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Before yesterdaySAKTHIVEL S

Getting Started with Django: Creating Your First Project and Application

By: Sakthivel
12 November 2024 at 14:17

Django is a powerful and versatile web framework that helps you build web applications efficiently. Here’s how you can set up a Django project and create an application within it.

Step 1: Install Django

First, you’ll need to install Django on your machine. Open your terminal or command prompt and run:

pip install django

Step 2: Check Django Version

To confirm Django is installed, you can check the version by running:

python3 -m django --version

Step 3: Set Up Project Directory

Organize your workspace by creating a folder where your Django project will reside. In the terminal, run:

mkdir django_project
cd django_project

Step 4: Create a Django Project

Now, create a Django project within this folder. Use the following command:

django-admin startproject mysite

This will create a new Django project named mysite.

Project Structure Overview

Once the project is created, you’ll notice a few files and folders within the mysite directory. Here’s a quick overview:

  • manage.py: A command-line utility that lets you interact with this Django project in various ways (starting the server, creating applications, running migrations, etc.).
  • __init__.py: An empty file that tells Python to treat the directory as a Python package.

Step 5: Run the Development Server

Now that the project is set up, you can test it by running Django’s development server:

python3 manage.py runserver

Visit in your browser, and you should see the Django welcome page, confirming your project is working.

Step 6: Create an Application

In Django, projects can contain multiple applications, each serving a specific function. To create an application, use the command:

python3 manage.py startapp firstapplication

This will create a folder named firstapplication inside your project directory, which will contain files essential for defining the app’s models, views, templates, and more.

With this setup, you’re ready to start building features in Django by defining models, views, templates, and URLs. This foundation will help you build scalable and structured web applications efficiently.


1. Create a Django Application to display Hello World Message as response.

2. Create One Django Application with multiple views.

3. Create a Django Application to display Current Date and Time.

Open settings.py inside the project folder and add a application name(firstapplication) to INSTALLED APPS List[]

Next open the views.py inside the application folder import httpresponse and create a function.

from django.shortcuts import render
from django.http import HttpResponse

# Create your views here.
def display(request):
    views_content='<h2>HELLO WORLD!<H2>'
    return HttpResponse(views_content)

def display1(request):
    views_content='<h2>WELCOME TO DJANGO<H2>'
    return HttpResponse(views_content)

def display2(request):
    views_content='<h2>WELCOME TO MY APPLICATION<H2>'
    return HttpResponse(views_content)

import datetime

# Create your views here.

def time_info_view(request):
    time = datetime.datetime.now()
    output = '<h1> Currently the time is ' + str(time) + '</h1>'
    return HttpResponse(output)

next open the urls.py inside the project folder

from firstapplication(application) import views

create a urls of the page in urlpatterns list[]

from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path
from firstapplication import views

urlpatterns = [
    path('admin/', admin.site.urls),

Now open the local host you will see the below page

it contains 5 pages admin(default),welcome,second,third,datetime these are we created ones.

If you change the path to you will see below page

If you change the path to you will see below page

If you change the path to you will see below page

If you change the path to you will see below page

These are the essential steps for creating a Django project as a beginner, helping you understand the basic setup and flow of a Django application.

PostgreSQL Tasks:

By: Sakthivel
4 September 2024 at 18:03

Table I created table name is β€œmovies”

TASK 1 : Show details for Vijay acted movies.

SELECT * FROM movies WHERE actor=’vijay’;

TASK 2 : Show Vijay movies names only.

SELECT movie FROM movies WHERE actor=’vijay’;

TASK 3 : Show details, lokesh kanagaraj directed movie and actor name starts with β€˜k’ and ends with vowels[a,e,i,o,u].

SELECT * FROM movies WHERE director=’lokesh kanagaraj’ AND actor LIKE β€˜k%’ AND actor SIMILAR TO β€˜%[aeiou]’;

TASK 4 : Show movie name only, lokesh kanagaraj directed movie and actor name starts with β€˜k’ and ends with vowels[a,e,i,o,u].

SELECT movie FROM movies WHERE director=’lokesh kanagaraj’ AND actor LIKE β€˜k%’ AND actor SIMILAR TO β€˜%[aeiou]’;

TASK 5 : Show movie name and actor name only, lokesh kanagaraj directed movie and actor name starts with β€˜k’ and ends with vowels[a,e,i,o,u].

SELECT movie,actor FROM movies WHERE director=’lokesh kanagaraj’ AND actor LIKE β€˜k%’ AND actor SIMILAR TO β€˜%[aeiou]’;

TASK 6 : Show the details, director name starts and ends with same letter.

SELECT * FROM movies WHERE LEFT(director, 1)=RIGHT(director, 1);

TASK 7 : Show the movie name only, the director name starts and ends with same letter.

SELECT movie FROM movies WHERE LEFT(director, 1)=RIGHT(director, 1);

TASK 8 : Show the director name only, the director name start and ends with same letter.

SELECT director FROM movies WHERE LEFT(director, 1)=RIGHT(director, 1);

TASK 9 : Show the movie name, the actors have only five character.

SELECT movie FROM movies WHERE LENGTH(actor)=5;

TASK 10 : Show the movie name and actors name, actors have only five character.

SELECT movie,actor FROM movies WHERE LENGTH(actor)=5;

TASK 11 : Add a column salary_in_crore and values.

