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The Evolution & Backclash of Developers Using ChatGPT

ChatGPT made a revolution in human life, it changed many of their lives. Two Months ago I saw a great example of it. Using ChatGPT & LinkedIn, businessman Iwan Richard — Founder & CEO of Reneonix should bring their business to the next level. To know more about their journey check the Being Scenius with Sriram Selvan Podcast the link is below 👇

ChatGPT also plays an important role in my learning journey. So, I like to write a blog about “The Evolution & Backclash of Developers Using ChatGPT”.

Note: Here I write the blog from my perspective, it may be changed for you.

What makes the 100 Million People use the ChatGPT actively in just two months after their launching?


Before the arrival of ChatGPT, the Internet plays a key role in learning anything. The process of visiting many websites and reading many things such as Blogs and articles is good for gaining knowledge. But it consumes more time and makes them tired. ChatGPT changes all things in time of arrival. It gives solutions for most things and explains easily in a way even understand by the children. But at the time of arrival, it does not give solutions for the present-day related questions. But that should be solved and made possible by using various methodologies and advancing the ChatGPT.

But only that reason for using ChatGPT by a million users?

No, ChatGPT has been used by various people for various things. Like learning anything as easily, drafting mail professionally, more and more. Due to the tuning of the AI Model as perfect, they should not answer for bad things. Such a question is related to do crimes. That sounds interesting, right? It has done all things as good with the restrictions of helping bad things. So, it’s good only.

To be frank no. But Why?

Because ChatGPT makes the work easy. For Developers, it gives the basic code and even gives good code then the beginner level developers. However, the developers need sufficient knowledge to explain that code and fix the bug given by ChatGPT. Even Foreign IT Companies are allowed to use ChatGPT and other AI for development. But they expect basic knowledge at the time of their entry into their company. They did not like to hire persons who just copied and pasted the code without the knowledge of how the coding works.

The problem arises for the beginners. One who starts using ChatGPT in their earlier stage is affected in two ways. First, they change them as lazy to code. Due to laziness after some time they struggle to code without ChatGPT. So, they also lose their confidence themself. Like “I Should not code as well or I am not a good developer” and due to laziness, they lose their problem-solving skills. Even the person who has good knowledge in the time of going to the companies for an interview, due to their high dependence on ChatGPT in time of practice, lacks code at the selection round. Second, in time of start learning no one is perfect. No one should develop a website like “Netflix” as straightly. But the ChatGPT had been done that. Here they imagine the AI should replicate the Developer's work as soon. Maybe it is possible but for that also need humans as a main player and just AI as a tool. Because it works by pre-training and scraping data from the web.

What is the Solution?

  1. Using AI such as ChatGPT as a tool makes no trouble. However using that as an overload makes the developers lazy, which makes them lose their problem-solving skills.
  2. Using ChatGPT at the time of beginning the journey in coding causes more trouble than expected. Why? Because it gives unnecessary thinking, does not help to gain knowledge & more. The Error makes the developer's life as good. So, trying to solve the error yourself in the beginning gives a healthy journey.

In conclusion using AI in development as a tool makes life as more easier, helps debug easily, and is enormously helpful usage. But using it over time gives only trouble.

When feel this content is valuable follow me for more upcoming Blogs.

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Learning Notes #76 – Specifying Virtual Users (VUs) and Test duration in K6

16 February 2025 at 05:13

When running load tests with K6, two fundamental aspects that shape test execution are the number of Virtual Users (VUs) and the test duration. These parameters help simulate realistic user behavior and measure system performance under different load conditions.

In this blog, i jot down notes on virtual users and test duration in options. Using this we can ramp up users.

  1. Defining VUs and Duration in K6
  2. Basic VU and Duration Configuration
  3. Specifying VUs and Duration from the Command Line
  4. Ramp Up and Ramp Down with Stages
  5. Custom Execution Scenarios
    1. Syntax of Custom Execution Scenarios
    2. Different Executors in K6
    3. Example: Ramping VUs Scenario
    4. Example: Constant Arrival Rate Scenario
    5. Example: Per VU Iteration Scenario
  6. Choosing the Right Configuration
  7. References

Defining VUs and Duration in K6

K6 offers multiple ways to define VUs and test duration, primarily through options in the test script or the command line.

Basic VU and Duration Configuration

The simplest way to specify VUs and test duration is by setting them in the options object of your test script.

import http from 'k6/http';
import { sleep } from 'k6';

export const options = {
  vus: 10, // Number of virtual users
  duration: '30s', // Duration of the test

export default function () {

This script runs a load test with 10 virtual users for 30 seconds, making requests to the specified URL.

