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Before yesterdaySathish

LINUX – Day 1

13 July 2023 at 01:02
  1. Commands are written in SHELL.
  2. These commands interacts with Kernel via SHELL scripts.
Command Description
sudo suwhich means we are in root user
lsList all the contents of the directory
ls -llong listing
ls -hlisting in human readable format
datedisplays the current date
calDisplays the Calendar
echoIt prints the content after this
cat Opens the content of the file or Writing
rm remove
rm -ii used for confirmation
cpcopy the file
manmanual which helps to get details about the commands
historyshows the complete history of the command till now
aliasyou can set alternate command
uptimecheck the system since when its up
whoamicurrent user details
usernamename of the system
q + Esc + control (c or d)all these used to quite the executing or command