ALTER TABLE movies ADD COLUMN salary_in_crore INT;

UPDATE movies SET salary_in_crore =100 WHERE actor = β€˜vijay’;

UPDATE movies SET salary_in_crore =70 WHERE actor = β€˜kamal’;

UPDATE movies SET salary_in_crore =90 WHERE actor = β€˜ajith’;

UPDATE movies SET salary_in_crore =40 WHERE actor = β€˜karthi’;

UPDATE movies SET salary_in_crore =110 WHERE actor = β€˜rajini’;

UPDATE movies SET salary_in_crore =50 WHERE actor = β€˜dhanush’;

UPDATE movies SET salary_in_crore =5 WHERE actor = β€˜soori’;

SELECT * FROM movies;

TASK 12 : Show actor name and salary,order by salary high to low.

SELECT actor, salary_in_crore FROM movies ORDER BY salary_in_crore DESC;

TASK 13 : Show top 3 actor based on salary.

SELECT DISTINCT actor, salary_in_crore FROM movies ORDER BY salary_in_crore DESC LIMIT 3;

To import a .CSV/Excel file to PostgreSQL table:

By: Sakthivel
4 September 2024 at 15:11

Insert values From a .csv file

Step 1: Create a .csv or .xlsx file

Step 2: Insert values from a .csv or .xlsx file

Step 3: Copy the file and paste in to the location where pSQL installed:

-> β€œ/var/lib/postgresql” and paste the file

Step 4: Go to the terminal and connect the database.

Step 5: Create table in the database with the columns given in the file header.

Step 6: Enter the follwing query in psql

-> COPY table_name FROM β€˜/var/lib/postgresql/fine_name.csv’ WITH CSV HEADER;

Here, β€œmovies” is the table name and the location where the β€œmovies.csv” file is present.

9 values copied

Step 7: Then, write a select query to fetch all the rows.

successfully import the datas in to postgres database from csv or excel file

HTML Tags Ordered Alphabetically

By: Sakthivel
24 August 2024 at 03:06
<!–…–>Defines a comment
<!DOCTYPE> Defines the document type
<a>Defines a hyperlink
<abbr>Defines an abbreviation or an acronym
<acronym>Not supported in HTML5. Use <abbr> instead.
Defines an acronym
<address>Defines contact information for the author/owner of a document
<applet>Not supported in HTML5. Use <embed> or <object> instead.
Defines an embedded applet
<area>Defines an area inside an image map
<article>Defines an article
<aside>Defines content aside from the page content
<audio>Defines embedded sound content
<b>Defines bold text
<base>Specifies the base URL/target for all relative URLs in a document
<basefont>Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead.
Specifies a default color, size, and font for all text in a document
<bdi>Isolates a part of text that might be formatted in a different direction from other text outside it
<bdo>Overrides the current text direction
<big>Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead.
Defines big text
<blockquote>Defines a section that is quoted from another source
<body>Defines the document’s body
<br>Defines a single line break
<button>Defines a clickable button
<canvas>Used to draw graphics, on the fly, via scripting (usually JavaScript)
<caption>Defines a table caption
<center>Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead.
Defines centered text
<cite>Defines the title of a work
<code>Defines a piece of computer code
<col>Specifies column properties for each column within a <colgroup> element 
<colgroup>Specifies a group of one or more columns in a table for formatting
<data>Adds a machine-readable translation of a given content
<datalist>Specifies a list of pre-defined options for input controls
<dd>Defines a description/value of a term in a description list
<del>Defines text that has been deleted from a document
<details>Defines additional details that the user can view or hide
<dfn>Specifies a term that is going to be defined within the content
<dialog>Defines a dialog box or window
<dir>Not supported in HTML5. Use <ul> instead.
Defines a directory list
<div>Defines a section in a document
<dl>Defines a description list
<dt>Defines a term/name in a description list
<em>Defines emphasized text 
<embed>Defines a container for an external application
<fieldset>Groups related elements in a form
<figcaption>Defines a caption for a <figure> element
<figure>Specifies self-contained content
<font>Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead.
Defines font, color, and size for text
<footer>Defines a footer for a document or section
<form>Defines an HTML form for user input
<frame>Not supported in HTML5.
Defines a window (a frame) in a frameset
<frameset>Not supported in HTML5.
Defines a set of frames
<h1> to <h6>Defines HTML headings
<head>Contains metadata/information for the document
<header>Defines a header for a document or section
<hgroup>Defines a header and related content
<hr>Defines a thematic change in the content
<html>Defines the root of an HTML document
<i>Defines a part of text in an alternate voice or mood
<iframe>Defines an inline frame
<img>Defines an image
<input>Defines an input control
<ins>Defines a text that has been inserted into a document
<kbd>Defines keyboard input
<label>Defines a label for an <input> element
<legend>Defines a caption for a <fieldset> element
<li>Defines a list item
<link>Defines the relationship between a document and an external resource (most used to link to style sheets)
<main>Specifies the main content of a document
<map>Defines an image map
<mark>Defines marked/highlighted text
<menu>Defines an unordered list
<meta>Defines metadata about an HTML document
<meter>Defines a scalar measurement within a known range (a gauge)
<nav>Defines navigation links
<noframes>Not supported in HTML5.
Defines an alternate content for users that do not support frames
<noscript>Defines an alternate content for users that do not support client-side scripts
<object>Defines a container for an external application
<ol>Defines an ordered list
<optgroup>Defines a group of related options in a drop-down list
<option>Defines an option in a drop-down list
<output>Defines the result of a calculation
<p>Defines a paragraph
<param>Defines a parameter for an object
<picture>Defines a container for multiple image resources
<pre>Defines preformatted text
<progress>Represents the progress of a task
<q>Defines a short quotation
<rp>Defines what to show in browsers that do not support ruby annotations
<rt>Defines an explanation/pronunciation of characters (for East Asian typography)
<ruby>Defines a ruby annotation (for East Asian typography)
<s>Defines text that is no longer correct
<samp>Defines sample output from a computer program
<script>Defines a client-side script
<search>Defines a search section
<section>Defines a section in a document
<select>Defines a drop-down list
<small>Defines smaller text
<source>Defines multiple media resources for media elements (<video> and <audio>)
<span>Defines a section in a document
<strike>Not supported in HTML5. Use <del> or <s> instead.
Defines strikethrough text
<strong>Defines important text
<style>Defines style information for a document
<sub>Defines subscripted text
<summary>Defines a visible heading for a <details> element
<sup>Defines superscripted text
<svg>Defines a container for SVG graphics
<table>Defines a table
<tbody>Groups the body content in a table
<td>Defines a cell in a table
<template>Defines a container for content that should be hidden when the page loads
<textarea>Defines a multiline input control (text area)
<tfoot>Groups the footer content in a table
<th>Defines a header cell in a table
<thead>Groups the header content in a table
<time>Defines a specific time (or datetime)
<title>Defines a title for the document
<tr>Defines a row in a table
<track>Defines text tracks for media elements (<video> and <audio>)
<tt>Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead.
Defines teletype text
<u>Defines some text that is unarticulated and styled differently from normal text
<ul>Defines an unordered list
<var>Defines a variable
<video>Defines embedded video content
<wbr>Defines a possible line-break

