Hi folks , welcome to my blog. Here we are going to see about "Introduction to AWS".
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world’s leading cloud computing platform, offering a wide range of services to help businesses scale and innovate. Whether you're building an application, hosting a website, or storing data, AWS provides reliable and cost-effective solutions for individuals and organizations of all sizes.
What is AWS?
AWS is a comprehensive cloud computing platform provided by Amazon. It offers on-demand resources such as compute power, storage, networking, and databases on a pay-as-you-go basis. This eliminates the need for businesses to invest in and maintain physical servers.
Core Benefits of AWS
Scalability: AWS allows you to scale your resources up or down based on your needs.
Cost-Effective: With its pay-as-you-go pricing, you only pay for what you use.
Global Availability: AWS has data centers worldwide, ensuring low latency and high availability.
Security: AWS follows a shared responsibility model, offering top-notch security features like encryption and access control.
Flexibility: Supports multiple programming languages, operating systems, and architectures.
Key AWS Services
Here are some of the most widely used AWS services:
Amazon EC2: Virtual servers to run your applications.
AWS Lambda: Serverless computing to run code without managing servers.
Amazon S3: Object storage for data backup and distribution.
Amazon EBS: Block storage for EC2 instances.
Amazon RDS: Managed relational databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle.
Amazon DynamoDB: NoSQL database for high-performance applications.
Amazon VPC: Create isolated networks in the cloud.
Amazon Route 53: Domain name system (DNS) and traffic management.
Amazon SageMaker: Build, train, and deploy machine learning models.
DevOps Tools:
AWS CodePipeline: Automates the release process.
Amazon EKS: Managed Kubernetes service.
AWS has revolutionized the way businesses leverage technology by providing scalable, secure, and flexible cloud solutions. Whether you're a developer, an enterprise, or an enthusiast, understanding AWS basics is the first step toward mastering the cloud. Start your AWS journey today and unlock endless possibilities!
Something like this would take more than an hour! Lets do it in less than 5 minutes.
Now ofcourse there are several ways to make this faster – using copy expert, psycogpg driver etc(maybe a sepearate blog post on these), but that’s not the use case I have been tasked with. Since we need to upload the file s3 in the end for audit purposes I will ingest the data from S3 to DB.
Generate table metadata
Before we can assign an s3 operator to ingest the data we need to create the table into which this data will be inserted. We have two ways that I can think of
Each column in the file will be created in the DB with a highest threshold value like varchar(2000)
Each column is created with the data length as max length in each row
I will be going with option 2 here.
This entire process took around 210 seconds instead of more than an hour like the last run.
Let’s go over the code one by one
Read the csv
We can pass the data directly to pandas or stream it into buffered memory something like this
with open("records.csv") as f:
csv_rdr = csv.reader(f, delimiter=",")
header = next(csv_rdr)
with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=mem_file, mode="wb", compresslevel=6) as gz:
buff = io.StringIO()
writer = csv.writer(buff)
for row in csv_rdr:
gz.write(buff.getvalue().encode("utf-8", "replace"))
s3.put_object(Bucket="mybucket", Key="folder/file.gz", Body=mem_file)
2. Since the file is less than 50 MB i’ll go ahead and load it directly.
Create the table
Get the max lengths of each column and use that to generate the table. We use pandas to_sql() function for this and pass the dtypes.
If your application allows your users to download files directly from s3, you are bound to get this error sometime in the future whenever you scale to other regions – The authorization mechanism you have provided is not supported. Please use AWS4-HMAC-SHA256.
Hosting your own WordPress website is interesting right!! Ok, come on let’s do it!!
We are going to do this practical from Scratch. From the Creation of our Own VPC, Subnets, Internet Gateway, Route tables to Deployment of WordPress.
Here, we are going to use Amazon Web Service’s RDS service for hosting our own WordPress site. Before that, let’s take a look at a basic introduction to RDS service.
Amazon Relational Database Service is a distributed relational database service by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is a web service running in the cloud designed to simplify the setup, operation, and scaling of a relational database for use in applications. Administration processes like patching the database software, backing up databases and enabling point-in-time recovery are managed automatically.
Features of AWS RDS
Lower administrative burden. Easy to use
Performance. General Purpose (SSD) Storage
Scalability. Push-button compute scaling
Availability and durability. Automated backups
Security. Encryption at rest and in transit
Manageability. Monitoring and metrics
Cost-effectiveness. Pay only for what you use
Ok, let’s jump onto the practical part!!
We will do this practical from scratch. Since it will be big, so we divided this into 5 small parts namely
Creating a MySQL database with RDS
Creating an EC2 instance
Configuring your RDS database
Configuring WordPress on EC2
Deployment of WordPress website
Creating a MySQL database with RDS
Before that, we have to do two pre-works namely the Creation of Virtual Private Cloud(VPC), Subnets and Security groups. These are more important because in order to have a reliable connection between WordPress and MySQL database, they should be located in the same VPC and should have the same Security Group.
