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Top Command in Linux: Tips for Effective Usage

17 February 2025 at 17:17

The top command in Linux is a powerful utility that provides realtime information about system performance, including CPU usage, memory usage, running processes, and more.

It is an essential tool for system administrators to monitor system health and manage resources effectively.

1. Basic Usage

Simply running top without any arguments displays an interactive screen showing system statistics and a list of running processes:

$ top

2. Understanding the top Output

The top interface is divided into multiple sections

Header Section

This section provides an overview of the system status, including uptime, load averages, and system resource usage.

  • Uptime and Load Average – Displays how long the system has been running and the average system load over the last 1, 5, and 15 minutes.
  • Task Summary – Shows the number of processes in various states:
    • Running – Processes actively executing on the CPU.
    • Sleeping – Processes waiting for an event or resource.
    • Stopped – Processes that have been paused.
    • Zombie – Processes that have completed execution but still have an entry in the process table. These occur when the parent process has not yet read the exit status of the child process. Zombie processes do not consume system resources but can clutter the process table if not handled properly.
  • CPU Usage – Breaks down CPU utilization into different categories:
    • us (User Space) – CPU time spent on user processes.
    • sy (System Space) – CPU time spent on kernel operations.
    • id (Idle) – Time when the CPU is not being used.
    • wa (I/O Wait) – Time spent waiting for I/O operations to complete.
    • st (Steal Time) – CPU cycles stolen by a hypervisor in a virtualized environment.
  • Memory Usage – Shows the total, used, free, and available RAM.
  • Swap Usage – Displays total, used, and free swap memory, which is used when RAM is full.

Process Table

The table below the header lists active processes with details such as:

  • PID – Process ID, a unique identifier for each process.
  • USER – The owner of the process.
  • PR – Priority of the process, affecting its scheduling.
  • NI – Nice value, which determines how favorable the process scheduling is.
  • VIRT – The total virtual memory used by the process.
  • RES – The actual RAM used by the process.
  • SHR – The shared memory portion.
  • S – Process state:
    • R – Running
    • S – Sleeping
    • Z – Zombie
    • T – Stopped
  • %CPU – The percentage of CPU time used.
  • %MEM – The percentage of RAM used.
  • TIME+ – The total CPU time consumed by the process.
  • COMMAND – The command that started the process.

3. Interactive Commands

While running top, various keyboard shortcuts allow dynamic interaction:

  • q – Quit top.
  • h – Display help.
  • k – Kill a process by entering its PID.
  • r – Renice a process (change priority).
  • z – Toggle color/monochrome mode.
  • M – Sort by memory usage.
  • P – Sort by CPU usage.
  • T – Sort by process runtime.
  • 1 – Toggle CPU usage breakdown for multi-core systems.
  • u – Filter processes by a specific user.
  • s – Change update interval.

4. Command-Line Options

The top command supports various options for customization:

  • -b (Batch mode): Used for scripting to display output in a non-interactive mode.$ top -b -n 1-n specifies the number of iterations before exit.
  • -o FIELD (Sort by a specific field):$ top -o %CPUSorts by CPU usage.
  • -d SECONDS (Refresh interval):$ top -d 3Updates the display every 3 seconds.
  • -u USERNAME (Show processes for a specific user):$ top -u john
  • -p PID (Monitor a specific process):$ top -p 1234

5. Customizing top Display

Persistent Customization

To save custom settings, press W while running top. This saves the configuration to ~/.toprc.

Changing Column Layout

  • Press f to toggle the fields displayed.
  • Press o to change sorting order.
  • Press X to highlight sorted columns.

6. Alternative to top: htop, btop

For a more user-friendly experience, htop is an alternative:

$ sudo apt install htop  # Debian-based
$ sudo yum install htop  # RHEL-based
$ htop

It provides a visually rich interface with color coding and easy navigation.

Basic Linux Commands

By: Ragul.M
15 November 2024 at 14:25

Hi folks , welcome to my blog. Here we are going to see some basic and important commands of linux.

One of the most distinctive features of Linux is its command-line interface (CLI). Knowing a few basic commands can unlock many possibilities in Linux.
Essential Commands
Here are some fundamental commands to get you started:
ls - Lists files and directories in the current directory.


cd - Changes to a different directory.

cd /home/user/Documents

pwd - Prints the current working directory.


cp - Copies files or directories.

cp file1.txt /home/user/backup/

mv - Moves or renames files or directories.

mv file1.txt file2.txt

rm - Removes files or directories.

rm file1.txt

mkdir - Creates a new directory.

mkdir new_folder

touch - Creates a new empty file.

touch newfile.txt

cat - Displays the contents of a file.

cat file1.txt

nano or vim - Opens a file in the text editor.

nano file1.txt

chmod - Changes file permissions.

chmod 755 file1.txt

ps - Displays active processes.


kill - Terminates a process.

kill [PID]

Each command is powerful on its own, and combining them enables you to manage your files and system effectively.We can see more about some basics and interesting things about linux in further upcoming blogs which I will be posting.