Specifying VUs and Duration from the Command Line

You can also set the VUs and duration dynamically using command-line arguments without modifying the script.

k6 run --vus 20 --duration 1m script.js

This command runs the test with 20 virtual users for 1 minute.

Ramp Up and Ramp Down with Stages

Instead of a fixed number of VUs, you can simulate user load variations over time using stages. This helps to gradually increase or decrease the load on the system.

export const options = {
  stages: [
    { duration: '30s', target: 10 }, // Ramp up to 10 VUs
    { duration: '1m', target: 50 },  // Ramp up to 50 VUs
    { duration: '30s', target: 10 }, // Ramp down to 10 VUs
    { duration: '20s', target: 0 },  // Ramp down to 0 VUs

This test gradually increases the load, sustains it, and then reduces it, simulating real-world traffic patterns.

Custom Execution Scenarios

For more advanced load testing strategies, K6 supports scenarios, allowing fine-grained control over execution behavior.

Syntax of Custom Execution Scenarios

A scenarios object defines different execution strategies. Each scenario consists of

  • executor: Defines how the test runs (e.g., ramping-vus, constant-arrival-rate, etc.).
  • vus: Number of virtual users (for certain executors).
  • duration: How long the scenario runs.
  • iterations: Total number of iterations per VU (for certain executors).
  • stages: Used in ramping-vus to define load variations over time.
  • rate: Defines the number of iterations per time unit in constant-arrival-rate.
  • preAllocatedVUs: Number of VUs reserved for the test.

Different Executors in K6

K6 provides several executors that define how virtual users (VUs) generate load

  1. shared-iterations – Distributes a fixed number of iterations across multiple VUs.
  2. per-vu-iterations – Each VU runs a specific number of iterations independently.
  3. constant-vus – Maintains a fixed number of VUs for a set duration.
  4. ramping-vus – Increases or decreases the number of VUs over time.
  5. constant-arrival-rate – Ensures a constant number of requests per time unit, independent of VUs.
  6. ramping-arrival-rate – Gradually increases or decreases the request rate over time.
  7. externally-controlled – Allows dynamic control of VUs via an external API.

Example: Ramping VUs Scenario

export const options = {
  scenarios: {
    ramping_users: {
      executor: 'ramping-vus',
      startVUs: 0,
      stages: [
        { duration: '30s', target: 20 },
        { duration: '1m', target: 100 },
        { duration: '30s', target: 0 },

export default function () {

Example: Constant Arrival Rate Scenario

export const options = {
  scenarios: {
    constant_request_rate: {
      executor: 'constant-arrival-rate',
      rate: 50, // 50 iterations per second
      timeUnit: '1s', // Per second
      duration: '1m', // Test duration
      preAllocatedVUs: 20, // Number of VUs to allocate

export default function () {

Example: Per VU Iteration Scenario

export const options = {
  scenarios: {
    per_vu_iterations: {
      executor: 'per-vu-iterations',
      vus: 10,
      iterations: 50, // Each VU executes 50 iterations
      maxDuration: '1m',

export default function () {

Choosing the Right Configuration

  • Use fixed VUs and duration for simple, constant load testing.
  • Use stages for ramping up and down load gradually.
  • Use scenarios for more complex and controlled testing setups.


  1. Scenarios & Executors –

20 Essential Git Command-Line Tricks Every Developer Should Know

5 February 2025 at 16:14

Git is a powerful version control system that every developer should master. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, knowing a few handy Git command-line tricks can save you time and improve your workflow. Here are 20 essential Git tips and tricks to boost your efficiency.

1. Undo the Last Commit (Without Losing Changes)

git reset --soft HEAD~1

If you made a commit but want to undo it while keeping your changes, this command resets the last commit but retains the modified files in your staging area.

This is useful when you realize you need to make more changes before committing.

If you also want to remove the changes from the staging area but keep them in your working directory, use,

git reset HEAD~1

2. Discard Unstaged Changes

git checkout -- <file>

Use this to discard local changes in a file before staging. Be careful, as this cannot be undone! If you want to discard all unstaged changes in your working directory, use,

git reset --hard HEAD

3. Delete a Local Branch

git branch -d branch-name

Removes a local branch safely if it’s already merged. If it’s not merged and you still want to delete it, use -D

git branch -D branch-name

4. Delete a Remote Branch

git push origin --delete branch-name

Deletes a branch from the remote repository, useful for cleaning up old feature branches. If you mistakenly deleted the branch and want to restore it, you can use

git checkout -b branch-name origin/branch-name

if it still exists remotely.

