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freeradius and daloradius webGUI installation ubuntu22.04

13 September 2023 at 16:16

update the server
# apt update

install necessary packages
# apt-get install apache2 mariadb-server php libapache2-mod-php php-mail php-mail-mime php-mysql php-gd php-common php-pear php-db php-mbstring php-xml php-curl unzip wget -y

check the php version
# php -v

view versions of FreeRADIUS available
# apt policy freeradius

install freeradius
# apt -y install freeradius freeradius-mysql freeradius-utils

stop the freeradius service
# systemctl stop freeradius.service

To run FreeRADIUS debug mode
# freeradius -X

login to mariadb and create DB , DB user and password
# mysql -u root
> GRANT ALL ON radius.* TO radius@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "PASSWORD";

check the DB created
# mysql -u root -p -e "show databases;"

download the daloradius webGUI package from github
# wget https://github.com/lirantal/daloradius/archive/refs/tags/1.3.zip

extract the package
# unzip 1.3.zip

rename the folder
mv daloradius-1.3/ daloradius

To populate the database with the daloRADIUS schema. The .sql file is located in the β€˜/contrib/db/’ folder.
we might have to change this path if you didn’t install it in the root destination.
# mysql -u root -p radius < contrib/db/fr2-mysql-daloradius-and-freeradius.sql
# mysql -u root -p radius < contrib/db/mysql-daloradius.sql

move the daloradius folder to /var/www/html
# mv daloradius /var/www/html/

rename the daloradius.conf.php.sample to daloradius.conf.php
# mv /var/www/html/daloradius/library/daloradius.conf.php.sample /var/www/html/daloradius/library/daloradius.conf.php

assign ownership of the daloRADIUS web configuration files to Apache
# chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/daloradius/

configure the permissions of main configuration file to 664
# chmod 664 /var/www/html/daloradius/library/daloradius.conf.php

To allow the DaloRADIUS web interface to access FreeRADIUS,
to provide its database details in the configuration file for DaloRADIUS
add the database details(username, password and db name)
in the below file
# vim /var/www/html/daloradius/library/daloradius.conf.php

$configValues['CONFIG_DB_USER'] = 'radius';
$configValues['CONFIG_DB_PASS'] = 'PASSWORD';
$configValues['CONFIG_DB_NAME'] = 'radius';

:wq! save and exit

restart the freeradius and apache2 and check the status
# systemctl restart freeradius
# systemctl restart apache2
# systemctl status freeradius
# systemctl status apache2

access the daloradius

default username : administrator
default password : radius
To change the default password
config > operators > list operators > administrator > operator password and apply
