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Basic SQL Queries, Stored Proc, Function in PostgreSQL

By: Sugirtha
2 January 2025 at 06:17

DDL, DML, DQL Queries:

CREATE TABLE Employees (
    Name VARCHAR(50), 
    Age INTEGER, 
    DepartmentID INTEGER, 
    FOREIGN KEY (DepartmentID) REFERENCES Departments(DepartmentID)
INSERT INTO Employees(empid, ename, age, deptid) VALUES(1, 'Kavi', 32, 101), (2, 'Sugi', 30, 102);
UPDATE Employees SET age=31 WHERE Name='Nila';
DELETE FROM Employees WHERE Name='Nila';
SELECT e.*, d.DepartmentName 
FROM Employees e 
JOIN Departments d ON e.DepartmentID = d.DepartmentID;

SELECT e.EmpName AS Employee, m.EmpName AS Manager
FROM Employees e
JOIN Employees m ON e.ManagerID = m.EmpID;


  • Returns only the rows where there is a match between the columns in both tables.
  • If no match is found, the row is not included in the result.
  • It’s the most common type of join.


  • Returns all rows from one or both tables, even if there is no match in the other table.
    • LEFT OUTER JOIN (or just LEFT JOIN): Returns all rows from the left table, and the matched rows from the right table. If no match, the result will have NULL values for columns from the right table.
    • RIGHT OUTER JOIN (or just RIGHT JOIN): Returns all rows from the right table, and the matched rows from the left table. If no match, the result will have NULL values for columns from the left table.
    • FULL OUTER JOIN: Returns all rows from both tables. If there is no match, the result will have NULL values for the non-matching table’s columns.


  • Groups rows that have the same values in specified columns into summary rows (like finding the total count, sum, average, etc.).
  • It is typically used with aggregate functions such as COUNT(), SUM(), AVG(), MAX(), MIN().


  • Used to filter records after the GROUP BY has been applied.
  • It works similarly to the WHERE clause, but WHERE is used for filtering individual rows before grouping, while HAVING filters the grouped results.
FROM Employees
GROUP BY DeptName;


  • Used to remove duplicate rows from the result set based on the specified columns.
  • If you specify only one column, it will return the distinct values of that column.
  • If you specify multiple columns, the combination of values in those columns will be considered to determine uniqueness.

SELECT DISTINCT DeptName, EmpName FROM Employees;

Difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE:

  • Removes rows one by one and logs each deletion, which can be slower for large datasets.
  • You can use a WHERE clause to specify which rows to delete.
  • Can be rolled back if you’re working within a transaction (assuming no COMMIT has been done).
  • Can fire triggers if there are any triggers defined on the table (for example, BEFORE DELETE or AFTER DELETE triggers).


  • Removes all rows in the table in one go, without scanning them individually.
  • Does not support a WHERE clause, so it always deletes all rows.
  • It’s much faster than DELETE because it doesn’t log individual row deletions (but it does log the deallocation of the table’s data pages).
  • Cannot be rolled back in most databases (unless in a transaction, depending on the DBMS), and there are no triggers involved.


  • Combines the results of two or more queries.
  • Removes duplicates: Only unique rows are included in the final result.
  • It performs a sort operation to eliminate duplicates, which can have a slight performance cost.


  • Also combines the results of two or more queries.
  • Keeps duplicates: All rows from the queries are included in the final result, even if they are the same.
  • It doesn’t perform the sort operation, which usually makes it faster than UNION.
SELECT EmpID, EmpName FROM Employees
SELECT EmpID, EmpName FROM Contractors;

SELECT EmpID, EmpName FROM Employees
SELECT EmpID, EmpName FROM Contractors;


First Non null value will be taken, For ex. in select statement, some names are null, that time some default value can be used or another field value.
SELECT COALESCE(NULL, ‘Hello’, ‘World’);
Output: Hello

INSERT INTO users (name, nickname) VALUES
(‘Alice’, NULL),
(NULL, ‘Bob’),

SELECT id, COALESCE(name, nickname, ‘Unknown’) AS display_name FROM users;


NULLIF(expression1, expression2)
Returns null if both expressions or column values are equal, else return first the first column value, ie expression1
SELECT NULLIF(10, 10); — Output: NULL
SELECT NULLIF(10, 20); — Output: 10
SELECT NULLIF(10, NULL) OR — Output: 10

IF Condition:

The IF statement is used to check conditions and execute SQL code accordingly.

IF condition THEN
    -- Code to execute if the condition is true
ELSIF condition THEN
    -- Code block to execute if another condition is true
    -- Code to execute if the condition is false

    RAISE NOTICE 'Employee with ID % not found!', emp_id;
    emp_bonus := 0;


The CASE WHEN expression is used for conditional logic within a query (similar to IF but more flexible in SQL).

        WHEN salary > 5000 THEN 'High Salary'
        WHEN salary BETWEEN 3000 AND 5000 THEN 'Average Salary'
        ELSE 'Low Salary'
    END AS salary_category
FROM employees;


    i INT;
    FOR i IN 1..5 LOOP
        -- Perform an action for each iteration (e.g., insert or update a record)
        INSERT INTO audit_log (action, timestamp) 
        VALUES ('Employee update', NOW());

FOR record IN SELECT column1, column2 FROM employees LOOP
-- Code block using record.column1, record.column2

RAISE – used for printing something (SOP in java)

RAISE NOTICE ‘Employee: %, Salary: %’, emp_name, emp_salary;
RAISE EXCEPTION ‘An error occurred: %’, error_message; — This will print and halt the execution.
RAISE INFO ‘Employee: %, Salary: %’, emp_name, emp_salary;

Stored Procedures in SQL:

A stored procedure is a reusable block of SQL code that performs specific tasks. It is stored in the database and can be called as needed. Stored procedures are used for:

  • Modularizing complex SQL logic.
  • Improving performance by reducing network traffic.
  • Ensuring code reuse and security (by granting permissions to execute rather than to the tables directly).


A stored procedure to insert a new employee record:

CREATE PROCEDURE add_employee(emp_name VARCHAR, emp_salary NUMERIC)
LANGUAGE plpgsql AS 
  INSERT INTO employees (name, salary) VALUES (emp_name, emp_salary); 


CALL add_employee(‘John Doe’, 50000);

Functions in SQL:

A SQL function is a reusable block of SQL code that performs specific tasks. It is stored in the database and can be called as needed. It is similar to a procedure but returns a single value or table. Functions are typically used for computations or transformations.
Example: A function to calculate the yearly salary:

CREATE FUNCTION calculate_yearly_salary(monthly_salary NUMERIC)
LANGUAGE plpgsql AS 
  RETURN monthly_salary * 12;


SELECT calculate_yearly_salary(5000); OR EXECUTE calculate_yearly_salary(5000); (If we are using inside a trigger)

Key Differences Between Procedures and Functions:

Return Type:

  • Function: Always returns a value.
  • Procedure: Does not return a value.


  • Function: Can be used in SQL queries (e.g., SELECT).
  • Procedure: Called using CALL, cannot be used in SQL queries.

Transaction Control:

  • Function: Cannot manage transactions.
  • Procedure: Can manage transactions (e.g., COMMIT, ROLLBACK).

Side Effects:

  • Function: Should not have side effects (e.g., modifying data).
  • Procedure: Can modify data and have side effects.

Calling Mechanism:

Procedure: Called using CALL procedure_name().

Function: Called within SQL expressions, like SELECT function_name().


A trigger is a special kind of stored procedure that automatically executes (or “fires”) when certain events occur in the database, such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. Triggers can be used to enforce business rules, validate data, or maintain audit logs.
Key Points:

Types of Triggers:

  • BEFORE Trigger: Fires before the actual operation (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE).
  • AFTER Trigger: Fires after the actual operation.
  • INSTEAD OF Trigger: Used to override the standard operation, useful in views. (This is in SQL Server only not in postgres)

  • Trigger Actions: The trigger action can be an operation like logging data, updating related tables, or enforcing data integrity.
  • Trigger Events: A trigger can be set to fire on certain events, such as when a row is inserted, updated, or deleted.
  • Trigger Scope: Triggers can be defined to act on either a row (executing once for each affected row) or a statement (executing once for the entire statement).
  • A trigger can be created to log changes in a Users table whenever a record is updated, or it could prevent deleting a record if certain conditions aren’t met.


