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AWS Auto scaling without Load Balancer

By: Kannan
27 November 2023 at 18:15
  • Create a instance with Ubuntu OS and with instance type as t2.nano and selected the existing key pair and security group and set 2 instance to create and launch.

  • Run the apdt update and install apache webserver and modify the index.html
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install apache2 -y
    sudo rm /var/www/html/index.html
    sudo vim /var/www/html/index.html
    <h1>Testing for Auto Scaling Group</h1>

  • Go to Action >Image and Template > Create Image

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  • set as noboot and create image

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  • Once image created Stop and Terminate the instance which we created

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  • Instance >Launch template >Create the launch template>Select AMI image.

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  • Instance type s t2.nano>select keypair >Existing security group> Advance Network Configuration >Enable "Auto Assign IP"

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  • Create Auto scaling Group >Select the template >Select all network availability zone >Select No Load balancing.

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  • Group size >Desired capacity as 1 >No scaling policies

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  • Select instance maintance policy as "Launch before Terminating"

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  • Add Notification >Create a topic and provide name of the topic and email ID to send notification > Unselect "Fail to launch & Terminate"

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  • Add Tag

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  • Once done Review all the settings and create a auto scaling group

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  • Verify the email and confirm the notification subscription

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  • Auto Scaling group has been create and launch the Instance from the AMI Image Template. you can monitor on the Activity tab.

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  • Verfiy the instance status

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  • If you stop the instance ASG-1 it will create the new instance using Auto scaling group monitor the process on the ASG Activity. Image description

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  • These how auto scaling group works without load balancer.