OpenCV stands for Open Source Computer Vision. It is a library used for computer vision and machine learning tasks. It provides many functions to process images and videos.
Computer Vision
Computer vision is the process of extracting information from images or videos. For example, it can be used for object detection, face recognition, and more.
alias gitdir="cd ~/Git/" (This means gitdir switches to the ~/Git/ directory, but I wanted it to switch directly to a repository.) So, I wrote a Bash function.
Write Code to .bashrc File
The .bashrc file runs when a new terminal window is opened. So, we need to write the function inside this file.
gitrepo() {
# Exact Match
repoList=$(ls $HOME/Git)
if [ -n "$(echo "$repoList" | grep -w $1)" ]; then
cd $HOME/Git/$1
# Relevant Match
getRepoName=$(echo "$repoList" | grep -i -m 1 $1)
if [ -n "$getRepoName" ]; then
cd "$HOME/Git/$getRepoName"
echo "Repository Not Founded"
cd $HOME/Git
Code Explanation
The $repoList variable stores the list of directories inside the Git folder.
Function Logic Has Two Parts:
Exact Match
Relevant Match
Exact Match
if [ -n "$(echo "$repoList" | grep -w $1)" ]; then
cd $HOME/Git/$1
If condition: The $repoList variable parses input for grep.
grep -w matches only whole words.
$1 is the functionβs argument in bash.
-n checks if a variable is not empty. Example syntax: [ a != "" ] is equivalent to [ -n a ]
Relevant Match
getRepoName=$(echo "$repoList" | grep -i -m 1 $1)
if [ -n "$getRepoName" ]; then
cd "$HOME/Git/$getRepoName"
Relevant search: If no Exact Match is found, this logic is executed next.
getRepoName="$repoList" | grep -i -m 1 $1
-i ignores case sensitivity.
-m 1 returns only the first match.
Example of -m with grep: ls | grep i3 It returns i3WM and i3status, but -m 1 ensures only i3WM is selected.
No Match
If no match is found, it simply changes the directory to the Git folder.
type casting int : <class 'int'>
type casting float : <class 'float'>
type casting string : <class 'str'>
type casting boolean : <class 'bool'>
type casting list : <class 'list'>
type casting set : <class 'set'>
type casting tuple : <class 'tuple'>
Delete Variable
Delete an existing variable using Pythonβs del keyword.
temp = 1
print("temp variable is : ",temp)
del temp
# print(temp) => throw NameError : temp not defined
temp variable is : 1
Find Variable Memory Address
Use the id() function to find the memory address of a variable.
temp = "hi"
print("address of temp variable : ",id(temp))
address of temp variable : 140710894284672
Python does not have a direct keyword for constants, but namedtuple can be used to create constants.
from collections import namedtuple
const = namedtuple("const",["PI"])
math = const(3.14)
print("namedtuple PI = ",math.PI)
print("namedtuple type =",type(math))
namedtuple PI = 3.14
namedtuple type = <class '__main__.const'>
Global Keyword
Before understanding global keyword, understand function-scoped variables.
Function inside variable are stored in stack memory.
A function cannot modify an outside (global) variable directly, but it can access it.
To create a reference to a global variable inside a function, use the global keyword.
A REST API (Representational State Transfer) is a web service that allows different applications to communicate over the internet using standard HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. It follows REST principles, making it lightweight, scalable, and easy to use.
REST API Principles
Client-Server Architecture
A REST API follows a client-server architecture, where the client and server are separate. The client sends requests, and the server processes them and responds, allowing different clients like web and mobile apps to communicate with the same backend.
Before understanding statelessness, you need to understand statefulness.
Statefulness: The server stores and manages user session data, such as authentication details and recent activities.
Statelessness: The server does not store any information. Each request is independent, and the client must include all necessary data, like authentication details and query parameters, in every request.
This behavior makes the server scalable, reliable, and reduces server load.
Caching improves performance by storing responses that can be reused, reducing the need for repeated requests to the server. This minimizes response time and server load.
Uniform Interface
A uniform interface ensures consistency by using standard HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. This makes the API predictable and easy to use.
Layered System
A layered system divides tasks into separate layers, like security, caching, and user requests. The client only interacts with the top layer, making the system easier to manage and more flexible.
Start To Code
I use Node.js and some popular packages:
Express: A Node.js web framework used for building web applications and APIs.
Joi: A package used to validate user input, ensuring data integrity and security.
basic code
const express = require("express");
const app = express();
const joi = require("joi");
customers = [
{name : "user1", id : 1},
{name : "user2", id : 2},
{name : "user3", id : 3}
const port = process.env.PORT || 8080;
app.listen(port, ()=> console.log("listening on ",port));
function validateUserName(customer){
schema = joi.object({
name : joi.string().min(3).required()
return schema.validate(customer)
GET is used to retrieve data from the server. the response code is 200 if successful.
app.delete('/api/customer/:id', (req,res)=>{
const user = customers.find(user => ==;
index = customers.indexOf(user);
res.status(404).send("Data Not Found");
res.status(200).send("successfully deleted");
What I Learned
CRUD Operations with REST API
I learned the basics of REST API and CRUD operations, including the uniform methods GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE.