CREATE TRIGGER LogEmployeeAgeUpdate
    IF OLD.Age <> NEW.Age THEN
        INSERT INTO EmployeeLogs (EmployeeID, OldAge, NewAge)
        VALUES (OLD.EmployeeID, OLD.Age, NEW.Age);
    END IF;


CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION prevent_employee_delete()
-- Check if the employee is in a protected department (for example, department_id = 10)
  IF OLD.department_id = 10 THEN
     RAISE EXCEPTION 'Cannot delete employee in department 10';
LANGUAGE plpgsql;

-- Attach the function to a trigger
CREATE TRIGGER prevent_employee_delete_trigger
EXECUTE FUNCTION prevent_employee_delete();

Creates a trigger which is used to log age and related whenever insert, delete, update action on employee rows:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION log_employee_changes()
-- Handle INSERT operation
    INSERT INTO EmployeeChangeLog (EmployeeID, OperationType, NewAge,    ChangeTime)
     -- Handle UPDATE operation
    INSERT INTO EmployeeChangeLog (EmployeeID, OperationType, OldAge, NewAge, ChangeTime)
  -- Handle DELETE operation
    INSERT INTO EmployeeChangeLog (EmployeeID, OperationType, OldAge, ChangeTime)
LANGUAGE plpgsql;

CREATE TRIGGER log_employee_changes_trigger
ON Employees
EXECUTE FUNCTION log_employee_changes();

Step 3: Attach the Trigger to the Employees Table

Now that we have the function, we can attach it to the Employees table to log changes. We’ll create a trigger that fires on insert, update, and delete operations.

TG_OP: This is a special variable in PostgreSQL that holds the operation type (either INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE).
NEW and OLD: These are references to the row being inserted or updated (NEW) or the row before it was updated or deleted (OLD).
EmployeeChangeLog: This table stores the details of the changes (employee ID, operation type, old and new values, timestamp). – Programmer defined.

What happens when you omit FOR EACH ROW?

  1. Statement-Level Trigger: The trigger will fire once per SQL statement, regardless of how many rows are affected. This means it won’t have access to the individual rows being modified.
    • For example, if you run an UPDATE statement that affects 10 rows, the trigger will fire once (for the statement) rather than for each of those 10 rows.
  2. No Access to Row-Specific Data: You won’t be able to use OLD or NEW values to capture the individual row’s data. The trigger will just execute as a whole, without row-specific actions.
  3. With FOR EACH ROW: The trigger works on each row affected, and you can track specific changes (e.g., old vs new values).Without FOR EACH ROW: The trigger fires once per statement and doesn’t have access to specific row data.
CREATE TRIGGER LogEmployeeAgeUpdate
    -- Perform some operation, but it won't track individual rows.
    INSERT INTO AuditLogs (EventDescription)
    VALUES ('Employees table updated');


1st NF:
  1. Each column/attribute should have atomic value or indivisible value, ie only one value.
  2. Rows should not be repeated, ie unique rows, there is not necessary to have PKey here.
2nd NF:
  1. Must fulfill the 1st NF. [cadidate key(composite key to form the uniqueness)]
  2. All non-candidate-key columns should be fully dependent on the each attribute/column of the composite keys to form the cadidate key. For ex. If the DB is in denormalalized form (ie before normalization, all tables and values are together in a single table) and the candidate key is (orderId+ProductId), then the non-key(not part of the candidate key) if you take orderdate, orderedStatus, qty, item_price are not dependent on each part of the candidate key ie it depends only orderId, not ProductId, ProductName are not dependent on Order, like that customer details are not dependent on ProductId. So only related items should be there in a table, so the table is partitioned based on the column values, so that each attribute will depend on its candidate key.
    So Products goto separate table, orders separate and customers going to separate table.
  3. Primary key is created based for each separated table and ensure that all non-key columns completely dependent on the primary key. Then the foreign key relationships also established to connect all the tablesis not fullly dependent on.
3rd NF:
  1. Must fulfill till 2ndNF.
  2. Remove the transitional dependency (In a decentralized DB, One column value(Order ID) is functionally dependent on another column(Product ID) and OrderId is functionally dependent on the OrderId, so that disturbing one value will affect another row with same column value), so to avoid that separate the table, for Ex. from orders table Sales People’s data is separated.

What is a Transitive Dependency? Let’s break this down with a simple example:
StudentID Department HODName
S001 IT Dr. Rajan
S002 CS Dr. Priya

Primary Key: StudentID
Non-prime attributes: Department, HODName

StudentID → Department (StudentID determines the department).
Department → HODName (Department determines the HOD name). It should be like StudentID only should determine HOD, not the dept. HODName depends indirectly on StudentID through Department.

This is a transitive dependency, and we need to remove it.

A transitive dependency means a non-prime attribute (not part of the candidate key) depends indirectly on the primary key through another non-prime attribute.

Reference: and Learning with the help of chatGPT

Query Optimization

By: Sugirtha
29 December 2024 at 09:35

Query Optimization:

Query Optimization is the process of improving the performance of a SQL query by reducing the amount of time and resources (like CPU, memory, and I/O) required to execute the query. The goal is to retrieve the desired data as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Important implementation of Query Optimization:

  1. Indexing: Indexes on frequently used columns: As you mentioned, indexing columns that are part of the WHERE, JOIN, or ORDER BY clauses can significantly improve performance. For example, if you’re querying a salary column frequently, indexing it can speed up those queries.
    Composite indexes: If a query filters by multiple columns, a composite index on those columns might improve performance. For instance, INDEX (first_name, last_name) could be more efficient than two separate indexes on first_name and last_name.
  2. Instead of SELECT * FROM, can use the required columns and use of LIMIT for the required no. of rows.
  3. Optimizing JOIN Operations: Use appropriate join types: For example, avoid OUTER JOIN if INNER JOIN would suffice. Redundant or unnecessary joins increase query complexity and processing time.
  4. Use of EXPLAIN to Analyze Query Plan:
    Running EXPLAIN before a query allows you to understand how the database is executing it. You can spot areas where indexes are not being used, unnecessary full table scans are happening, or joins are inefficient.

How to Implement Query Optimization:

  1. Use Indexes:
  • Create indexes on columns that are frequently queried or used in JOIN, WHERE, or ORDER BY clauses. For example, if you frequently query a column like user_id, an index on user_id will speed up lookups. Use multi-column indexes for queries involving multiple columns.
  • CREATE INDEX idx_user_id ON users(user_id);

2. Rewrite Queries:

  • Avoid using SELECT * and instead select only the necessary columns.
  • Break complex queries into simpler ones and use temporary tables or Common Table Expressions (CTEs) if needed.
  • SELECT name, age FROM users WHERE age > 18;

3. Use Joins Efficiently:

  • Ensure that you are using the most efficient join type for your query (e.g., prefer INNER JOIN over OUTER JOIN when possible).
  • Join on indexed columns to speed up the process.

4. Optimize WHERE Clauses:

  • Make sure conditions in WHERE clauses are selective and reduce the number of rows as early as possible.
  • Use AND and OR operators appropriately to filter data early in the query.

5. Limit the Number of Rows:

  • Use the LIMIT clause when dealing with large datasets to fetch only a required subset of data.
  • Avoid retrieving unnecessary data from the database.

6. Avoid Subqueries When Possible:

  • Subqueries can be inefficient because they often lead to additional scans of the same data. Use joins instead of subqueries when possible.
  • If you must use subqueries, try to write them in a way that they don’t perform repeated calculations.

7. Analyze Execution Plans:

  • Use EXPLAIN to see how the database is executing your query. This will give you insights into whether indexes are being used, how tables are being scanned, etc.
  • Example:
  1. EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM users WHERE age > 18;

8. Use Proper Data Types:

  1. Choose the most efficient data types for your columns. For instance, use INTEGER for numeric values rather than VARCHAR, which takes more space and requires more processing.

9. Avoid Functions on Indexed Columns:

  1. Using functions like UPPER(), LOWER(), or DATE() on indexed columns in WHERE clauses can prevent the database from using indexes effectively.
  2. Instead, try to perform transformations outside the query or ensure indexes are used.

10. Database Configuration:

  1. Ensure the database system is configured properly for the hardware it’s running on. For example, memory and cache settings can significantly affect query performance.

Example of Optimized Query:

Non-Optimized Query:

SELECT * FROM orders
WHERE customer_id = 1001
AND order_date > '2023-01-01';

This query might perform a full table scan if customer_id and order_date are not indexed.

