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Closing notes on 2 months online python course

8 September 2024 at 00:06

The past 2 months went with weekly 3 python classes in Tamil, from Kaniyam Foundation

We got around 3500 participants in 3 whatsapp groups. Initial days went with some 1000+ students.

As the classes are in Tamil, live streamed, many participants started to learn easily.

We asked to learn, take notes, write blog daily. Many of them started to write. You can see them all here – https://blogs.kaniyam.cloudns.nz/

I hope minimum 20 students learned python very well.

The project demo days at final weeks proved that within 2 months, anyone can learn python programming and do good projects. All we need is dedicated learning and practicing.

I thank Syed Jafer, who trained us in a easy way. Thanks to all participants for great enthusiasm and hard work on learning.

I got opportunity to handle few classes and few QA sessions. Enjoyed every discussions with the team. Happy to see the progress and read all your blog posts daily. Continue the learning and writing. It is a life long process.

Special Thanks to my ilugc friend Asokan. He is a trainer for 20+ years. He taught python around 2005 in our Chennai Linux Users Group meetings. Happy to learn again from him, on his special training sessions.

On our discussions, he explained how to train python for beginners. Learned on he importance of more good examples, how to explain basics etc.

We all wondered on various methods to solve the fizz buzz problem and the beauty of functional programming.

Thanks for Asokan for mentoring us and TalentSprint.com for providing Zoom for the classes.

The feedback session was interesting. Captured the notes here on the things to improve on the next classes.

Feedback from participants –

  • go little slow
  • more basics and examples
  • first week , explain programming basics for beginners
  • teach flow charting methods for basics.
  • try teaching scratch
  • weekend sessions batch
  • make more conversations by participants
  • make sub groups
  • get cheerleaders within the team to make the classes interactive
  • more promotion needed
  • give better examples
  • more QA sessions are required
  • each one should talk
  • showing face in video can help to get some personal connections.
  • run mini hackathons
  • make more interactions and connections between the participants
  • ask to write blogs daily
  • encourage to give talks in class and other communities

Few more learning’s

  • Don’t create whatsapp group for communications. It has 1024 members limit. Having multiple groups is a headache.
  • Telegram is fine for now. Try to explore mailing list too.
  • Mute the groups, if required, to avoid β€œhi,hello,good morning” messages.
  • Teach how to join for mailing list like chennaipy, kanchilug and how to ask in forums like https://forums.tamillinuxcommunity.org/
  • Teach how to create a free blog in dev.to or wordpress.com
  • Don’t spend much time on explaining all the things in the language. In 5th or 6th class, they have to write code for a small project. Explain things as solutions for the project ideas or problem statements.
  • Insist on using names when calling people, always. By habit, people will call as sir/madam. avoid that on any technical discussions. We all are equal.
  • Zoom is costly. Even though we invest time on training and money for zoom, only around 50 people will complete the training. Check for other platforms like jitsi or google meet too.

Will try to implement these in our upcoming classes.

If you are interested in teaching any open source technology in tamil, write to us at KaniyamFoundation@gmail.com It can be some 30 min talk or few months trainings.

Thanks for all people who are spreading the knowledge openly. you are the backbone of the life.

Links –

All the training videos are here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQquVptFreE&list=PLiutOxBS1Mizte0ehfMrRKHSIQcCImwHL

Telegram Group – https://t.me/parottasalna

My slides in introduction to python – https://kaniyam.cloudns.nz/python-tips/python-tips.pdf

350 python tips – https://kaniyam.cloudns.nz/python-tips/python-tips.pdf

Syed’s website – https://parottasalna.com/

All our blog posts – https://blogs.kaniyam.cloudns.nz

Closing notes on 2 months online python course

8 September 2024 at 00:06

The past 2 months went with weekly 3 python classes in Tamil, from Kaniyam Foundation

We got around 3500 participants in 3 whatsapp groups. Initial days went with some 1000+ students.

As the classes are in Tamil, live streamed, many participants started to learn easily.

We asked to learn, take notes, write blog daily. Many of them started to write. You can see them all here – https://blogs.kaniyam.cloudns.nz/

I hope minimum 20 students learned python very well.

The project demo days at final weeks proved that within 2 months, anyone can learn python programming and do good projects. All we need is dedicated learning and practicing.

I thank Syed Jafer, who trained us in a easy way. Thanks to all participants for great enthusiasm and hard work on learning.

I got opportunity to handle few classes and few QA sessions. Enjoyed every discussions with the team. Happy to see the progress and read all your blog posts daily. Continue the learning and writing. It is a life long process.

Special Thanks to my ilugc friend Asokan. He is a trainer for 20+ years. He taught python around 2005 in our Chennai Linux Users Group meetings. Happy to learn again from him, on his special training sessions.

