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Learning Notes #13 – Gateway Aggregator Pattern

27 December 2024 at 14:56

As part of cloud design patterns, today i learned about Gateway Aggregation Pattern. It seems like a motivation for GraphQL. In this blog, i write down the notes on Gateway Aggregation Pattern for my future self.

In the world of microservices, applications are often broken down into smaller, independent services, each responsible for a specific functionality.

While this architecture promotes scalability and maintainability, it can complicate communication between services. The Gateway Aggregation Pattern emerges as a solution, enabling streamlined interactions between clients and services.

What is the Gateway Aggregation Pattern?

The Gateway Aggregation Pattern involves introducing a gateway layer to handle requests from clients. Instead of the client making multiple calls to different services, the gateway aggregates the data by making calls to the relevant services and then returning a unified response to the client.

This pattern is particularly useful for:

  • Reducing the number of round-trips between clients and services.
  • Simplifying client logic.
  • Improving performance by centralizing the communication and aggregation logic.

How It Works

  1. Client Request: The client sends a single request to the gateway.
  2. Gateway Processing: The gateway makes multiple requests to the required services, aggregates their responses, and applies any necessary transformation.
  3. Unified Response: The gateway sends a unified response back to the client.

This approach abstracts the complexity of service interactions from the client, improving the overall user experience.

Example Use Case

Imagine an e-commerce application where a client needs to display a product’s details, reviews, and availability. Without a gateway, the client must call three different microservices

  1. Product Service: Provides details like name, description, and price.
  2. Review Service: Returns customer reviews and ratings.
  3. Inventory Service: Indicates product availability.

Using the Gateway Aggregation Pattern, the client makes a single request to the gateway. The gateway calls the three services, aggregates their responses, and returns a combined result, such as

  "product": {
    "id": "123",
    "name": "Smartphone",
    "description": "Latest model with advanced features",
    "price": 699.99
  "reviews": [
      "user": "Alice",
      "rating": 4,
      "comment": "Great product!"
      "user": "Bob",
      "rating": 5,
      "comment": "Excellent value for money."
  "availability": {
    "inStock": true,
    "warehouse": "Warehouse A"

Tools to implement Gateway Aggregation Pattern

1. Kong Gateway

Kong is a popular API gateway that supports custom plugins for advanced use cases like aggregation.


Implement a custom Lua plugin to fetch and aggregate data from multiple services.

Use Kong’s Route and Upstream configurations to direct traffic.

2. GraphQL

GraphQL can act as a natural gateway by fetching and aggregating data from multiple sources.

const { ApolloServer, gql } = require('apollo-server');
const { RESTDataSource } = require('apollo-datasource-rest');

class ProductAPI extends RESTDataSource {
  constructor() {
    this.baseURL = 'http://product-service/';
  async getProduct(id) {
    return this.get(`products/${id}`);

class ReviewAPI extends RESTDataSource {
  constructor() {
    this.baseURL = 'http://review-service/';
  async getReviews(productId) {
    return this.get(`reviews/${productId}`);

const typeDefs = gql`
  type Product {
    id: ID!
    name: String
    description: String
    price: Float

  type Review {
    user: String
    rating: Int
    comment: String

  type AggregatedData {
    product: Product
    reviews: [Review]

  type Query {
    aggregatedData(productId: ID!): AggregatedData

const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    aggregatedData: async (_, { productId }, { dataSources }) => {
      const product = await dataSources.productAPI.getProduct(productId);
      const reviews = await dataSources.reviewAPI.getReviews(productId);
      return { product, reviews };

const server = new ApolloServer({
  dataSources: () => ({
    productAPI: new ProductAPI(),
    reviewAPI: new ReviewAPI(),

server.listen().then(({ url }) => {
  console.log(`Server ready at ${url}`);

By consolidating service calls and centralizing the aggregation logic, this pattern enhances performance and reduces complexity. Open-source tools like Express.js, Apache APISIX, Kong Gateway, and GraphQL make it easy to implement the pattern in diverse environments.