Since Instances are launched on Subnets only, Moreover RDS will launch your MySQL database in EC2 instance only that we cannot able to see since it is fully managed by AWS.
We are going to create our own VPC. For that, we have to specify IP range and CIDR. We specified IP and CIDR as
What is CIDR?. I explained this in my previous blog in very detail. You can refer here.
Lets come to the point. After specifying the IP range and CIDR, enter your VPC name.
Now, VPC is successfully created with our specified details.
Next step is to launch the subnet in the above VPC.
For Creating Subnets, you have to specify which VPC the lab should launch. We already have our own VPC named “myvpc123”.
And then we have to specify the range of Subnet IP and CIDR. Please note that the Subnet range should come under VPC range, it should not exceedVPC range.
For achieving the property of High Availability, We have to launch minimum two subnets, so that Amazon RDS will launch its database in two subnets, if one subnet collapsed means, it won’t cause any trouble.
Now, two Subnets with their specified range of IPs and CIDR are launched successfully inside our own VPC and they are available.
Next step is to create a security group in order to secure the WordPress and MySQL databases. Note that both should have the same Security Group or else it won’t connect.
For creating a Security Group, we have to specify which VPC it should be launched and adding a Description is mandatory.
Then we have to specify inbound rules, for making this practical simple, we are allowing all traffic to access our instance.
Now, the Security Group is successfully created with our specified details.
Now let’s jump into part 1 which is about Creating a MySQL database with RDS.
Select Create database, then select Standard create and specify the database type.
Then you have to specify the Version. Version plays a major role in MySQL when integrating with WordPress, so select the compactible version or else it will cause serious trouble at the end. Then select the template, here we are using Free-tier since it won’t be chargeable.
Then you have to specify the credentials such as Database Instance name, Master username and Master password.
Most important part is a selection of VPC, you should select the same VPC where you will launch your EC2 instance for your WordPress and we can’t modify the VPC once the database is created. Then select the Public access as No for providing more security to our database. Now, the people outside of your VPC can’t connect to your database.
Then you have to specify the security group for your database. Note that the Security Group for your database and WordPress should be the same or else it will cause serious trouble.
Note that Security Groups is created per VPC. After selecting Security Group, then click Ok to create the RDS database.
Creating an EC2 instance
Before creating an instance, there should be two things you configured namely Internet Gateway and Route tables. It is used for providing outside internet connectivity to an instance launched in the subnet.
Internet Gateway is created per VPC. First, we have to create one new Internet Gateway with the specified details.
Then you have to attach Internet Gateway to the VPC
Next step is to create Routing tables. Note that Route table is created per Subnet.
We have to specify which VPC in which your subnet is available to attach routing table with it, specify Name and click create to create the route table.
Then click Edit route to edit the route details namely destination and target. Enter destination as for accessing any IP anywhere on the Internet and target is your Internet Gateway.
After entering the details, click Save routes.
We created a Route table, then we have to attach that table to your Subnet. For that click Edit route table association and select your subnet where you want to attach the route table with it.
Now, lets jump into the task of creating an EC2 instance.
First, you have to choose the AMI image in which you used for creating an EC2 instance, here I selected Amazon Linux 2 AMI for that.
Then you have to select Instance type, here I selected t2.micro since it comes under free tier.
Then you have to specify the VPC,Subnet for your instance and you have to enable Auto-assign Public IP in order to get your Public IP to your instance.
Then you have to add storage for your instance. It is optional only.
Then you have to specify the tags which will be more useful especially for automation.
Then you have to select the Security Group for your instance. It should be the same as your database have.
And click Review and Launch. Then you have to add Keypair to launch your EC2 instance. If you didn’t have Keypair means, you can create at that time.
Configuring your RDS database
At this point, you have created an RDS database and an EC2 instance. Now, we will configure the RDS database to allow access to specific entities.
You have to run the below command in your EC2 instance in order to establish the connection with your database.
export MYSQL_HOST=<your-endpoint>
You can find your endpoint by clicking database in the RDS dashboard. Then you have to run the following command.
mysql --user=<user> --password=<password> dbname
This output shows the database is successfully connected to an EC2 instance.
In the MySQL command terminal, you have to run the following commands in order to get all privileges to your account.