Status Codes
REST APIs strictly follow status codes:
200 β OK
201 β Created successfully
400 β Bad request
204 β No content
404 β Page not found
Joi Package
For server-side validation, the Joi package is used. It helps verify user data easily.
Using app.use(express.json()) as middleware ensures that for POST, PATCH, and PUT methods, JSON-formatted user data is parsed into an object accessible via req.body.
This is a Python-based single-file application designed for typing practice. It provides a simple interface to improve typing accuracy and speed. Over time, this minimal program has gradually increased my typing skill.
What I Learned from This Project
2D Array Validation I first simply used a 1D array to store user input, but I noticed some issues. After implementing a 2D array, I understood why the 2D array was more appropriate for handling user inputs.
Tkinter I wanted to visually see and update correct, wrong, and incomplete typing inputs, but I didnβt know how to implement it in the terminal. So, I used a simple Tkinter gui window
Run This Program
It depends on the following applications:
Python 3
Installation Command on Debian-Based Systems
sudo apt install python3 python3-tk
Clone repository and run program
git clone cd TerminalTyping python3
I created a website called Vinmeen that allows users to rent products for temporary needs at a low cost. The goal was to design a simple UI for users to easily rent things they need temporarily.
Technologies Used
Node.js & Express
Node Packages
What I Learned from This Project
This project helped me understand how dynamic websites work and how template rendering is done. I used EJS for rendering templates, MySQL for database handling, and Bcrypt for securely storing user passwords through hashing. I also learned how to send email notifications with OTP and rent requests, among other things. offers a free MySQL database with a 10MB size limit and a maximum of 5 concurrent connections. Itβs ideal for students and self-study projects, but not recommended for startups or businesses.
Software plays a crucial role in our daily lives, but not all software is the same. There are two main types: proprietary software and open source software. Each has its own characteristics, benefits, and limitations. This blog will explain what these types of software are, their differences, and why they matter.
Proprietary Software:
Proprietary software is software that is only available to selected users. Users get this software in a ready-to-use format called binary form. They do not have access to the source code, which is the code written by programmers that makes the software work. Only the owner, or proprietor, of the software can fix issues, provide updates, and offer support.
There are many limitations for users of proprietary software:
Users cannot share the software with others.
Users cannot modify or change the software to suit their needs.
Examples of proprietary software include Microsoft Windows and Adobe Photoshop. These programs often come with good support and regular updates, but users have less freedom to customize or share them.
Open Source Software
Open source software is different because it is available for free and users have access to the source code. This means anyone can see how the software works, make changes to it, and share it with others. Open source software is not just for use; it encourages users to study, modify, and improve it.
Benefits of opensource software include:
*Fewer errors because many people can find and fix bugs.
*Diverse ideas and contributions from a wide community.
*Faster development and more stable products.
*Openness to new changes and improvements from the community.
*The General Public License (GPL) provides four key freedoms to users:
Use the software for any purpose.
*Study and modify the software.
*Distribute the original software.
*Distribute modified versions of the software.
Open source software emphasizes software freedom. It believes that software, which is a mix of knowledge and science, should be open and accessible to all humans, not owned by one person or organization.
Opportunities for Monetization
While open source software is free, there are still ways to make money from it:
*Providing services for the software, such as installation or customization.
*Offering online or offline support and charging for it.
*Charging for customizations made to the open source software.
History of GNU/Linux
The history of open source software is rich and interesting. Richard M. Stallman (RMS) started the movement for software freedom in the 1980s while working at the MIT AI Lab. He created the GNU Project, which stands for "GNU's Not Unix," to ensure the four software freedoms.
The GNU Project began with tools like compilers, editors, languages, network tools, servers, databases, and more. Andrew S. Tanenbaum wrote a book on operating systems design that inspired Linus Torvalds to create the Linux kernel, combining it with GNU tools to form what we now call GNU/Linux.
Understanding the differences between proprietary and open source software helps us appreciate the choices we have. Proprietary software offers controlled, supported environments, while open source software offers freedom, collaboration, and continuous improvement. Both have their place in the world of technology, and knowing their strengths and weaknesses allows us to make better decisions for our software needs.
Call to Action
Feel free to share your thoughts on proprietary vs. open source software in the comments below. If you found this blog helpful, share it with others to spread the knowledge!
Author Bio
Jayaram is a materials researcher with a passion for exploring different types of software. Jayaram is especially interested in how open source software can be used for materials discovery and materials-based data science, pushing the boundaries of innovation and collaboration in these fields.