Optimized Query:

CREATE INDEX idx_customer_order_date ON orders(customer_id, order_date);

SELECT order_id, order_date, total_amount
FROM orders
WHERE customer_id = 1001
AND order_date > '2023-01-01';

In this optimized version, an index on customer_id and order_date helps the database efficiently filter the rows without scanning the entire table.

Reference : Learnt from ChatGPT

SQL – Postgres – Few Advance Topics

By: Sugirtha
29 December 2024 at 09:31

The order of execution in a SQL query:

FROM and/or JOIN

Command Types:

References : Aysha Beevi


CAST is used to typecast or we can use ::target data type.

SELECT ‘The current date is: ‘ || CURRENT_DATE::TEXT;
SELECT ‘2024-12-21’::DATE::TEXT;
SELECT CAST(‘2024-12-21’ AS DATE);

|| –> Concatenation operator

DATE functions:

SELECT CURRENT_DATE; — Output: 2024-12-21
SELECT CURRENT_TIME; — Output: 09:15:34.123456+05:30
SELECT NOW(); — Output: 2024-12-21 09:15:34.123456+05:30
SELECT AGE(‘2020-01-01’, ‘2010-01-01’); — Output: 10 years 0 mons 0 days
SELECT AGE(‘1990-05-15’); — Output: 34 years 7 mons 6 days (calculated from NOW())
SELECT EXTRACT(DAY FROM TIMESTAMP ‘2024-12-25 10:15:00’); — Output: 25

The DATE_TRUNC() function truncates a date or timestamp to the specified precision. This means it “resets” smaller parts of the date/time to their starting values.
SELECT DATE_TRUNC(‘month’, TIMESTAMP ‘2024-12-21 10:45:30’);
— Output: 2024-12-01 00:00:00 –> The ‘month’ precision resets the day to the 1st, and the time to 00:00:00.
SELECT DATE_TRUNC(‘year’, TIMESTAMP ‘2024-12-21 10:45:30’);
— Output: 2024-01-01 00:00:00
SELECT DATE_TRUNC(‘day’, TIMESTAMP ‘2024-12-21 10:45:30’);
— Output: 2024-12-21 00:00:00

— Output: Current timestamp + 1 year
— Output: Today’s date – 30 days
SELECT NOW() + INTERVAL ‘2 hours’;
— Output: Current timestamp + 2 hours
SELECT NOW() + INTERVAL ‘1 year’ + INTERVAL ‘3 months’ – INTERVAL ’15 days’;

Window Functions

This is the function that will operate over the specified window. Common window functions include ROW_NUMBER(), RANK(), SUM(), AVG(), etc

.PARTITION BY: (Optional) Divides the result set into partitions to which the window function is applied. Each partition is processed separately.ORDER BY: (Optional) Orders the rows in each partition before the window function is applied.

window_function() OVER (--RANK() or SUM() etc. can come in window_function
    PARTITION BY column_name(s)
    ORDER BY column_name(s)

    SUM(salary) OVER (PARTITION BY department_id ORDER BY salary) AS running_total
FROM employees;


DO $$
emp_name VARCHAR;
emp_salary DECIMAL;
emp_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT name, salary FROM employees;
OPEN emp_cursor;
FETCH emp_cursor INTO emp_name, emp_salary;
EXIT WHEN NOT FOUND; — Exit the loop when no rows are left
RAISE NOTICE ‘Employee: %, Salary: %’, emp_name, emp_salary;
CLOSE emp_cursor;

Basic Data Types in PostgreSQL

TEXT, VARCHAR, CHAR: Working with strings.
INTEGER, BIGINT, NUMERIC: Handling numbers.
DATE, TIMESTAMP: Date and time handling.


In PostgreSQL, the OVER() clause is used in window functions to define a window of rows over which a function operates. Just create a serial number (Row_number) from 1 (Rows are already ordered by salary desc)
SELECT name, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY salary DESC) AS row_num
FROM employees
WHERE row_num <= 5;


Parition the table records based on the dept id, then inside each partition order by salary desc with rank 1,2,3… – In RANK() if same salary then RANK repeats.

SELECT department_id, name, salary,
RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY department_id ORDER BY salary DESC) AS rank
FROM employees
department_id name salary rank
101 Charlie 70,000 1
101 Alice 50,000 2
101 Frank 50,000 2
102 Eve 75,000 1
102 Bob 60,000 2
103 David 55,000 1

  • Divides employees into 3 equal salary buckets (quartiles).
    SELECT id, name, salary,
    NTILE(3) OVER (ORDER BY salary DESC) AS quartile
    FROM employees;
    id name salary quartile
    5 Eve 75,000 1
    3 Charlie 70,000 1
    2 Bob 60,000 2
    4 David 55,000 2
    1 Alice 50,000 3
    6 Frank 50,000 3
  • Retrieves the first name in each department based on descending salary.
    SELECT department_id, name, salary,
    FIRST_VALUE(name) OVER (PARTITION BY department_id ORDER BY salary DESC) AS top_earner
    FROM employees;
    department_id name salary top_earner
    101 Charlie 70,000 Charlie
    101 Alice 50,000 Charlie
    101 Frank 50,000 Charlie
    102 Eve 75,000 Eve
    102 Bob 60,000 Eve
    103 David 55,000 David

First from table will be taken, then WHERE condition will be applied

  • In the WHERE clause directly you cannot call the RANK(), it should be stored in result set, from there only we can call it. So only RANK() will get executed ie Windows CTE (Common Table Expression), that’s why first the CTE will get executed and stored in a temp result set, then SELECT from that result set.
  • Below we gave in the subquery, so it will get executed and then that value is getting used by the outer query.

In each dept top earner name with his name and salary (consider the above table employees)
SELECT department_id, name, salary
SELECT department_id, name, salary,
RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY department_id ORDER BY salary DESC) AS rank
FROM employees
) ranked_employees
WHERE rank = 1;

department_id name salary
101 Charlie 70,000
102 Eve 75,000
103 David 55,000

Resultset – here RankedSalaries is Resultset

WITH RankedSalaries AS (
SELECT salary, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY salary DESC) AS rank
FROM employees
SELECT salary
FROM RankedSalaries WHERE rank = 2;

Here, RankedSalaries is a temporary result set or CTE (Common Table Expression)

Reference: Learnt from ChatGPT and Picture from Ms.Aysha

Spring Boot Notes

By: Sugirtha
16 December 2024 at 19:04

What is Spring Framework?
Before we proceed with the definition let’s first understand what is framework.

Framework in software industry, is an environment where we can see collection of reusable software components or tools which are used to build the applications more efficiently with minimal code and time. It makes the developers life easier.

For example, If we are going to travel and stay in some place: furnished flat will be preferable than setting-up a new home. All available ready-made to pick-up and use. Another example LibreOffice Draw where you can draw, paint or creating logo. Here We will have set of drawing tools, just pick up and use it.

Spring is a comprehensive framework, provides a broad set of tools and solutions for almost all kind of application development, whether you are building a small standalone application or a complex enterprise system, in particular web applications.

What is Spring Boot?
Spring Boot is a layer on top of Spring that simplifies application development, making the developer to focus mostly on the business logic and leaving all boiler plate codes to the spring boot framework.

Spring vs SpringBoot:
The main difference is in Spring the developer have the higher responsibility (or must be an Advanced Developer) to handle all work step by step (obviously will take more time) whereas with SpringBoot, we can do the same stuff very easily, quickly and safely (We can do with Spring also, but here SpringBoot will takes care of lot of tasks and minimize the coder’s work)

Ex. Spring – Birthday party event arranging by parents. (Each activity should be taken care of, like venue, invitation, cakes, decoration, food arrangements, return gifts etc.)

Spring Boot – An event organizer will take care of everything, so the parents just concentrate on the child and guests (like business logic) – whatever they want event organizer(spring boot) will assist by providing it.

What are Spring Boot’s Advantages?
Spring Boot is a layer on top of Spring that simplifies application development by providing the following:

  1. Faster Setup (Based on the dependencies and annotations).
  2. Simplifies development by Auto Configuration, or application.yml
  3. Embedded web servers with our finished product (.jar/.war)-eliminates the need for an external server like Tomcat to run the application, during deployment.
  4. Production-Ready features (Ex. Health checks-monitor application’s health, logging etc.)
  5. Simplified Deployment.
  6. Opinionated defaults. (TBD)
  7. Security features.
  8. Community and Ecosystem

Spring Framework’s main advantages are,
– Inversion of Control
– Dependency Injection

IoC (Inversion of Control):
The core principle of the Spring Framework. Usually the program flow or developer will control the execution here as the name suggests, control reversed, ie framework controls the flow. Ex. The event organizer having everything whatever the party or parent needs. It makes the developers with minimal code and better organized.