CREATE USER 'vishnu' IDENTIFIED BY 'vishnupassword';
Configuring WordPress on EC2
For Configuring WordPress on EC2 instance, the first step is to configure the webserver, here I am using Apache webserver. For that, you have to run the following commands.
sudo yum install -y httpd
sudo service httpd start
Next step would be download the WordPress application from the internet by using wget command. Run the following code to download the WordPress application.
wget https://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz
tar -xzf latest.tar.gz
Then we have to do some configuration, for this follow the below steps.
cd wordpress
cp wp-config-sample.php wp-config.php
cd wp-config.php
Go inside the wp-config.php file and enter your credentials (including your password too)
Then, Goto thislinkand copy all and paste it to replace the existing lines of code.
Next step is to deploy the WordPress application. For that, you have to run the following commands in order to solve the dependencies and deployWordPress in the webserver.
output "rds_endpoint" { value = "${aws_db_instance.myinstance.endpoint}" }
save and exit $ terraform init $ terraform plan $ terraform apply -auto-approve install mysql client in local host $ sudo apt install mysql-client To access the mysql $ mysql -h <end_point_URL> -P 3306 -u <username> -p To destroy the mysql RDS instance $ terraform destroy -auto-approve
create directory s3-demo and navigate $ mkdir s3-demo && cd s3-demo create a demo file sample.txt and contents $ echo “this is sample object to store in demo-bucket” > sample.txt create main.tf file $ vim main.tf
Install AWS CLI $ sudo apt install awscli -y
To check for the version $ aws –version
To configure AWS account crdentials
copy the access and secret key from AWS account security credentials $ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: *****************
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: ******************
Default region name [None]: ap-south-1
Default output format [None]: json or table or text
Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) is a fully managed container orchestration service that helps you easily deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications.
EC2 is that it deploys isolated VM instances with auto scaling support, and ECS deploys scalable clusters of managed Docker containers.
Amazon Elastic Compute Service (ECS), Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), and AWS Fargate help deploy and manage containers
AWS Fargate is a technology that you can use with Amazon ECS to run containers without having to manage servers or clusters of Amazon EC2 instances. With Fargate, you no longer have to provision, configure, or scale clusters of virtual machines to run containers.
Step-1. Create Cluster and task definition using AWS Fargate
Step-2. Create the services in the cluster.
Create the service with the task definition family which we created for nginx.
Once service created we can access the Public IP details from the Task tab.
Now you able to access the Nginx on the browser with the Public IP.
AWS Lambda is a serverless, event-driven compute service that lets you run code for virtually any type of application or backend service without provisioning or managing servers.
Lambda functions are efficient whenever you want to create a function that will only contain simple expressions
Each Lambda function runs in its own container. When a function is created, Lambda packages it into a new container and then executes that container on a multi-tenant cluster of machines managed by AWS.
Step-1.Create the EC2 Instance.
Step-2. Create IAM Roles and policies.
Create a policy > Select EC2 type >Access level -Write (Stop Instance).
Add Specific ARN (Details of the EC2 Instance which we need to start/stop)
We have created separate policy for start/stop the EC2 Instance.
Create a Role > select entity (AWS Service)>select the use case as "Lambda".
We have created separate Roles for start/stop the EC2 Instance.
Step-3. Create Lambda function.
We can add the trigger rule "Event Bridge"
The similar we create another lambda function for start the EC2 instance and schedule corn job using add trigger"Event bridge"
It will start/stop EC2 instance using Lambda function.
A VPC peering connection is a networking connection between two VPCs that enables you to route traffic between them using private IPv4 addresses or IPv6 addresses. Instances in either VPC can communicate with each other as if they are within the same network.
VPC peering connections are limited on the number of active and pending peering connections that you can have per VPC.
VPC peering is a technique for securely connecting two or more virtual private clouds, or VPCs
Step-1. As per the above VPC Peering connection architect Create a VPC and subnet and Rout table.
Associate the subnet with the route table.
Step-2. Create the Internet Gateway and attach the VPC.
Edit and add the Internet Gateway in the route table.
Step-3. Create the EC2 Instance with VPC-A network settings and Publich IP enabled on the Subnet and Instance.
Step-4. As the above steps we have created another VPC, Subnet and Route table.
Associate the Subnet on the route table and create EC2 Instance.
Step-5. We need to copy the .pem key from local and paste in the Primary VPC-A to get SSH access for another VPC-B.
Not getting connect to the secondary VPC EC 2 Instance via SSH.
**Step-6. **Create a peering connection.
Accept the Peer Request.
Step-7. Add the Secondary IPV4 CIDR range and select the peering connection and save on the Primary Route table.
Step-8. Add the Primary IPV4 CIDR range and select the peering connection and save on the Secondary Route table.
Step-9. Now we able to access the Secondary VPC EC2 Instance through the Primary VPC EC2 Instance via Peering connection.