On our discussions, he explained how to train python for beginners. Learned on he importance of more good examples, how to explain basics etc.

We all wondered on various methods to solve the fizz buzz problem and the beauty of functional programming.

Thanks for Asokan for mentoring us and TalentSprint.com for providing Zoom for the classes.

The feedback session was interesting. Captured the notes here on the things to improve on the next classes.

Feedback from participants –

  • go little slow
  • more basics and examples
  • first week , explain programming basics for beginners
  • teach flow charting methods for basics.
  • try teaching scratch
  • weekend sessions batch
  • make more conversations by participants
  • make sub groups
  • get cheerleaders within the team to make the classes interactive
  • more promotion needed
  • give better examples
  • more QA sessions are required
  • each one should talk
  • showing face in video can help to get some personal connections.
  • run mini hackathons
  • make more interactions and connections between the participants
  • ask to write blogs daily
  • encourage to give talks in class and other communities

Few more learning’s

  • Don’t create whatsapp group for communications. It has 1024 members limit. Having multiple groups is a headache.
  • Telegram is fine for now. Try to explore mailing list too.
  • Mute the groups, if required, to avoid β€œhi,hello,good morning” messages.
  • Teach how to join for mailing list like chennaipy, kanchilug and how to ask in forums like https://forums.tamillinuxcommunity.org/
  • Teach how to create a free blog in dev.to or wordpress.com
  • Don’t spend much time on explaining all the things in the language. In 5th or 6th class, they have to write code for a small project. Explain things as solutions for the project ideas or problem statements.
  • Insist on using names when calling people, always. By habit, people will call as sir/madam. avoid that on any technical discussions. We all are equal.
  • Zoom is costly. Even though we invest time on training and money for zoom, only around 50 people will complete the training. Check for other platforms like jitsi or google meet too.

Will try to implement these in our upcoming classes.

If you are interested in teaching any open source technology in tamil, write to us at KaniyamFoundation@gmail.com It can be some 30 min talk or few months trainings.

Thanks for all people who are spreading the knowledge openly. you are the backbone of the life.

Links –

All the training videos are here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQquVptFreE&list=PLiutOxBS1Mizte0ehfMrRKHSIQcCImwHL

Telegram Group – https://t.me/parottasalna

My slides in introduction to python – https://kaniyam.cloudns.nz/python-tips/python-tips.pdf

350 python tips – https://kaniyam.cloudns.nz/python-tips/python-tips.pdf

Syed’s website – https://parottasalna.com/

All our blog posts – https://blogs.kaniyam.cloudns.nz

Notes from feedback on online training on GNU/Linux

11 March 2024 at 02:44

From Kaniyam Foundation, We completed the free online course on β€œIntroduction to GNU/Linux”. We got 130 registrations and ended up with 10+ participants finished the course. Around 10% is the success rate on any online class nowadays.

Thanks to the trainers Sathish, Sakhil and Dhanasekar. Thanks for all the participants.

Ended the classes with a feedback session.

Here are the notes of the meeting.

  • We should ask everyone to share screen once. It will encourage them to learn and share.
  • In our PDF manual for linux commands, everything is red color. it gives confusion. add screenshots and more comments.

Tamil books by nithya are too tamil. Students from english medium, cant not read tamil. 😦 Sad to see that they lost their ability to read their mother toungue.

Gowtham came forward help on adding screenshots to the english book. he knows Git.

Dhana to add the source file of kaniyam-ebook to the same repo. https://github.com/tkdhanasekar/kaniyam-devops-course-materials/blob/main/ebooks/kaniyam-ebook.pdf

  • Weekly once, we should have a common revision day. Every one should narrate that week’s session with screenshare.
  • Blogging helped them to understand the concepts well.
  • Balasaravanan asked nithya to write C book for +1 and +2 school syllabus. The existing books are too tough. We need simpler versions of ebooks with video tutorials. Nithya agreed to learn C for this request. Hope she works on it once her current projects are completed.
  • We use Zoho meet for our online courses. It consumes high bandwidth. Google meet takes low bandwidth.We choose Zoho as it is cheaper than anything. It provides auto recording also. Google meet and Zoom are costly. Have to explore the possibilities of getting goole meet.
  • We asked the students to teach for the next batch. Gowtham and Tamilselvan agreed teach common commands, basics . Asked them to give talks on kanchi linux users group meetings.
  • We may give a training on emacs soon.
  • We spoke about next courses. Infrastructure, Development, Fullstack etc. We can plan for short courses, weekend talks, generic talks, discussions, learning roadmap, career guidance etc. dhanasekar can talk on devops, scripting, cloud, linux admin.

If you can give any training or talk on any open source technology, please write to KaniyamFoundation@gmail.com

The below are the blogs created by the team.






Happy to read them all. Thanks for all your writings.
Keep writing and keep sharing your knowledge to all the world.