It makes everything ready to build the application instead searching or creating whenever required . My understanding here is,

  1. It scans the dependencies – based on that creates the required bean, checks the required .jar files are available in the class path.
  2. Through dependency injection passing beans as parameter to another bean when @Autowired detected.

Spring Boot starts and initializes the IoC container (via ApplicationContext – its the container for all beans).IoC scans the classpath for annotated classes like @Component, @Service, @Controller, @Repository.It creates beans (objects) for those classes and makes them available for dependency injection.Spring Boot scans or application.yml, applying those configurations to the beans or the application as needed.

Dependency Injection (DI):
A design pattern that reduces the connection between the system components making the code more modular, maintainable and testable. It avoids the tight coupling between the classes and make the classes loosely coupled.

Coupling here is one class depends on another class.

For ex. In the same birthday party, if the parents arranged the setup one one theme (Dora-Bujju) for the kid and later the kid changed its mind set and asking for another theme (Julie – Jackie Chan). Now its a wastage of time and money, and parent’s frustration also. Instead, if they tell the organizer to change the theme (as its their work and having some days also) – its easily getting updated.

In Dependency Injection, we can consider like one class wants to use another class, then it should not use its object (bean) directly inside the body (Tight coupling). Future modification is getting tougher here, instead, just pass the bean (object) as a parameter (injecting that bean) into the required class (Constructor DI). In case if the injected bean (passed object as a parameter) wants to get changed in the future, just replace it with another bean(object) in the parameter section.

To Be Continued…


Getting started with Django Basics

11 December 2024 at 12:07

Below listed are the high level steps involved to create a basic Django application.

  1. install python
  2. use venv before installing django =>python -m venv tutorial-env
  3. activate the venv: tutorial-env\Scripts\activate
  4. install django in the venv=> python -m pip install django
  5. check version =>django-admin –version
  6. Create a django project => django-admin startproject myApp
  7. To start the webserver =>python runserver
  8. From the myApp location, open cmd and type code .=> which will open vs code for this project from VSCode 1. => when the proj receives a request it will understand that this is a package with the help of this init file 2.asgi & wsgi =>Both required during deployment =>DB, Language, Timezone, Static, URL etc.,
  9. => will contain the list of urls used for the project
  10. outside of myApp, db.sqlite3 will be used by default as a lite weight DB
  11. =>Very important file
  12. Within the project myAPP, we can create multiple application. to create a new app => python startapp blog 1.migrations => DB related
    1. init => represent that it is a pkg
    2. admin => for admin purposes
    3. apps => app related config eg: name of the app etc.,
    4. models => contents 6.tests => used for testing the app 7.views 10.Register the app: from myApp-> under Installed_Apps ->add the recently created app ‘blog’ 11.Create the first View:(in general we will receive the request and send back the response) from blog-> 1.import HTTPResponse => from django.http import HttpRespose a. Create a python function which take request as a parameter and return the HttpResponse=>A static string output 2.under blog, create a python file by name “” a.within that file add the urlpatterns list similar to myApp-> this file, import path, and view from the project->from . import views the urlpatterns list add and entry to the python function created under path(“”<“” represents home directory>,views.index,name=”index”) 3.In myApp-> a. import path,include from django.urls b. under urlpatterns, add path(“”,include(“blog.urls”)) –> including the url from the blog->
      1. Time to test the changes. Go to the application url. it should show the content from>index function
      2. Alternatively if we want to call the index with a seperate url a. from the myApp->> in the urlpatterns.path -> instead of “”, provide “blogs/” b. Test the same with both default application url and url/blogs

Learning the basics of HTML, CSS & JS – Demo2

5 December 2024 at 12:18

In the previous demo, I have used seperate Javascript function to achieve the result. But it looks like it is not the best practice to have multiple JS functions and also the HTML content should be isolated from that of the JS content. In my previous example I have used the HTML content within the JS code.

In this demo, I have called just one JS function with different parameters whenever different links are being clicked. Attaching the code for the same

<link rel="stylesheet" href="portfoliostyle.css">
<script src="portfolio_2.js"></script>
<nav class="navbar">
<div id="name">Kathir</div>
<div id="menu">
<a id="about" href="#" onclick="show('about')">About Me</a>
<a id="summary" href="#" onclick="show('summary')">Technical Summary</a>
<a id="projects" href="#" onclick="show('project')">Projects</a>
<a id="contact" href="#" onclick="show('contact')">Contact</a>
<div id="pAbout" style="display:none">About Me About me About me</div>
<div id="pSummary" style="display:none">Summary Me Summary me Summary me</div>
<div id="pProject" style="display:none">Project Me Project me Project me</div>
<div id="pContact" style="display:none">Contact Me Contact me Contact me</div>
function show(menuID)
case 'about':
case 'summary':
case 'project':
case 'contact':
view raw portfolio_2.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub


Learning the basics of HTML, CSS & JS – Demo1

4 December 2024 at 11:24

This is about a sample html page with Nav bar.


When we highlight the menu it should change the font color. And when we click on the menu only the content related to that link has to be displayed.


I tried this with a basic html page calling seperate function for each menu item onclick event. Attaching the code snippet.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<script src="portfolio.js"></script>
<nav class="navbar">
<div id="name">Kathir</div>
<div id="menu">
<a id="about" href="#" onclick="clickAbout()">About Me</a>
<a id="summary" href="#" onclick="clickSummary()">Technical Summary</a>
<a id="projects" href="#" onclick="clickProjects()">Projects</a>
<a id="contact" href="#" onclick="clickContact()">Contact</a>
<p id="details"></p>
view raw portfolio.html hosted with ❤ by GitHub
function clickAbout()
document.getElementById("details").innerHTML="About Me About Me About Me About Me About Me About Me About Me About Me About Me About Me "
function clickSummary()
document.getElementById("details").innerHTML="Technical Summary Technical Summary Technical Summary Technical Summary Technical Summary Technical Summary "
function clickProjects()
document.getElementById("details").innerHTML="Projects Summary Projects Summary Projects Summary Projects Summary Projects Summary Projects Summary "
function clickContact()
document.getElementById("details").innerHTML="Contact Contact Contact Contact Contact Contact Contact Contact Contact Contact Contact Contact "
view raw portfolio.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub
view raw style.css hosted with ❤ by GitHub

துருவங்களை தந்தமைக்கு நன்றி

25 November 2024 at 17:24

அன்பு ஆசிரியர் நக்கீரன் அவர்களுக்கு பாசம் கலந்த வணக்கங்கள்.

சில நாட்களுக்கு முன்பு தங்களது துருவங்கள் தொடரை படிப்பதற்கான வாய்ப்பு கிடைத்து அதை படித்தும் முடித்தேன். ஒரு புத்தகத்தை எடுத்து அதை முழுவதுமாக படித்ததாக எனக்கு சரித்திரமே கிடையாது. அந்த வகையில் நானும் ஒரு மழலையே!

முதலில் மதன் கதாபாத்திரத்தை பற்றிய எனது பார்வையில் சில வரிகள்.

“இரத்தம் சதை சுவாசம் இவை அனைத்திலும் linux” ஊறியிருந்தால் மட்டுமே அப்படி ஒரு பாத்திரத்தை எழுத முடியும். அதிலும் மதன் கார்த்திகா இருவருக்கும் இடையில் ஒரு மென்பொருள் பாலமாக அமைந்தது அரிதிலும் அரிது.

மேலும் மதன் இயற்கையாகவே அமைதி விரும்பி போலும். அதாவது அவர் தோற்றம் பார்ப்பதற்கு சிறிது கரடுமுரடாக இருப்பினும் மனம் லீனுஸ்ய்(linux) மேன்மையையும் நேர்மையையும் கொண்டதாகவே நான் உணர்கிறேன்.

அதே சமயத்தில், தனக்கோ தன சுற்றத்திற்கோ ஏதாவது தவறாக நடக்குமாயின் அதையும் லீனுஸ் (linux) லவே இரும்பு கரம் கொண்டு கட்டுப்படுகிறார். மற்றுமோர் குணமாக வரிந்தோருக்கு வழுங்குதலையும் ஒன்றாகவே இருப்பதாக உணர்கிறேன்.

எதிர்முனையில் கார்த்திகா தெளிந்த நீரோடை போன்று எப்போதுமே காணப்படுகிறார்.