Project Title: Personal Portfolio Website

By: Sakthivel
17 August 2024 at 13:19

Objective: Create and host a personal portfolio website using HTML and CSS.

Step 1: Design Selection

  • Objective: Choose a user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design that aligns with your vision for the portfolio.
  • Action:
    • Searched online for a simple and clean portfolio design template.
    • Selected and saved the design to serve as a foundation for your project.

Step 2: Code Reference and Customization

  • Objective: Obtain a starting point for your HTML and CSS code and customize it to suit your needs.
  • Action:
    • Uploaded the selected design to ChatGPT and requested a sample code.
    • Used the provided code as a reference.
    • Opened the code in Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and began customizing it to reflect your personal information and preferences.
    • Downloaded and included necessary images and emojis, such as your profile photo, ensuring they were all stored in a folder named β€œportfolio.”

Step 3: Code Implementation and Testing

  • Objective: Implement the code and ensure it functions correctly.
  • Action:
    • Edited the HTML and CSS files in VS Code, adapting the layout, text, and images to create a personalized portfolio.
    • Regularly saved changes and previewed the website in your browser to ensure it displayed as intended.
    • Made adjustments and refinements until the portfolio met your satisfaction.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>SAKTHIVEL | Portfolio</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
        <h1>SAKTHIVEL <span class="highlight">S</span></h1>
        <p>FullStack Developer</p>

    <section class="container">
        <div class="sidebar">
            <img src="profile.jpg" alt="sakthi" style="width:150px; height:150px;">
            <h3>SAKTHIVEL SARAVANAN</h3>
            <div class="contact-info">                
                <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/sakthivel-saravanan" target="_blank" style="margin-right: 20px;"><img src="linked-in.svg" alt="LinkedIn" style="width:40px; height:40px;"></a>
                <a href="https://github.com/SakthivelS2001" target="_blank"><img src="github.svg" alt="GitHub" style="width:50px; height:45px;"></a>

            <div class="details">
                <p><strong>Phone:</strong> +91 9514552154</p>
                <p><strong>Email:</strong> sakthivelricky@gmail.com</p>
                <p><strong>Location:</strong> Velachery, Chennai</p>
                <a href="resume.pdf" target="_blank" class="download-resume">Download Resume</a>

        <div class="main-content">
            <section class="about">
                <h2>ABOUT ME</h2>
                <p>I'm Sakthivel, a passionate software developer with a strong foundation in computer science, holding a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Sri Sankara Arts and Science College, Kanchipuram. Currently, I'm advancing my expertise with a Master's degree in Information Technology from Arignar Anna Arts and Science College, Cheyyar.</p>
                <p>With a deep interest in front-end development, I have honed my skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, creating user-friendly and visually appealing interfaces. My proficiency in Python, along with a basic understanding of SQL and version control using Git/GitHub, equips me to tackle various programming challenges.</p>
                <p>I thrive in collaborative environments where teamwork and innovation are key. I'm also committed to continuous learning, constantly seeking new ways to improve my skills and stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends.</p>
                <p>In addition to my technical abilities, I'm dedicated to overcoming personal challenges like stage fear, which has made me a more confident and effective communicator.</p>
                <p>Whether you're here to explore my work or discuss potential opportunities, I'm excited to connect and share more about how I can contribute to your projects.</p>
            <section class="skills">
                <h2>Education & Skills</h2>
                <div class="skill-card">
                    <h3>Post Graduate</h3>
                    <p><b>Master's degree, Information Technology <b></p>
                    <p>Marks % : 77 |  Year : 2018 - 2021<p>