Follow for more and happy learning :)

One day One Command(CLI)

30 October 2024 at 15:08

Day 1: pwd
1.pwd: This command stands for Print Working Directory. As the name suggests it helps us know the current/working directory.
Syntax: pwd
1 a.pwd -P: Stands for pwd physical. It returns the current physical directory ignoring all the symbolic links in the path.
Syntax: pwd -P
1 b.pwd -L: Stands for pwd logical. It returns the current logical directory completely preserving the symbolic links in the path.
Syntax: pwd -L

Day 2: poweroff

$ sudo poweroff The poweroff command shuts down the system safely and immediately terminating all processes where unsaved work could be lost. It also unmounts all file systems then powers off the hardware. It is a quick way to turn off the system safely. Users in most cases cannot operate this command without sudo.
$ sudo poweroff --force This command shuts the down the system immediately without terminating any processes. It is generally unsafe to do so. It could be used if the system is unresponsive.
$ sudo poweroff --halt This command works just the way poweroff works but it does not finally cut the power to the hardware systems. It could be used if you want to terminate all the current running processes.

Day 3: ls

  1. ls: The ls command stands for list and it is used to list the files and directories. If used simply without any context it lists the files and directories in the current working directory. It can also be used to list files in other directories by following it up with the path to the directory. To list the files and directories of a file that requires root access we can use sudo on which otherwise we get permission denied. Syntax:ls ls /path/of/directory sudo ls /path/of/restricted directory 3 a.ls -l: This command does the same as ls files with more details. It gives more details such as permissions, ownership, size, date last modified, etc. Syntax:ls -l 3 b.ls -a:This command like the ls file also shows files and directories including hidden ones. Those files usually start with a '.'. Syntax:ls -a 3 c.ls -lh:It is just like ls -l but is in a more human readable format. The sizes are mentioned in kb,mb, etc.

Day 4: cat

  1. cat: This command stand for concatenate. When used on a file it shows the content of the file. If used on executable files or on files containing images they usually return garbled text and symbols as it is interpreting binary data. This command can also copy the content of a file and append it to another file. cat file1 >> file2 appends the contents of file1 to file2. It can also combine two files and copy it to another file. cat file1 file2 > newfile combines the contents of file1 and file2 in newfile. Syntax: cat filename cat file1 >> file2 cat file1 file2 > newfile 4 a.cat -n: This command does the same as cat and numbers all the lines in the output. Syntax: cat -n filename 4 b.cat -b: This command does the same as cat -n but it doesn't number the blank lines. Syntax: cat -b filename 4 c.cat -s: This command does the same as the cat command but it suppresses repeated blank lines into only one blank line. Syntax: cat -s filename 4 d.cat -T: This command does the same as cat but show tabs as ^I helping us differentiate between tabs and spaces. Syntax: cat -T filename 4 e.cat -E: This command is similar to cat -n and instead of numbering all the lines it leaves the $ symbol at the end of a line to help us distinguish between the end of a line or if they just continue. Syntax: cat -E filename 4 f.cat -A: This command is a combination of cat -E and cat -T where it shows the end of each line by leaving a $ symbol and helps distinguishing spaces from tabs by replacing tabs with ^I. Syntax: cat -A filename

Some of these options can be used together.
For eg: cat -ns numbers the lines from start and shortens the repeated blank lines to just one and the numbering is done on the remaining blank line. cat -ET does the same as cat -A. cat -bE numbers only the non blank lines leaves a $ symbol at the end of a line, etc.

Day 5: echo

  1. echo: The echo command sends a message or a variable to all active users or can be used to create or overwrite files. Syntax: echo "Hi everyone" echo $HOME echo "the text" > filename.extension

5 a.echo -e: This command works the same way as echo does but it takes in escape sequences as well. For eg: \n,\t,etc.
Syntax: echo -e "First Line\nNext Line"

Day 6: head and tail


I'm sorry to have missed yesterday. So today I will be doing 2 commands.


  1. head: It displays the first few lines of a file it is used with. The default number of lines it shows is 10. If used on a file containing binary data it outputs garbled texts and symbols. When used on multiple files it will display each file with a file header.