கதையில் என்னை கவர்ந்த ஒரு சில இடங்களை சொல்ல முற்படுகிறேன். ஆண்களை எப்போதுமே தவறாக சித்தரிக்கும் இந்த கால சூழ்நிலையில் ஒரு ஆண் எவ்வளவு மென்மையானவன் என்பதை உணர்த்தும் வகையில் மதன் கதாபாத்திரம் எழுதப்பட்டிருந்தது.

அதுவும் குறிப்பாக, கார்த்திகா எப்போதெல்லாம் மதனுடன் தனிமையில் இருக்கிறாரோ, அப்போதெல்லாம் மதனின் ஆண்மைக்கு சவாலாகவே பார்க்கிறேன். ஒரு சராசரி ஆண்மகன், அந்த மாதிரியான சூழ்நிலையில் எவ்வாறு நடந்து கொள்வார் என்று நாம் பார்த்திருப்போம் அல்லது ஆவ்வாரே இதுவரையில் கதையிலும் திரையிலும் காட்டப்பட்டுள்ளது.

குறிப்பாக இருவரும் ஹோட்டல் அறையின் balconyil நின்று பேசும் போதும் சரி கார்த்திகாவின் வீட்டில் குணா படம் பார்க்கும் பொழுதும் சரி ஒரு ஆண் இப்படி தான் நடந்து கொள்ளவேண்டும் என்பதை அழுத்தம்திருத்தமாக சொல்லப்பட்டிருந்தது.

மறுமுனையில் ஒரு பெண் எப்போதுமே பின்பற்ற வேண்டிய அச்சம் மடம் நாணம் போன்ற குணங்கள் சற்றும் பொருந்தாத புதுமை பெண்ணாக வலம் வருகிறார். ஏன் எப்போதும் ஆண் முன்வந்து தன காதலயோ உணர்ச்சியையோ சொல்லவோ காட்டவோ வேண்டும். பாரதி கண்ட புதுமைபெண்ணல்லவோ நான் என்பது போல் துணிச்சலாக தன் உணர்ச்சிகளை வெளிப்படுத்துகிறாள்.

இந்த தொடரின் முக்கியமான வெற்றி எதுவெனில்? எப்போதெல்லாம் மென்பொருள் பற்றிய உரையாடல் நீள்கிறதோ என்ற எண்ணம் மேலோங்குகிறதோ அப்போது காதல் உள்ளே வந்துவிடும். அல்லது எங்கே மென்பொருளை மறந்து காதல் கதையாக இத்தொடர் மாறியதோ என்ற எண்ணம் வரும்பொழுது linux உள்ளே வரும். இப்படி மாறி மாறி கதைக்களம் நகர்வாதாலேயே சுவாரசியம் சற்றும் குறைய வில்லை.

மேலும் நான் இக்கதையை படிக்கும் பொழுது linux மடிக்கணினியை பக்கம் வைத்தே படித்தேன். மதன் கார்த்திகாவிற்கு எடுத்துரைக்கும் விடயங்களை வாசகர்களாகிய நாமும் செய்து பார்க்க முடிந்தது. அதற்காக மதன் கூறிய எல்லாவற்றையும் செய்து பார்க்க முடியுமா என்றால் முடியாது. ஏனெனில் அது இந்த கதையின் நோக்கமும் அல்ல. linux என்னும் தீப்பொறியையும் அதனின் நீட்சியையும் நம்முள் முதல் பாதியில் கத்திவிட்டு, இரண்டாம் பாதியில் லீனிக்ஸின் விஸ்வரூபத்தை விவரித்தது அருமை.

கதை சார்ந்த அரசியல் பேசவும் நீங்கள் மறக்கவில்லை . அதை சுவைக்கு தேவையான அளவு உப்பு சேர்ப்பது போல சேர்த்ததாலேயே இதை எல்லோராலும் ஏற்றுக்கொள்ள முடிகிறது.

ஒரே ஒரு இடத்தில மட்டுமே மதனின் கதாபாத்திரத்தை சற்றே அவசரக்காரர் போல காட்ட முற்பட்டிர்களா என்று தெரியவில்லை. கார்த்திகாவின் அப்பாவிடம் அவர் கோவப்படும் அந்த சூழல் இன்னும் சற்றே விவரித்திருக்கலாமோ என்று தோன்றியது.. ஓரிறிரு கருத்துக்களை மட்டும் வைத்தே அவர் அவ்வாறானவர் என்று முடிவுக்கு வந்து அதற்கு எதிர்வினையாற்றியதும் ஆச்சர்யத்தை ஊட்டியது. என்னை பொறுத்தவரை மதன் அவ்வாறானவர் இல்லை என்பது மட்டும் உறுதி

கதையில் மற்ற கதாபாத்திரங்களும் சிறப்பாகவே சித்தரிக்கப்பட்டிருக்கிறார்கள் உதாரணத்திற்கு கார்த்திகாவின் தோழி , மதனின் நண்பர் உதய் , நண்பரின் காதலி, நண்பரின் அம்மா, கார்த்திகாவின் பெற்றோர், மதன் வேலை செய்யும் அலுவலகத்தின் ceo கடைசியில் வரும் ஒலிபெருக்கியை கையாண்ட பொடியன் வரை அனைவரும் அருமை.

கடைசியாக உங்களின் ARR மீதான காதலை என்னவென்று சொல்வது. எல்லோரும் அந்த பாடல்களை கேட்டிருப்போம் நீங்கள் கூறிய பின்புலத்தோடு கேட்டிருப்போமா என்பது கேள்விக்குறியே. அதுவும் காதலன் படத்தில் வரும் இந்திரயோ பாடல் இதுநாள் வரை வைரமுத்து எழுதியதாகவே என்னை போல் பலரும் நினைத்திருப்பார்கள்.

இதே கதையை இரு ஆண்களுக்குஇடையே நடப்பதாகவோ, இரு பெண்களுக்குஇடையில் நடப்பதாகவோ சொல்லிருந்தால் இவளவு சுவாரசியம் இருந்திருக்குமா என்பது சந்தேகமே. அதேபோல் கிடைக்கும் இடத்தில எல்லாம் linux சார்ந்த தகவல்களை தரவுகளை விட்டுச்சென்றதும் பாராட்டுக்குரியதே. உதாரணமாக IRC, ILUGC. அருமை.

மொத்தமாக, ஒரு வரியில் கூறவேண்டுமாயின். கதை படித்துமுடித்ததும் குறிப்பாக மூவரை என் மனம் பார்க்க வேண்டுமென ஏங்கியது.

1) மதன் – அவருடைய linux ஆற்றலுக்காக

2) கார்த்திகா – நீங்கள் வர்ணித்தது நிஜமா என்று ஆராய

3) நக்கீரன் என்னும் உங்களை – இப்படி ஒரு பித்தனை உருவாக்கியதற்கு. மென்மேலும் எழுதி என்னை போல் பலரையும்

உங்கள் வலைக்குள் சிக்கவைக்க எனது மனமார்ந்த வாழ்த்துக்கள்.

துருவங்களை தந்தமைக்கு நன்றி


Reading#Eat the Frog: Ch-3

25 November 2024 at 15:00

In chapter-3, the author introduces us to a new concept called 80/20. You can see this pattern in almost everything you comes across in our day to day life. Like in a given area/country 20 percent people will govern the rest of 80 percent people or 20 percent people will be wealthier compared to 80 percent, 20 percent of the customers will be responsible for 80 percent of the sales, etc., In the same way 20 percent of your activities will reflect the 80 percent of your results.

So framing the 20 percent is more important and the author is calling that 20 percent as “Vital few” and the remaining 80 percent as “trivial many”. As discussed in the previous chapters, we tend to spend our energy addressing things from the 80 percent and feel that we did not achieve anything. But that has to happen in the reverse order. From the entire pile of the activities you have listed, pick the top items that you feel either difficult to achieve or tedious yet valuable.

Focus should be given to that 20 percent items. So if you knock off the items from the “Vital few” you feel accomplished and achieving the things from 80 percent or the “Trivial many” shouldn’t be that tough.

As a reader even I am trying to follow and implement these principles in my day to day life and will share my experience in the future blogs. But to me this is very much achievable and we all should give this a try.

Happy reading and see you all in the next chapter discussion.

Reading#Eat the Frog: Ch-2

21 November 2024 at 12:00

In continuation from Chapter 1, Chapter 2 starts with how to approach the priority list. Because for a normal person[without any priority like me :-)] every task will be a priority. Unlike that, the author is suggesting an alternative.