                <div class="skill-card">
                    <h3>Under Graduate</h3>
                    <p><b>Bachelor's degree, Computer Science <b></p>
                    <p>Marks % : 77 |  Year : 2018 - 2021<p>
                <div class="skill-card">
                <div class="skill-card">
                    <h3>Operating System</h3>
                    <p>Windows | Linux</p>


body {
    font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    background-color: #f4f4f4;

header {
    background-color: #f8f8f8;
    padding: 20px;
    text-align: center;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;

header h1 {
    margin: 0;
    font-size: 32px;
    font-weight: 400;

header .highlight {
    color: orange;
    font-weight: 700;

header p {
    margin: 5px 0;
    font-size: 18px;
    color: #555;

.container {
    display: flex;
    max-width: 1200px;
    margin: 20px auto;

.sidebar {
    flex: 1;
    max-width: 300px;
    background-color: white;
    padding: 20px;
    box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
    text-align: center;

.sidebar img {
    width: 100px;
    border-radius: 50%;
    margin-bottom: 20px;

.contact-info a {
    margin: 0 10px;

.details {
    margin-top: 20px;

.details p {
    margin: 10px 0;
    font-size: 14px;

.download-resume {
    display: inline-block;
    margin-top: 20px;
    padding: 10px 20px;
    background-color: orange;
    color: white;
    text-decoration: none;
    border-radius: 5px;

.main-content {
    flex: 2;
    margin-left: 20px;

.about {
    background-color: white;
    padding: 20px;
    box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
    margin-bottom: 20px;

.about h2 {
    font-size: 24px;
    border-bottom: 2px solid orange;
    padding-bottom: 10px;

.skills {
    background-color: white;
    padding: 20px;
    box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);

.skills h2 {
    font-size: 24px;
    border-bottom: 2px solid orange;
    padding-bottom: 10px;

.skill-card {
    margin-top: 20px;

.skill-card h3 {
    font-size: 20px;
    color: orange;

.skill-card p {
    font-size: 14px;
    color: #555;
    margin-top: 10px;

Now the output was displaying in local browser

Step 4: Web Hosting

  • Objective: Host your portfolio online so it can be accessed publicly.
  • Action:
    • Chose Neocities.org as your hosting platform, a site known for its ease of use in hosting simple websites.
    • Uploaded the entire project folder (named β€œportfolio”) to Neocities.org.
    • Successfully received a unique online link for your website, making it accessible to others.

Search the neocities from google and click the official website

Enter your website name you like to host use different name if username taken notify is shown.

Enter the password and Mail ID

And verify the β€œI am human” Box and click β€œCreate My Site” Button

Now click the Free option.

Enter the verification code from gmail.

click the dashboard to continue.

now we need to upload our project folder

click the β€œNew Folder”

enter the name

folder created

next we upload the files

click the folder

click upload

select the files to upload

now open the index.html file

this was open click to view button on right side top

now our project successfully hosting on internet

copy the above link and share your friends and family

Portfolio Link : https://sakthivels.neocities.org/Sakthivel%20Portfolio/

Git Link : https://github.com/SakthivelS2001/portfolio.git

Step 5: Final Review

  • Objective: Ensure everything is working properly and the portfolio is complete.
  • Action:
    • Conducted a final review of the live website to verify all elements were displayed correctly.
    • Confirmed that the website was fully functional and ready to share.

Skills Used:

  • HTML & CSS: For structuring and styling the website.
  • Web Hosting: Using Neocities.org to make your website accessible online.
  • VS Code: For code editing and customization.

Outcome: Successfully created and hosted a personalized portfolio website.


This project marks my first real-time experience in creating and hosting a personal portfolio website. Throughout the process, I gained valuable knowledge and practical skills, which were instrumental in the successful completion of this project.

I would like to extend my gratitude to the following resources that significantly contributed to my learning:

  • ChatGPT: For providing guidance and code references that helped shape the structure of my portfolio.
  • YouTube Channel: Error Makes Clever: For offering insightful tutorials that deepened my understanding of HTML, CSS, and web development practices.
  • Youtube Channel: Brototype Tamil: For sharing practical tips and techniques that enhanced my coding skills.

This project not only allowed me to apply my skills but also provided an opportunity to explore new tools and methods, reinforcing my passion for web development.

Fish Shell:[TBD]

By: Sakthivel
10 August 2024 at 14:52

The Fish shell (short for Friendly Interactive Shell) is a Unix shell that is designed to be user-friendly, interactive, and feature-rich. It’s an alternative to more traditional shells like Bash or Zsh, and it comes with several features that aim to improve the command-line experience. Here’s a brief overview:

Key Features of Fish Shell:

  1. Autosuggestions: Fish provides real-time, context-aware command suggestions as you type, helping you to quickly complete commands based on your history and available commands.
  2. Syntax Highlighting: Fish highlights the syntax of your commands as you type, making it easier to spot errors before you run a command.
  3. Smart Tab Completions: The shell offers intelligent tab completions for commands, options, and file paths, often providing descriptions for each option.
  4. User-Friendly Scripting: Fish scripts are more readable and easier to write than those in other shells due to its simplified syntax.
  5. Web-Based Configuration: Fish includes a web-based configuration tool accessible via the command fish_config. This tool allows users to configure prompts, functions, variables, and more through a web interface.
  6. No Configuration Needed: Fish works out-of-the-box without needing configuration files like .bashrc or .zshrc, although it does allow custom configurations if desired.
  7. Universal Variables: Variables in Fish can be scoped universally (across all sessions) or locally (to the current session), allowing for flexible environment management.