A virtual private cloud (VPC) is a virtual network dedicated to your AWS account. It is logically isolated from other virtual networks in the AWS Cloud. You can specify an IP address range for the VPC, add subnets, add gateways, and associate security groups.
users can avoid underutilizing their resources during periods of low demand or overloading their infrastructure during peak periods. Overall, the advantages of using VPC for your infrastructure include improved security, greater flexibility, and scalability.
We are going to create a VPC on particular availability zone and differentiate with Public and private subnet/Route table as mentioned in the architect diagram.
Step-1. Create a VPC with tag of VPC-A
Select and make range for IPV4 CIDR, select the No IPV6 CIDR Block.
Step-2. Create a Subnet with the VPC ID we created.
verify the availability zone and IPV4 VPC CIDR and provide the range of subnet on IPV4 subnet CIDR to create the subnet.
Step-3.Create a Route table
select the VPC and create the route table
Once route table created associate the subnet with the table. and enable the "Auto assign public IP"
Step-4. Create an Internet gateway and attach it with the VPC which we created.
Add the Internet gateway on the route table.
Step-5. Create an EC2 instance
On Network settings select the VPC,subnet,and public IP enable.
we are able to access the EC2 instance using public IP via SSH.
Step-6. Now we need to create the private subnet and route table, associate the private subnet on the route table.
Step-7. Create an EC2 instance
On Network settings select the VPC,private subnet.
Login to the Public VPC Instance and copy the .pem key from the local to get SSH access for the private instance.
We are able to login public Instance and get connected to Private Instance via Local gateway.
If we need to access internet on private instance to install any application need to create the NAT gateway.
Step-8.Create a NAT Gateway
select the public instance subnet range and allocate the "Elastic IP".
Step-9. Add the NAT gateway on the private Route table to get internet access on the private Instance.
We are successfully login to the public instance via SSH and from the public-EC2 we are able to login to private and access the internet.
AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) lets you create, manage, and control cryptographic keys across your applications and AWS services.
The service is integrated with other AWS services making it easier to encrypt data you store in these services and control access to the keys that decrypt it.
kannan@kannan-PC:~$ cd encrypt/
kannan@kannan-PC:~/encrypt$ ls
example.txt.encrypted kms.txt.encrypted
kannan@kannan-PC:~/encrypt$ cat kms.txt.encrypted
kannan@kannan-PC:~/encrypt$ cd ..
kannan@kannan-PC:~$ cd decrypt/
kannan@kannan-PC:~/decrypt$ ls
example.txt.encrypted.decrypted kms.txt.encrypted.decrypted
kannan@kannan-PC:~/decrypt$ cat kms.txt.encrypted.decrypted
Test line for kms key
We can encrypt and decrypt the S3 bucket using the KMS key
EC2 >EBS>Volumes >create volume >enable "Encrypt this volume".
Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) is a collection of managed services that makes it simple to set up, operate, and scale databases in the cloud. Choose from eight popular engines: Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition, Amazon Aurora MySQL-Compatible Edition, RDS for PostgreSQL, RDS for MySQL, RDS for MariaDB, RDS for SQL Server, RDS for Oracle, and RDS for Db2. Deploy on premises with Amazon RDS on AWS Outposts or with elevated access to the underlying operating system and database environment using Amazon RDS Custom.
Now we are going to create Mysql DB using RDS.we need to confirm the ports allowed in the Security groups of your AWS.
install mysql-client on the local machine
sudo apt install mysql-client -y
Once DB is on available state select >modify >connectivity >public accessibility.
we can access the DB via terminal with the endpoint id,port username and password
mysql -h demomysqldb.cg35jaodi4xh.ap-south-1.rds.amazonaws.com -P 3306 -u admin -p
kannan@kannan-PC:~$ mysql -h demomysqldb.cg35jaodi4xh.ap-south-1.rds.amazonaws.com -P 3306 -u admin -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 27
Server version: 8.0.33 Source distribution
Copyright (c) 2000, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
mysql> show databases;
| Database |
| information_schema |
| mysql |
| performance_schema |
| sys |
4 rows in set (0.02 sec)
we can create a PostgreSQL DB with the "Easy create" method
sudo apt install postgresql-client
Lets see the another method to create a DB with "Standard create"
install postgresql-client on the local machine
sudo apt install postgresql-client -y
we can access the DB via terminal with the endpoint id,port username and password
To create postgres DB $ aws rds create-db-instance --db-instance-identifier demo-postgresql --db-instance-class db.t3.micro --engine postgres --master-username postgres --master-user-password passcode123 --allocated-storage 20
To describe and get the endpoint url $ aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier demo-postgresql | grep Address
To access the remote postgresql $ psql --host=<endpoint_url> --port=5432 --username=postgres --dbname=postgres --password
To delete the db instance without final snapshot and automated backups $ aws rds delete-db-instance --db-instance-identifier demo-postgresql --skip-final-snapshot --delete-automated-backups