It goes like this. Take a piece of paper or use a text editor and name that as “Priorities” and start writing all the tasks that comes to your mind which you wanted to do. Not necessarily in a day, week or month. Just random. For eg: Complete reading a book, finish the assignment, save a minimum amount, practice meditation etc., By the end of this activity, you will have an exhaustive list of task that you wish you could complete.

Next, take one more sheet of paper or open one more text editor and name this as monthly. In here, from the list that you created in “Priorities”, pick up those tasks which could be or has to be completed in the next month. From our example, we can choose “Finish an assignment” and add it to the “monthly” list.

Now the monthly list will be comparatively less than the entire priorities and you have a clear idea of what needs to be done in next 30 days. From here, create one more list for “Weekly”. And do the same exercise of choosing the things that has to or could be completed in next 7 days. And start including them in the weekly list.

Hard part is now complete. From here, connect the things that was described in Chapter#1. Pick up the frog that is bigger to eat and add it to your daily list.

From a larger picture, the moment you knock off one task from daily it creates a ripple effect. That is, it knocks off a task from weekly, then monthly and from the entire priorities. You will accomplished by the end of first week. And if we do this on week 2 we will feel even more happier and accomplished.

This is all about Chapter-2. Once again, this is my understanding and nothing to do with authors narration.

See you again in Chapter-3! Thank you for reading!

IRC – My Understanding V2.0

By: Sugirtha
21 November 2024 at 10:47

What is plaintext in my point of view:
Its simply text without any makeup or add-on, it is just an organic content. For example,

  • A handwritten grocery list what our mother used to give to our father
  • A To-Do List
  • An essay/composition writing in our school days

Why plaintext is important?
– The quality of the content only going to get score here: there is no marketing by giving some beautification or formats.
– Less storage
– Ideal for long term data storage because Cross-Platform Compatibility
– Universal Accessibility. Many s/w using plain text for configuration files (.ini, .conf, .json)
– Data interchange (.csv – interchange data into databases or spreadsheet application)
– Command line environments, even in cryptography.
– Batch Processing: Many batch processes use plain text files to define lists of actions or tasks that need to be executed in a batch mode, such as renaming files, converting data formats, or running programs.

So plain text is simple, powerful and something special we have no doubt about it.

What is IRC?
IRC – Internet Relay Chat is a plain text based real time communication System over the internet for one-on-one chat, group chat, online community – making it ideal for discussion.

It’s a popular network for free and open-source software (FOSS) projects and developers in olden days. Ex. many large projects (like Debian, Arch Linux, GNOME, and Python) discussion used. Nowadays also IRC is using by many communities.

Usage :
Mainly a discussion chat forum for open-source software developers, technology, and hobbyist communities.

Why IRC?
Already we have so many chat platforms which are very advanced and I could use multimedia also there: but this is very basic, right? So Why should I go for this?

Yes it is very basic, but the infrastructure of this IRC is not like other chat platforms. In my point of view the important differences are Privacy and No Ads.

Advantages over other Chat Platforms:

  • No Ads Or Popups: We are not distracted from other ads or popups because my information is not shared with any companies for tracking or targeted marketing.
  • Privacy: Many IRC networks do not require your email, mobile number or even registration. You can simply type your name or nick name, select a server and start chatting instantly. Chat Logs also be stored if required.
  • Open Source and Free: Server, Client – the entire networking model is free and open source. Anybody can install the IRC servers/clients and connect with the network.
  • Decentralized : As servers are decentralized, it could able to work even one server has some issues and it is down. Users can connect to different servers within the same network which is improving reliability and performance.
  • Low Latency: Its a free real time communication system with low latency which is very important for technical communities and time sensitive conversations.
  • Customization and Extensibility: Custom scripts can be written to enhance functionality and IRC supports automation through bots which can record chats, sending notification or moderating channels, etc.
  • Channel Control: Channel Operators (Group Admin) have fine control over the users like who can join, who can be kicked off.
  • Light Weight Tool: As its light weight no high end hardware required. IRC can be accessed from even older computers or even low powered devices like Rasberry Pi.
  • History and Logging: Some IRC Servers allow logging of chats through bots or in local storage.

IRC is developed by Jarkko Oikarinen (Finland) in 1988.

Some IRC networks/Servers:
Libera.Chat(#ubuntu, #debian, #python, #opensource)
EFNet-Eris Free Network (#linux, #python, #hackers)
IRCnet(#linux, #chat, #help)
Undernet(#help, #anime, #music)
QuakeNet (#quake, #gamers, #techsupport)
DALnet- for both casual users and larger communities (#tech, #gaming, #music)

Some Clients-GUI
HexChat (Linux, macOS, Windows)
Pidgin (Linux, Windows)
KVIrc (Linux, Windows, macOS)

Some IRC Clients for CLI (Command Line Interface) :

IRC Clients for Mobile :
Colloquy (iOS)
LimeChat (iOS)
Quassel IRC (via Quassel Core) (Android)
AndroIRC (Android)

Directly on the Website – Libera WebClient You can click Join, then type the channel name (Group) (Ex. #kaniyam)

How to get Connected with IRC:
After installed the IRC client, open.
Add a new network (e.g., “Libera.Chat”).
Set the server to (or any of the alternate servers above).
Optionally, you can specify a port (default is 6667 for non-SSL, 6697 for SSL).
Join a channel like #ubuntu, #python, or #freenode-migrants once you’re connected.

Popular channels to join on libera chat:
#ubuntu, #debian, #python, #opensource, #kaniyam

Local Logs:
Logs are typically saved in plain text and can be stored locally, allowing you to review past conversations.
How to get local logs from our System (IRC Server)
folders – /home//.local/share/weechat/logs/ From Web-IRCBot History:


Our daily meetings :
You can install IRC client, with the help of above link, can join.
Timings : IST 8pm-9pm
Server :
Channel : #kaniyam


Reading#Eat the Frog – Ch:1

19 November 2024 at 11:51

I always have the challenge of reading. Whether it is technical documentation, general documentation or anything. If I remember correctly, the last time I read something continuously was when I was in my school and college days. And that too nothing extraordinary but weekly magazines like Anandha Vikatan/Kumudham and very rarely newspapers. That got improved when I started my work and regularly read the news headlines from “The Hindu”. That’s all the reading I have got in my entire life. I have this habit of purchasing the books and will think.. One day.. that One day will come and I will become a Pro Reader and I will read all the books. But that did not happened till date.

So I was pouring all these frustration in the “#Kaniyam” IRC chat along with some more concerns like I have trouble planning things. I use to start with one and if I come across something else I will leave whatever I was doing and start doing the new item and it goes on and on. Then Srini from the Kaniyam IRC group suggested various ideas to give a try and one such idea is reading this book called “Eat the Frog”.

I wouldn’t say the book has changed me completely overnight but the practice of reading a few pages continuously gives a sense of satisfaction. I am not saying I have read 20-30 pages continuously instead I planned to complete a chapter whenever i start.

The book as such has got things we often hear or see elsewhere but more importantly it is structured. When I say it is structured, it starts with the topic explanation on why the author has named the book as “Eat the Frog”.

In our daily life if we think eating a frog is one of our primary task. How will one plan. Because eating a frog is not that easy. And that too if you have more than one frog how will one plan to do that. Here the author compares the frog to that of the tasks we have in a day. Not all tasks are difficult as eating a frog. So if we have frogs of different size and the task is to complete eating them all in a day. How will one approach. He will target finishing the bigger one then the next then the next and it goes on. By the time one completes the biggest he will get the confidence to go for the next smaller sized frog.

This analogy works the same way for our daily tasks. Rather than picking the easy ones and save the bulk or harder tasks for a later time, plan to finish the harder or most difficult task first which will help us move with the next difficult task with a lot more confidence.

This was primarily discussed on Chapter 1. After reading this I wanted to see if this approach works. I started implementing it immediately but listing the items it wanted to complete for that day. And in that I sorted those items based on the difficulty(in terms of time). I did not create an exhaustive list rather 4 tasks for that day and out of which 2 are time taking or difficult task.

End of the day I was able to complete the top 2 leaving the remaining 2. I still felt happy because i completed the top 2 which is harder. And moved the pending 2 to next day and kept the priority as top for those 2.

So far it is working and I will continue to write about the other chapters as I complete reading them.