Installing Fish Shell:

  • On Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install fish
  • On Fedora: sudo dnf install fish
  • On macOS (via Homebrew): brew install fish

Switching to Fish:

After installation, you can switch to Fish temporarily by typing fish in your current shell. To make Fish your default shell, use the following command:

chsh -s /usr/bin/fish


You can start configuring Fish by running the following command:


This opens a web interface in your default browser where you can customize your prompt, functions, and other settings.

Fish is highly regarded for its user-centric approach, making it a popular choice among developers and command-line enthusiasts.


  1. dirh:
    • Description: This command displays the directory history in Fish, showing the list of directories you have visited during your shell session.
    • Usage: Typing dirh will give you a list of directories you have navigated to using cd.
  2. prevd:
    • Description: This command allows you to go back to the previous directory in your history.
    • Usage: Simply type prevd to move to the last directory you were in. It’s an alternative to using cd -.
  3. nextd:
    • Description: This command is used to move forward to the next directory in the directory history.
    • Usage: Type nextd to return to a directory you previously visited after using prevd.
  4. cdh:
    • Description: The cdh command in Fish is shorthand for β€œchange directory history.” It allows you to quickly change to a directory from your history by its index.
    • Usage: Running cdh N (where N is the index number) will take you directly to that directory in your history.
  5. math:
    • Description: The math command allows you to perform mathematical operations directly in the shell.
    • Usage: For example, math "5 + 10 * 2" will output 25. It’s useful for quick calculations without leaving the shell.

Key Bindings:

  1. Ctrl+F:
    • Description: This key binding moves the cursor forward one character in the command line.
    • Usage: Use it to navigate through your command without deleting anything.
  2. Ctrl+U:
    • Description: This command clears the text from the cursor to the beginning of the line.
    • Usage: If you’ve typed a long command and want to quickly erase everything before the cursor, Ctrl+U will do that.
  3. Alt+F:
    • Description: Moves the cursor forward one word at a time in the command line.
    • Usage: Use it to quickly skip over words when editing a command.
  4. Alt+← (Alt + Left Arrow):
    • Description: This moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous word.
    • Usage: Similar to Alt+F, but in the opposite direction, allowing you to move backward one word at a time.
  5. Alt+β†’ (Alt + Right Arrow):
    • Description: Moves the cursor to the end of the current or next word.
    • Usage: Use it to quickly move the cursor forward to the end of a word.
  6. Shift+β†’ (Shift + Right Arrow):
    • Description: This key binding selects text from the current cursor position to the right, one character at a time.
    • Usage: Helpful for selecting text in a command to cut, copy, or replace.
  7. Shift+← (Shift + Left Arrow):
    • Description: Selects text from the current cursor position to the left, one character at a time.
    • Usage: Like Shift+β†’, but for selecting text to the left.
  8. Ctrl+W:
    • Description: Deletes the word before the cursor.
    • Usage: If you make a mistake and want to remove the last word quickly, Ctrl+W will do it.
  9. Alt+L:
    • Description: Lowercases the word from the cursor to the end of the word.
    • Usage: If you’ve accidentally typed something in uppercase and want to quickly convert it, use Alt+L.
  10. Alt+H:
    • Description: This brings up the help documentation in Fish, typically in the form of a web page.
    • Usage: Use Alt+H if you need quick access to Fish shell help.
  11. Alt+P:
    • Description: Moves back through your command history, searching for a command that matches what you’ve typed so far.
    • Usage: Useful for finding and reusing previous commands.
  12. Alt+S:
    • Description: This key binding toggles sorting of suggestions in the Fish shell.
    • Usage: Use it when you want to change how Fish autocompletion suggestions are presented (alphabetical vs. frequency-based, for example).

Understanding the Commands and Key Bindings in Context:

  • Navigation: Commands like dirh, prevd, nextd, and cdh help you efficiently navigate through your directory history, making it easier to move between frequently used folders without typing out the full path.
  • Editing: Key bindings like Ctrl+F, Ctrl+U, Alt+F, Alt+←, Alt+β†’, and Ctrl+W allow you to quickly and effectively edit commands in the shell. They are essential for efficient command-line work, allowing you to correct errors and move through your command line swiftly.
  • Selection and Text Manipulation: The Shift + arrow key bindings and Alt+L help you select and manipulate text within the command line, which is useful when dealing with complex commands.
  • Utility: Ctrl+W, Alt+P, and Alt+S offer utility functions like deleting words, searching history, and toggling sorting modes for completions.

These tools and shortcuts can greatly enhance your productivity and command-line efficiency in the Fish shell.

In the context of command-line environments like the Fish shell, β€œI,” β€œN,” and β€œV” are not directly applicable as modes (unlike in text editors like Vim). However, if you’re referring to modes in a text editor like Vim or a Vim-like environment, here’s a breakdown of what these modes represent:

Vim Modes Overview:

Vim, a powerful text editor, operates in different modes that dictate how you interact with text. The primary modes are:

  1. Normal Mode (N):
    • Description: This is the default mode when you open Vim. In Normal mode, you can navigate through text, delete text, copy and paste, and perform various other text manipulations.
    • Key Actions:
      • h, j, k, l: Move the cursor left, down, up, and right, respectively.
      • dd: Delete the current line.
      • yy: Yank (copy) the current line.
      • p: Paste the yanked text after the cursor.
      • u: Undo the last action.
    • How to Enter: Press Esc if you’re in another mode to return to Normal mode.
  2. Insert Mode (I):
    • Description: In Insert mode, you can insert text into the document. This mode is similar to typing in a regular text editor.
    • Key Actions:
      • i: Enter Insert mode before the cursor.
      • I: Enter Insert mode at the beginning of the current line.
      • a: Enter Insert mode after the cursor.
      • A: Enter Insert mode at the end of the current line.
      • o: Open a new line below the current line and enter Insert mode.
      • O: Open a new line above the current line and enter Insert mode.
    • How to Enter: Press i, I, a, A, o, or O from Normal mode.
  3. Visual Mode (V):
    • Description: Visual mode allows you to select text, which can then be manipulated (copied, deleted, replaced, etc.).
    • Key Actions:
      • v: Enter Visual mode, where you can select text character by character.
      • V: Enter Visual Line mode, which selects entire lines.
      • Ctrl+v: Enter Visual Block mode, allowing you to select a rectangular block of text.
      • y: Yank (copy) the selected text.
      • d: Delete the selected text.
      • >, <: Indent or un-indent the selected text.
    • How to Enter: Press v for character-wise selection, V for line-wise selection, or Ctrl+v for block-wise selection.

How These Modes Relate in a Shell Environment:

While the Fish shell doesn’t have β€œmodes” in the same sense as Vim, understanding Vim’s modes can be beneficial when using text editors within the shell or using tools like vi, vim, or nano directly from the terminal.

Practical Example in Vim:

Imagine you are editing a file in Vim:

  • Normal Mode (N): You start in Normal mode. You can navigate through your text without altering it. If you want to move to a specific line, you might press gg to go to the beginning or G to go to the end of the document.
  • Insert Mode (I): To begin editing text, you would press i to enter Insert mode. Now you can type as usual.
  • Visual Mode (V): If you need to copy or delete a block of text, you’d enter Visual mode by pressing v or V, select the text, and then perform the action (e.g., y to copy or d to delete).

Understanding these modes helps you effectively navigate and edit text in Vim, which is a common tool used in Unix-like environments, often accessed via a shell like Fish.


By: Sakthivel
10 August 2024 at 14:37

Selenium in Python is a widely-used tool for automating web browsers. It’s particularly useful for tasks like automated testing, web scraping, and automating repetitive tasks on websites. Selenium allows you to interact with web elements, navigate through web pages, fill out forms, and much more, all programmatically.

Key Components of Selenium in Python

  1. WebDriver: The WebDriver is the core component of Selenium. It acts as an interface between your Python code and the web browser. WebDriver can automate browser actions like clicking buttons, filling out forms, navigating between pages, and more. Each browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) has its own WebDriver.
  2. Browser Drivers: To use Selenium with a specific browser, you need to have the corresponding browser driver installed. For example, for Chrome, you need ChromeDriver; for Firefox, you need GeckoDriver.
  3. Locating Elements: Selenium provides various ways to locate elements on a web page. The most common methods include:
    • By.ID: Locate an element by its ID attribute.
    • By.NAME: Locate an element by its name attribute.
    • By.CLASS_NAME: Locate an element by its class name.
    • By.TAG_NAME: Locate an element by its tag name.
    • By.CSS_SELECTOR: Locate an element using a CSS selector.
    • By.XPATH: Locate an element using an XPath expression.
  4. Interacting with Web Elements: Once you’ve located a web element, you can interact with it in various ways:
    • send_keys(): Enter text into an input field.
    • click(): Click a button or link.
    • submit(): Submit a form.
    • get_attribute(): Retrieve the value of an attribute.
  5. Handling Alerts and Pop-ups: Selenium allows you to handle browser alerts, pop-ups, and confirmation dialogs.
  6. Waiting for Elements: Web pages can take time to load, and elements might not be available immediately. Selenium provides ways to wait for elements to become available:
    • implicitly_wait(): Waits for a certain amount of time for all elements to be present.
    • WebDriverWait: Explicitly waits for a specific condition to be met before proceeding.
  7. Taking Screenshots: Selenium can take screenshots of web pages, which is useful for debugging or visual confirmation.
  8. Handling Multiple Windows/Tabs: Selenium can switch between different windows or tabs within a browser session.

Basic Example: Automating a Google Search

Here’s a basic example of how to use Selenium in Python to automate a Google search:

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys

# Set up the WebDriver (Chrome in this case)
driver = webdriver.Chrome()

# Navigate to Google's homepage

# Find the search input element by its name attribute
search_box = driver.find_element(By.NAME, "q")

# Type in the search query and press Enter
search_box.send_keys("Selenium Python")

# Wait for the search results page to load

# Capture the title of the first search result
first_result = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "h3")

# Close the browser

Installing Selenium

To use Selenium in Python, you need to install the Selenium package and the corresponding browser driver.

  1. Install Selenium:
pip install selenium

for check installation is done

pip list

2.Download the Browser Driver:

    Use Cases

    • Automated Testing: Selenium is widely used in the software industry to automate the testing of web applications.
    • Web Scraping: Automate the extraction of data from websites.
    • Automating Repetitive Tasks: Tasks like logging in to a website, filling out forms, or performing regular data entry.


    • Cross-Browser Compatibility: Supports multiple browsers.
    • Language Support: Works with many programming languages, including Python, Java, C#, and Ruby.
    • Community and Documentation: Extensive community support and documentation are available.


    • Speed: Compared to other web scraping tools, Selenium might be slower because it actually loads the entire web page.
    • Resource-Intensive: Running browsers for automation can consume a lot of system resources.

    Selenium is a powerful tool for automating web tasks, and with Python, it becomes even more flexible and easy to use. Would you like to explore any specific features or need help with a particular use case?