5. Rename a Local Branch

git branch -m old-name new-name

Useful when you want to rename a branch locally without affecting the remote repository. To update the remote reference after renaming, push the renamed branch and delete the old one,

git push origin -u new-name
git push origin --delete old-name

6. See the Commit History in a Compact Format

git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all

A clean and structured way to view Git history, showing branches and commits in a visual format. If you want to see a detailed history with diffs, use

git log -p

7. Stash Your Changes Temporarily

git stash

If you need to switch branches but don’t want to commit yet, stash your changes and retrieve them later with

git stash pop

To see all stashed changes

git stash list

8. Find the Author of a Line in a File

git blame file-name

Shows who made changes to each line in a file. Helpful for debugging or reviewing historical changes. If you want to ignore whitespace changes

git blame -w file-name

9. View a File from a Previous Commit

git show commit-hash:path/to/file

Useful for checking an older version of a file without switching branches. If you want to restore the file from an old commit

git checkout commit-hash -- path/to/file

10. Reset a File to the Last Committed Version

git checkout HEAD -- file-name

Restores the file to the last committed state, removing any local changes. If you want to reset all files

git reset --hard HEAD

11. Clone a Specific Branch

git clone -b branch-name --single-branch repository-url

Instead of cloning the entire repository, this fetches only the specified branch, saving time and space. If you want all branches but don’t want to check them out initially:

git clone --mirror repository-url

12. Change the Last Commit Message

git commit --amend -m "New message"

Use this to correct a typo in your last commit message before pushing. Be cautious—if you’ve already pushed, use

git push --force-with-lease

13. See the List of Tracked Files

git ls-files

Displays all files being tracked by Git, which is useful for auditing your repository. To see ignored files

git ls-files --others --ignored --exclude-standard

14. Check the Difference Between Two Branches

git diff branch-1..branch-2

Compares changes between two branches, helping you understand what has been modified. To see only file names that changed

git diff --name-only branch-1..branch-2

15. Add a Remote Repository

git remote add origin repository-url

Links a remote repository to your local project, enabling push and pull operations. To verify remote repositories

git remote -v

16. Remove a Remote Repository

git remote remove origin

Unlinks your repository from a remote source, useful when switching remotes.

17. View the Last Commit Details

git show HEAD

Shows detailed information about the most recent commit, including the changes made. To see only the commit message

git log -1 --pretty=%B

18. Check What’s Staged for Commit

git diff --staged

Displays changes that are staged for commit, helping you review before finalizing a commit.

19. Fetch and Rebase from a Remote Branch

git pull --rebase origin main

Combines fetching and rebasing in one step, keeping your branch up-to-date cleanly. If conflicts arise, resolve them manually and continue with

git rebase --continue

20. View All Git Aliases

git config --global --list | grep alias

If you’ve set up aliases, this command helps you see them all. Aliases can make your Git workflow faster by shortening common commands. For example

git config --global checkout

allows you to use git co instead of git checkout.

Try these tricks in your daily development to level up your Git skills!

Learning Notes #61 – Undo a git pull

18 January 2025 at 16:04

Today, i came across a blog on undo a git pull. In this blog, i have reiterated the blog in other words.

Mistakes happen. You run a git pull and suddenly find your repository in a mess. Maybe conflicts arose, or perhaps the changes merged from the remote branch aren’t what you expected.

Fortunately, Git’s reflog comes to the rescue, allowing you to undo a git pull and restore your repository to its previous state. Here’s how you can do it.

Understanding Reflog

Reflog is a powerful feature in Git that logs every update made to the tips of your branches and references. Even actions like resets or rebases leave traces in the reflog. This makes it an invaluable tool for troubleshooting and recovering from mistakes.

Whenever you perform a git pull, Git updates the branch pointer, and the reflog records this action. By examining the reflog, you can identify the exact state of your branch before the pull and revert to it if needed.

Step By Step Guide to UNDO a git pull

1. Check Your Current State Ensure you’re aware of the current state of your branch. If you have uncommitted changes, stash or commit them to avoid losing any work.

git stash
# or
git add . && git commit -m "Save changes before undoing pull"

2. Inspect the Reflog View the recent history of your branch using the reflog,

git reflog

This command will display a list of recent actions, showing commit hashes and descriptions. For example,

0a1b2c3 (HEAD -> main) HEAD@{0}: pull origin main: Fast-forward
4d5e6f7 HEAD@{1}: commit: Add new feature
8g9h0i1 HEAD@{2}: checkout: moving from feature-branch to main

3. Identify the Pre-Pull Commit Locate the commit hash of your branch’s state before the pull. In the above example, it’s 4d5e6f7, which corresponds to the commit made before the git pull.

4. Reset to the Previous Commit Use the git reset command to move your branch back to its earlier state,

git reset <commit-hash>

By default, it’s mixed so changes wont be removed but will be in staging.

The next time a pull operation goes awry, don’t panic—let the reflog guide you back to safety!