“Let us all start get into the habit of reading and celebrate..happy reading”

Collections Tasks

By: Sugirtha
19 November 2024 at 01:55


  • // 1. Reverse an ArrayList without using inbuilt method
  • // 2. Find Duplicate Elements in a List
  • // 3. Alphabetical Order and Ascending Order (Done in ArrayList)
  • // 4. Merge Two Lists and Remove Duplicates
  • // 5. Removing Even Nos from the List
  • // 6. Array to List, List to Array
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

public class CollectionsInJava {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// 1. Reverse an ArrayList without using inbuilt method
		// 2. Find Duplicate Elements in a List 
		// 3. Alphabetical Order and Ascending Order (Done in ArrayList)
		// 4. Merge Two Lists and Remove Duplicates
		// 5. Removing Even Nos from the List
		// 6. Array to List, List to Array
		ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("Abinaya", "Ramya", "Gowri", "Swetha",  "Sugi", "Anusuya", "Moogambigai","Jasima","Aysha"));
		ArrayList<Integer> al2 = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(100,90,30,20,60,40));
		ArrayList<Integer> al =  insertValuesIntoAL();
		System.out.println("Before Reversing ArrayList="+ al);
		System.out.println("Reversed ArrayList="+ reverseArrayList(al));
		System.out.println("Duplicates in ArrayList="+findDuplicates(al));
		System.out.println("Before Order = "+names);
		System.out.println("After Alphabetical Order = " + names);
		System.out.println("Ascending Order = "+ al);
		System.out.println("List -1 = "+al);
		System.out.println("List -2 = "+al2);
		System.out.println("After Merging and Removing Duplicates="+mergeTwoLists(al,al2));
		System.out.println("After Removing Even Nos fromt the List-1 = "+removeEvenNos(al));
		arrayToListViceVersa(al,new int[] {11,12,13,14,15}); //Sending ArrayList and anonymous array
	// 1. Reverse an ArrayList without using inbuilt method
	private static ArrayList<Integer> reverseArrayList(ArrayList<Integer> al) {
		int n=al.size();
		int j=n-1, mid=n/2;
		for (int i=0; i<mid; i++) {
			int temp = al.get(i);
			al.set(i, al.get(j));
			al.set(j--, temp);
		return al;
	// 2. Find Duplicate Elements in a List 
	private static ArrayList<Integer> findDuplicates(ArrayList<Integer> al) {
		HashSet<Integer> hs = new HashSet<>();
		ArrayList<Integer> arl = new ArrayList<>();
		for (int ele:al) {
			if (!hs.add(ele)) arl.add(ele);
		return arl;
	//4. Merge Two Lists into one and Remove Duplicates
	private static HashSet<Integer> mergeTwoLists(ArrayList<Integer> arl1,ArrayList<Integer> arl2) {
		ArrayList<Integer> resAl = new ArrayList<>();
		HashSet<Integer> hs = new HashSet<>();
		return hs;
	// 5. Removing Even Nos from the List
	private static ArrayList<Integer> removeEvenNos(ArrayList<Integer> al) {
		ArrayList<Integer> res = new ArrayList<>();
		Iterator itr = al.iterator();
		while (itr.hasNext()) {
			int ele = (int);
			if (ele%2==1) res.add(ele);
		return res;
	// 6. Array to List, List to Array
	private static void arrayToListViceVersa(ArrayList<Integer> arl, int[] ar) {
		Integer arr[] = arl.toArray(new Integer[0]);
		System.out.println("Convert List to Array = " + Arrays.toString(arr));
		List<Integer> lst = Arrays.asList(arr);
		System.out.println("Convert Array to List = " +  lst);
	private static ArrayList<Integer> insertValuesIntoAL() {
		Integer[] ar = {30,40,60,10,94,23,05,46, 40, 94};
		ArrayList<Integer> arl = new ArrayList<>();
		Collections.addAll(arl, ar);
		//Collections.reverse(al);   //IN BUILT METHOD
		return arl;
		//List lst = Arrays.asList(ar);    //TBD
		//return new ArrayList<Integer>(lst);



Exception Handling

By: Sugirtha
13 November 2024 at 03:06

What is Exception?

An Exception is an unexpected or unwanted event which occurs during the execution of a program that typically disrupts the normal flow of execution.

This is definition OK but what I understand : The program’s execution is getting stopped abnormally when it reaches some point which have some mistake/error – it may be small or big, compilation or runtime or logical mistake. And its not proceeding with further statements. Handling this situation is called exception handling. Cool. Isn’t it?

Why Exception Handling?

If we do not handle the exception program execution will stop. To make the program run smoothly and avoid stopping due to minor issues/exceptions, we should handle it.

So, how it is represented, In Java everything is class, right? The derived classes of java.lang.Throwable are Error and Exception. For better understanding lets have a look at the hierarchical structure.

Here I could see Exception and Error – when we hear these words looks similar right. So What could be the difference?

Errors are some serious issues which is beyond our control like System oriented errors. Ex. StackOverFlowError, OutOfMemoryError (Lets discuss this later).

Exception is a situation which we can handle,

  1. through try-catch-(finally) block of code
  2. Throws keyword in method signature.

try-catch-Finally :

What is the meaning? As we are the owner of our code, we do have some idea about the possible problems or exceptions which we can solve or handle through this try-catch block of code.

For Ex. Task : Make a Tasty Dish.

What could be the exceptions?

  1. Some spice added in lower quantity.
  2. Chosen vessel may be smaller in size
  3. some additional stuff may not be available

To overcome these exception we can use try-catch block.

try {
catch(VesselException chosenLittle) {
catch(QtyException_Spice spiceLow) {
catch(AddOnsException e) {
catch(Exception e) {
Finally {

Here there could be more catches for one try as one task may encounter many different issues. If it is solvable its called exception and we try to catch in catch blocks. The JVM process our code (cookingProcess) and if it encounter one problem like QtyException_Spice, it will throw the appropriate object. Then it will be caught by the corresponding catch, which will execute add_Little_More_Spice() and prevent the code from failing.

Here we see one more word, Exception, which is the parent class of all exceptions. Sometimes we may encounter the issue that is not listed (perhaps forgotten) but its solvable. In such cases, we can use the parent class object (since a parent class object can act as a child object) to catch any exception that is not listed.

Fine, all good. But what is the purpose of Finally here? Finally is the block of code that will always be executed, no matter if exception occurs or not. It doesn’t matter if you made a good dish or a bad one, but the kitchen must be cleaned. The same applies here: the finally block is used for releasing system resources that were mainly used (Ex. File). However, we can also write our own code in the finally block based on the specific requirements.

We have a situation where you have one cylinder to cook, and it gets emptied during cooking, so we cannot proceed. This will fail our process TastyDish, this situation cannot be handled immediately. This is called Error. Now lets recall the definition “Errors are serious issues that are beyond our control like a system crash or resource limitations.” Now we could understand, right?

Ex. OutOfMemoryError – when we load too much data, JVM runs out of memory. StackOverFlowError – when an infinite loop or recursion without base condition will make the stack overflow.

Lets revisit exceptions – they can be classified into two categories:

  • Checked Exception
  • UnChecked Exception.

What is Checked Exceptions?

Checked Exception is the exception which occurs at compile time. It will not allow you to run the code if you are not handling through try-catch or declares throws method.

Lets get into deeper for the clear understanding, the compiler predicts/doubts the part of our code which may throw the exceptions/mistakes which lead to stopping the execution. So that it will not allow you to run, it is forcing you to catch the exception through the above one of mechanisms.

If it is not clear, let us take an example, in the above code we have VesselException and QtyException_Spice . You are at your initial stage of cooking under the supervision of your parent. So we are ordered/ instructed to keep the big vessel and the spices nearby in case you may need it when the problem arise. If you are not keeping it nearby parent is not allowing you to start cooking (initial time ). Parent is compiler here.


So Expected exception by the compiler is called Checked Exception, and the compiler force us to handle. One solution we know try-catch-finally, what is that through declaration in the method? The exception in which method can be expected, that method should use the keyword “throws <ExceptionClassName-1>” that is, it specifies this method may lead to the exceptions from the list of classes specified after throws keyword. After throws can be one class or more than one. whoever using this method with this declaration in method signature will aware of that and may handle it.

The good example for this is, IOException (parent) – FileNotFoundException (child). If you are trying to open a file, read it, the possible exceptions are: File Path Incorrect, File doesn’t exist, File Permission, Network issues etc. For Ex.

public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            // Calling the method that may throw a FileNotFoundException
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            // Handle exception here
            System.out.println("File not found! Please check the file path.");

 // Method that throws FileNotFoundException
    public static void readFile(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException {
        File file = new File(fileName);
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(file);  // This line may throw FileNotFoundException
        while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {

What is Unchecked Exception?