    Exploring Multiplication in Python: A Simple Program

    By: Sakthivel
    7 August 2024 at 13:34

    In this post, we will delve into a basic Python program that demonstrates the concept of multiplication using both explicit print statements and a while loop.

    Part 1: Using Print Statements

    #print num series 2 4 8 16 32 
    #using print statement

    In this section, we use individual print statements to display the sequence of numbers. Each number is a power of 2, starting from 21 and doubling with each subsequent number.

    Part 2: Using a Variable

    #print num series 2 4 8 16 32 
    #using a variable
    no = 2
    no = no * 2
    no = no * 2
    no = no * 2
    no = no * 2

    Here, we start with the number 2 assigned to the variable 'noβ€˜. We then repeatedly multiply 'noβ€˜ by 2 and print the result. This approach showcases the concept of updating a variable’s value based on its previous state.

    Part 3: Using a While Loop

    #print num series 2 4 8 16 32 
    #using while loop
    no = 2
    while no <= 32:
        no = no * 2

    In this final part, we use a β€˜while' loop to achieve the same result as above. The loop continues to run as long as β€˜no' is less than or equal to 32. Inside the loop, we print the current value of 'noβ€˜ and then double it. This approach is more efficient and scalable, as it reduces the need for repetitive code.


    This simple Python program effectively demonstrates how to use basic arithmetic operations and loops to achieve a desired sequence of numbers. It’s a great starting point for beginners to understand variable manipulation and control flow in programming.


    #print num series 2 4 8 16 32 
    #using print statement
    print()#just for space in output
    #print num series 2 4 8 16 32 
    #using a variable
    print()#just for space in output
    #print num series 2 4 8 16 32 
    #using while loop
    while no<=32:


    Task: Moving MP3 Files Based on Metadata Date

    By: Sakthivel
    6 August 2024 at 15:32
    import os
    import shutil
    from datetime import datetime
    def list_files_in_folder(folder_path):
        return os.listdir(folder_path)
    def get_file_format():
        return input("Enter the file format (e.g., .mp3, .jpg): ")
    def get_creation_date(file_path):
        return datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getctime(file_path))
    def get_user_date():
        date_str = input("Enter the date (YYYY-MM-DD): ")
        return datetime.strptime(date_str, '%Y-%m-%d')
    def move_files_based_on_date(folder_path, file_format, user_date, destination_folder):
        if not os.path.exists(destination_folder):
        for file_name in list_files_in_folder(folder_path):
            if file_name.endswith(file_format):
                file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, file_name)
                creation_date = get_creation_date(file_path)
                if creation_date.date() == user_date.date():
                    shutil.move(file_path, os.path.join(destination_folder, file_name))
                    print(f"Moved: {file_name}")
    def main():
        folder_path = ("/home/sakthivel/Documents/Practice/task")
        destination_folder = ("/home/sakthivel/Documents/Practice/mp3")
        if not os.path.exists(folder_path):
            print("Folder does not exist.")
        file_format = get_file_format()
        user_date = get_user_date()
        move_files_based_on_date(folder_path, file_format, user_date, destination_folder)
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    Detailed Definition:

    This Python script automates the task of moving files from one directory to another based on their creation date. The script follows these main steps:

    1. List Files in a Folder:
      • Function: list_files_in_folder(folder_path)
      • Description: This function takes a folder path as an argument and returns a list of all files in that folder.
    2. Get File Format from User:
      • Function: get_file_format()
      • Description: This function prompts the user to enter a file format (e.g., .mp3, .jpg). The entered format is returned as a string.
    3. Get Creation Date of a File:
      • Function: get_creation_date(file_path)
      • Description: This function takes the file path as an argument and returns the creation date of the file as a datetime object.
    4. Get Date from User:
      • Function: get_user_date()
      • Description: This function prompts the user to enter a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. The entered date is converted to a datetime object and returned.
    5. Move Files Based on Date:
      • Function: move_files_based_on_date(folder_path, file_format, user_date, destination_folder)
      • Description: This function moves files from the source folder to the destination folder based on the specified file format and user-provided date.
        • It first checks if the destination folder exists; if not, it creates it.
        • It then iterates over the files in the source folder, checking if each file matches the specified format and creation date.
        • If a match is found, the file is moved to the destination folder, and a message is printed indicating the file has been moved.
    6. Main Function:
      • Function: main()
      • Description: This is the entry point of the script. It sets the paths for the source and destination folders and performs the following steps:
        • Verifies the existence of the source folder.
        • Retrieves the file format and date from the user.
        • Calls the function to move files based on the provided criteria.
    7. Script Execution:
      • The script is executed by calling the main() function when the script is run directly.

    Enhancements for Future Consideration:

    • User Input Validation: Ensure the file format and date inputs are valid.
    • Error Handling: Implement error handling for file operations and user inputs.
    • Logging: Add logging to keep track of the operations performed and any errors encountered.
    • Flexible Date Comparison: Allow for more flexible date comparisons, such as moving files created on or after a specified date.

    By following these steps, the script efficiently organizes files based on their creation dates, making it a useful tool for managing large collections of files.


    Task: Moving MP3 Files Based on Metadata Date

    By: Sakthivel
    6 August 2024 at 14:13

    Here’s a Python program to accomplish this task. The script will:

    1. Go to a specified source folder.
    2. List all files with the .mp3 extension.
    3. Extract metadata date and compare it with the user-provided date.
    4. Move files that match the criteria to a specified destination folder.

