamless Integration: Works well with CI/CD pipelines and popular code editors.

Installing Ruff

# Using pip
pip install ruff

# Using Homebrew (macOS/Linux)
brew install ruff

# Using UV
uv add ruff

Basic Usage

1. Linting a python file

# Lint a single file
ruff check

# Lint an entire directory
ruff check src/

2. Auto Fixing Issues

ruff check src/ --fix

3. Formatting Code

While Ruff primarily focuses on linting, it also handles some formatting tasks

ruff format src/


Ruff can be configured using a pyproject.toml file

line-length = 88
exclude = ["migrations"]
select = ["E", "F", "W"]  # Enable specific rule categories
ignore = ["E501"]          # Ignore specific rules


import sys
import os

print("Hello World !")

def add(a, b):
    result = a + b
    return a

x= 1
y =2

def append_to_list(value, my_list=[]):
    return my_list

def append_to_list(value, my_list=[]):
    return my_list

  1. Identifying Unused Imports
  2. Auto-fixing Imports
  3. Sorting Imports
  4. Detecting Unused Variables
  5. Enforcing Code Style (PEP 8 Violations)
  6. Detecting Mutable Default Arguments
  7. Fixing Line Length Issues

Integrating Ruff with Pre-commit

To ensure code quality before every commit, integrate Ruff with pre-commit

Step 1: Install Pre-Commit

pip install pre-commit

Step 2: Create a .pre-commit-config.yaml file

  - repo:
    rev: v0.1.0  # Use the latest version
      - id: ruff

Step 3: Install the Pre-commit Hook

pre-commit install

Step 4: Test the Hook

pre-commit run --all-files

This setup ensures that Ruff automatically checks your code for linting issues before every commit, maintaining consistent code quality.

When to Use Ruff

  • Large Codebases: Ideal for projects with thousands of files due to its speed.
  • CI/CD Pipelines: Reduces linting time, accelerating build processes.
  • Code Reviews: Ensures consistent coding standards across teams.
  • Open Source Projects: Simplifies code quality management.
  • Pre-commit Hooks: Ensures code quality before committing changes.

Integrating Ruff with CI/CD

name: Lint Code

on: [push, pull_request]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Set up Python
      uses: actions/setup-python@v2
        python-version: '3.10'
    - name: Install Ruff
      run: pip install ruff
    - name: Lint Code
      run: ruff check .

Ruff is a game-changer in the Python development ecosystem. Its unmatched speed, comprehensive rule set, and ease of use make it a powerful tool for developers aiming to maintain high code quality.

Whether you’re working on small scripts or large-scale applications, Ruff can streamline your linting and formatting processes, ensuring clean, efficient, and consistent code.

uv- A faster alternative to pip and pip-tools

26 April 2024 at 17:52


If you’re a Python developer, you’re probably familiar with pip and pip-tools, the go-to tools for managing Python packages. However, did you know that there’s a faster alternative that can save you time and improve your workflow?

Meet UV

uv is a package installer used for installing packages in python in a faster way. Which is written on Rust 🦀 , makes a warping speed in installation of packages as compared to pip and pip-tools.

Also, It is Free and Open Source done by astral-sh. which has around 11.3k stars on GitHub makes a very trending alternative package manager for python.

pip vs uv

As per astral-sh, they claim uv makes as very faster on installation of python packages, as compared to poetry , which is a another python package manager and pip-compile

Image courtesy: astral-sh ( Package Installation )

Also, we can able to create a virtual environment, at a warping speed as compared to python3 venv or virtualenv.

Image courtesy: astral-sh ( Virtual Environment )

My experience and Benchmarks

Nowadays, I am using uv as a package manager for doing my side projects. Which feels very good on developing python applications and it will be definitely useful on containerizing python applications using docker.

But now, uv has make my life easier with warping speed in installation on packages, suitable for building and deploying our containers as our need with many repitition and hassle-free in building docker containers.

Here is my comparison on pip and uv, Let’s start with pip

creating virtual environment with pip

The above pic shows that it takes almost 3.84 or approximately 4 seconds to create a virtual environment in python whereas,

creating Virtual environment using uv

uv takes just 0.01 seconds to create a virtual environment in python. Now we move on with installing packages such as fastapi and langchain at same time, which has more dependencies than ever worked with.

pip install fastapi langchain
Installation of fastapi and langchain using pip

This takes around 22.5 seconds, which is fast today 😂, Sometimes which makes it even slower during installation at crucial time. Now let’s check with uv.

Installation of langchain and fastapi using uv

uv, makes a warping installation of langchain and fastapi at same time within 0.12 seconds. 🤯💥

Which makes me to use ‘uv’ as my package manager for python while developing my projects at recent times.

uv Installation and usage

Firstly copy the command for installation using linux,

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh

on Windows,

powershell -c "irm | iex"

for mac users, go and download official binaries provided by astral-sh, given here.

Virtual Environment creation

for creating virtual environments for python, we can use

uv venv <environment-name>

for <environment-name> give any name your wish.

Package Installation

for package Installation , we have to use

uv pip install <package-name>


Through this blog post, we have learned about uv package manager and how it is effective in making our python workflows faster and building our containers faster and ease of deployment .

To know about me, click on my github, Linkedin.

uv- A faster alternative to pip and pip-tools was originally published in Towards Dev on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