Syntax: head file.extension
head file1.txt file2.txt


6 a. head -n: It behaves the same as head but instead of the default number of lines, it displays the number of lines mentioned. If the mentioned number exceeds the data in the particular file then it displays all of the file without any errors. If this command is used on multiple files it outputs the number of lines in each of the files.

Syntax: head -n file.extenstion
head -n 5 file.txt


6 b. head -c: It behaves similar to head -n but instead of the lines it takes number of bytes which the user has mentioned. Similarly, it displays the entire file if the number of bytes mentioned is more than what is available without any errors.

Syntax: head -c file.extension
head -c 25 abc.txt


The commands after this may not work for non GNU systems.


6 c. head -q: When this is used on multiple files it suppresses the file headers. It can also be used in combination with head -c or head -n.

Syntax: head -q file1.txt file2.txt
head -q -n 2 file1.txt file2.txt


6 d. head -v: When this is used even on a single file then the file headers are displayed. If used together with head -q, head -v has the higher priority in whatever order it is done. So head -q -v or head -v -q will always display the headers.

Syntax: head -v file.txt


  1. tail: This command is similar to head command with the only difference being it displays the last few lines.

Syntax: tail file.txt


7 a. tail -n: This like the tail command instead of the last default number of lines we can specify the number of lines we want.

Syntax: tail -n file.txt


7 b. tail -c: This command outputs the last number of specified bytes of the file.

Syntax: tail -c file.txt


The commands after this may not work on non GNU systems.


7 c. tail -f: This command works similar to the tail command, at the beginning it only displays the last 10 lines but it will continue to give more outputs as the file grows. This can be useful for growing log files. If data is overwritten instead of appended to the said file, tail -f may not work properly.

Syntax: tail -f file.extension


7 d. tail -F: This is just a better version of tail -f. If it encounters any errors such as the file is temporarily deleted or being overwritten it retries and when the file is available again, it starts the process again.

Syntax: tail -F file.extension


7 d i. tail -F/f --max-unchanged-stats: As tail -F keeps on checking the file indefinitely, it can be stopped using this command. We can issue the number of times tail -F can retry and if there is constantly no updates in the file it will stop retrying.

Syntax: tail -F --max-unchanged-state=5 file.extenstion


7 d ii. tail -F/f --pid: This command is the same as tail -F but it stops retrying after a specific process ends.

Syntax: tail -F --pid= file.extension
tail -F --pid==123 logfile.txt


7 e. tail -q: This suppresses the file headers if multiple files are used.

Syntax: tail -q file1.extension1 file2.extension2


7 f. tail -v: This forces the file headers in the output even if only one file is used.

Syntax: tail -v file.extension


Day 7: grep


  1. grep: This command is used to look for a given pattern in a files or output lines.

Syntax: grep "pattern" filename


8 a. grep -i: This command works the same way as grep but it is case insensitive.

Syntax: grep -i "PaTtern" filename


8 b. grep -r: This command searches for the given pattern recursively completely in a given directory. It searches every file or director that is contained in the given directory and gives its results.

Syntax: grep -r "pattern" filename


8 c. grep -n: This command does the same as the grep command but it also numbers the output lines.

Syntax: grep -n "pattern" filename

How to configure AWS CLI and configure in ubuntu

7 January 2024 at 06:59

Install AWS CLI
$ sudo apt install awscli -y
To check for the version
$ aws –version
To configure AWS account crdentials
copy the access and secret key from AWS account security credentials
$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: *****************Β 
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: ******************
Default region name [None]: ap-south-1
Default output format [None]: json or table or text


12 December 2023 at 02:40

To create postgres DB
$ aws rds create-db-instance --db-instance-identifier demo-postgresql --db-instance-class db.t3.micro --engine postgres --master-username postgres --master-user-password passcode123 --allocated-storage 20

To describe and get the endpoint url
$ aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier demo-postgresql | grep Address

To access the remote postgresql
$ psql --host=<endpoint_url> --port=5432 --username=postgres
--dbname=postgres --password

To delete the db instance without final snapshot and automated backups
$ aws rds delete-db-instance --db-instance-identifier demo-postgresql
--skip-final-snapshot --delete-automated-backups


12 December 2023 at 02:35

To create a mysql db
$ aws rds create-db-instance --db-instance-identifier demo-mysql --db-instance-class db.t3.micro --engine mysql --master-username admin --master-user-password passcode123 --allocated-storage 20

To describe and get the endpoint url
$ aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier demo-mysql | grep Address

To access the remote mysql DB
$ mysql -h <endpoint_url> -P 3306 -u admin -p

To delete the db instance without final snapshot and automated backups
$ aws rds delete-db-instance --db-instance-identifier demo-mysql --skip-final-snapshot --delete-automated-backups