    To achieve this, you’ll need to install the mutagen library for handling MP3 metadata. You can install it using pip install mutagen.

    Here’s the Python script:

    import os
    import shutil
    from datetime import datetime
    from mutagen.mp3 import MP3
    def get_mp3_date(file_path):
            audio = MP3(file_path)
            if audio.tags is not None:
                return datetime.fromtimestamp(audio.info.pprint())
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error reading {file_path}: {e}")
        return None
    def move_files_by_date(source_folder, destination_folder, user_date):
        if not os.path.exists(destination_folder):
        for root, _, files in os.walk(source_folder):
            for file in files:
                if file.lower().endswith('.mp3'):
                    file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
                    file_date = get_mp3_date(file_path)
                    if file_date and file_date.date() == user_date:
                        shutil.move(file_path, os.path.join(destination_folder, file))
                        print(f"Moved: {file}")
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        source_folder = "path/to/source/folder"
        destination_folder = "path/to/destination/folder"
        user_date = datetime.strptime("2023-08-06", "%Y-%m-%d").date()
        move_files_by_date(source_folder, destination_folder, user_date)

    Instructions to Run the Script:

    1. Install Dependencies: Ensure you have Python installed. Install the mutagen library using pip install mutagen.
    2. Update Paths and Date:
      • Replace "path/to/source/folder" with the path to your source folder containing the MP3 files.
      • Replace "path/to/destination/folder" with the path to your destination folder where you want to move the files.
      • Replace "2023-08-06" with the user-specified date you want to compare against.
    3. Run the Script: Save the script as a .py file and run it using a Python interpreter.

    The script will scan the source folder, check the metadata date of each MP3 file, and move files that match the user-specified date to the destination folder.


    Develop a Python program that:

    1. Scans a specified source folder for MP3 files.
    2. Extracts the metadata date from each MP3 file.
    3. Compares this date to a user-provided date.
    4. Moves files with matching dates to a destination folder.

    Required Libraries:

    • os: To navigate the file system.
    • shutil: To move files between directories.
    • datetime: To handle date operations.
    • mutagen: To read metadata from MP3 files.

    Step-by-Step Process:

    1. Import Necessary Libraries:
      • os for navigating directories.
      • shutil for moving files.
      • datetime for handling date comparisons.
      • mutagen.mp3 for reading MP3 metadata.
    2. Define Function to Extract MP3 Metadata Date:
      • Use mutagen.mp3.MP3 to read the MP3 file.
      • Extract the date from the metadata if available.
      • Return the date as a datetime object.
    3. Define Function to Move Files:
      • Navigate the source directory to find MP3 files.
      • For each MP3 file, extract the metadata date.
      • Compare the metadata date with the user-provided date.
      • If dates match, move the file to the destination folder.
    4. Main Execution Block:
      • Define the source and destination folders.
      • Define the user-provided date for comparison.
      • Call the function to move files based on the date comparison.

    To install the mutagen library using pip, follow these steps:

    Steps to Install mutagen Using pip:

    1. Open a Command Prompt or Terminal:
      • On Windows: Press Win + R, type cmd, and press Enter.
      • On macOS/Linux: Open the Terminal from the Applications menu or use the shortcut Ctrl + Alt + T (Linux) or Cmd + Space and type β€œTerminal” (macOS).
    2. Ensure pip is Installed:
      • Check if pip is installed by running:
    pip --version

    If pip is not installed, you can install it by following the official pip installation guide.

    3.Install mutagen:

    • Run the following command to install the mutagen library:
    pip install mutagen


    On Windows/MacOS/Linux:

    open in command prompt/Terminal:

    pip install mutagen

    Verifying the Installation:

    After the installation is complete, you can verify that mutagen is installed by running a simple Python command:

    import mutagen

    You can run this command in a Python interpreter or save it in a .py file and execute it. If there are no errors and the version prints correctly, mutagen is installed successfully.

    I try the above steps but have facing some error I have discussed about this particular program

    Random Modules in Python: [TBD]

    By: Sakthivel
    5 August 2024 at 13:54

    The random module in Python is used to generate pseudo-random numbers and perform random operations. It provides a variety of functions for generating random numbers, choosing random items, and shuffling sequences. Here are some commonly used functions from the random module:

    1. random.random(): Returns a random float between 0.0 and 1.0.
    import random
    print(random.random())  # Example output: 0.37444887175646646

    2. random.randint(a, b): Returns a random integer between a and b (inclusive).

    print(random.randint(1, 10))  # Example output: 7

    3. random.choice(seq): Returns a random element from the non-empty sequence seq.

    fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']
    print(random.choice(fruits))  # Example output: 'banana'

    4. random.shuffle(lst): Shuffles the elements of the list lst in place.

    cards = ['A', 'K', 'Q', 'J']
    print(cards)  # Example output: ['Q', 'A', 'J', 'K']

    5. random.sample(population, k): Returns a list of k unique elements from the population sequence.

    numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    print(random.sample(numbers, 3))  # Example output: [2, 5, 3]

    6. random.uniform(a, b): Returns a random float between a and b.

    print(random.uniform(1.5, 6.5))  # Example output: 3.6758764308394

    7. random.gauss(mu, sigma): Returns a random float from a Gaussian distribution with mean mu and standard deviation sigma.

    print(random.gauss(0, 1))  # Example output: -0.5475243938475568

    Remember to import the module using import random before using these functions.