The compiler will not alert you about this exception, instead you will experience at runtime only. This not required to be declared or caught, but handling is advisable. These are all subclasses of RunTimeException (Error also will throw runtime exception only). It could be thrown when runtime issues, illegal arguments, or programming issues.

Ex.Invalid index in an array, or trying to take value from a null object, or dividing by zero.

Ex. NullPointerException

String str = null; System.out.println(str.length()); /* Throws NullPointerException */


int[] arr = new int[3]; System.out.println(arr[5]); /* Throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException */

What is throw?

Instead JRE throws error, the developer can throw the exception object (Predefined or UserDefined) to signal some erroneous situation and wants to stop the execution. For ex, you have the idea of wrong input and wants to give your own error message.

public class SampleOfThrow {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // a/b --> b should not be 0
        Scanner scn = new Scanner(;
        int a = scn.nextInt();
        int b = scn.nextInt();
        if (b==0) throw new ArithmeticException("b value could not be zero");

Hey, wait, I read the word, User Defined Exception above. which means the developer (we) also can create our own exception and can throw it. Yes, absolutely. How? In Java everything is class, right? So through class only, but on one condition it should extend the parent Exception class in order to specify it is an exception.

//User Defined Exception
class UsDef extends Exception {
    public UsDef(String message) {
        super(message); //will call Exception class // and send the own error message

public class MainClass {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            Scanner scn = new Scanner(;
            boolean moreSalt = scn.nextBoolean(); 
 // This method will throw an TooMuchSaltException
        } catch (TooMuchSaltException e) {
            System.out.println(e.getMessage());  // Catching and handling the custom exception

    // Method that throws TooMuchSaltException if food contains too much salt and can't eat
    public static void validateFood(boolean moreSalt) throws TooMuchSaltException {
        if (moreSalt) {
            throw new TooMuchSaltException("Food is too salty.");
        System.out.println("Salt is in correct quantity");

Now Lets have a look at some important Exception Handling points in java of view. (The following are taken from chatGPT)

Error Vs. Exception

DefinitionAn Error represents a serious problem that a Java application cannot reasonably recover from. These are usually related to the Java runtime environment or the system.An Exception represents conditions that can be handled or recovered from during the application’s execution, usually due to issues in the program’s logic or input.
RecoveryErrors usually cannot be recovered from, and it is generally not advisable to catch them.Exceptions can typically be caught and handled by the program to allow for recovery or graceful failure.
Common TypesOutOfMemoryError, StackOverflowError, VirtualMachineError, InternalErrorIOException, SQLException, NullPointerException, IllegalArgumentException, FileNotFoundException
Occurs Due ToTypically caused by severe issues like running out of memory, system failures, or hardware errors.Typically caused by program bugs or invalid operations, such as accessing null objects, dividing by zero, or invalid user input.
Checked or UncheckedAlways unchecked (extends Throwable but not Exception).Checked exceptions extend Exception or unchecked exceptions extend RuntimeException.
HandlingErrors are usually not handled explicitly by the program. They indicate fatal problems.Exceptions can and should be handled, either by the program or by throwing them to the calling method.
PurposeErrors are used to indicate severe problems that are typically out of the program’s control.Exceptions are used to handle exceptional conditions that can be anticipated and managed in the program.
Examples of Causes– System crash
– Exhaustion of JVM resources (e.g., memory)
– Hardware failure
– File not found
– Invalid input
– Network issues
ThrowingYou generally should not throw Error explicitly. These are thrown by the JVM when something critical happens.You can explicitly throw exceptions using the throw keyword, especially for custom exceptions.

Checked vs. Unchecked Exception:

AspectChecked ExceptionUnchecked Exception
DefinitionExceptions that are explicitly checked by the compiler at compile time.Exceptions that are not checked by the compiler, and are typically runtime exceptions.
SuperclassSubclasses of Exception but not RuntimeException.Subclasses of RuntimeException.
Handling RequirementMust be caught or declared in the method signature using throws.No explicit handling required; they can be left uncaught.
ExamplesIOException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException.NullPointerException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, ArithmeticException.
Common UsageTypically used for exceptional conditions that a program might want to recover from.Used for programming errors or unforeseen runtime issues.
Checked atCompile-time.Runtime (execution time).
Effect on CodeForces the developer to handle the exception (either with a try-catch or throws).No such requirement; can be ignored without compiler errors.
Examples of CausesMissing file, network failure, database errors.Null pointer dereference, dividing by zero, illegal array index access.
When to UseWhen recovery from the exception is possible or expected.When the error typically indicates a bug or programming mistake that cannot be recovered from.

throw vs. throws:

DefinitionUsed to explicitly throw an exception from a method or block of code.Used in a method signature to declare that a method can throw one or more exceptions.
UsageUsed with an actual exception object to initiate the throwing of an exception.Used in the method header to inform the compiler and the caller that the method might throw specific exceptions.
Keyword TypeStatement (flow control keyword).Modifier (appears in the method declaration).
Examplethrow new IOException("File not found");public void readFile() throws IOException { ... }
LocationCan be used anywhere inside the method or block to throw an exception.Appears only in the method signature, usually right after the method name.
ControlImmediately transfers control to the nearest catch block or exits the program if uncaught.Allows a method to propagate the exception up the call stack to the caller, who must handle it.
Checked vs UncheckedCan throw both checked and unchecked exceptions.Typically used for checked exceptions (like IOException, SQLException) but can also be used for unchecked exceptions.
Example ScenarioYou encounter an error condition, and you want to throw an exception.You are writing a method that may encounter an error (like file I/O) and want to pass the responsibility for handling the exception to the caller.

References : 1.

Installing Arch Linux in UEFI systems(windows)

12 November 2024 at 15:22

This will be a very basic overview in what is to be done for installing Arch Linux. For more information check out Arch wiki installation guide.

The commands shown in this guide will be in italian(font).

Step 1: Downloading the required files and applications

I have downloaded a few applications to help ease the process for the installation. You can download them using the links below.

This helps in formatting the USB and converting the disc image file to a dd image file. I have used rufus, you can use other tools too. This only works on windows.
rufus link

The download option in the wiki page suggests we use BitTorrent for downloading the disc image file.
BitTorrent for windows

Arch Linux torrent file
This is for downloading the Arch Linux Torrent File. The download link can be found in the website given below.
Arch Linux Download Page

Step 2: The bootable USB

You will need a USB of size at least 2GB and 4GB or above should be very comfortable to use.

First open the BitTorrent application or the web based version and upload the magnet link or the torrent file to start downloading the disc image file.

Then to prepare the USB:

  1. Launch the application to make the bootable USB like rufus.

2.In the device section select your USB and remember all the data in the drive will be lost after the process.

3.In boot selection, choose the disc image file that was downloaded through torrent.

4.In the target system select UEFI as we are using a UEFI system.

5.In the partition scheme make sure GPT is selected.

6.In file system select fat32 and 4096 bytes as cluster size.

7.When you click ready it will present you with 2 options, select the dd image file which is not the default option.

After the process is done the USB will not be readable to windows, so there is no need to panic if you cannot access the USB.

If you are using a dual boot make sure you have at least 30 GB of unallocated space.

I would recommend to turn off bitlocker settings as it could give rise to other challenges during the installation.

Then get into the UEFI Firmware settings of your system. One easy way is to:
1.Hold shift key while pressing to restart the computer
2.Go into Troubleshoot
3.Go into Advanced Settings
4.Select UEFI Firmware Settings
5.You will have to restart again but you will be in the required place.

Turn off secure boot state. It is usually in the security settings.

Select save changes and exit.

When you log back into your system ensure that secure boot state is off by going into system information.

Go back to UEFI Firmware settings by repeating the process.

In the boot priority section, give your USB device the highest priority. This is usually in the boot section. Then select save changes and exit.

Step 3: Preparing Arch Linux Installation

When all the above steps are done and the system restarts, you will be prompted with a few options. Select Arch Linux install medium and press 'Enter' to enter the installation environment. After this you will need to follow a series of steps.

1. Verifying you are in UEFI mode.

To do that type the command
cat /sys/firmware/efi/fw_platform_size

You should get the result as 32 or 64. If you get no result then you may not be using UEFI mode.

2. Connecting to the internet:

If you are using an ethernet cable then you don't have to worry as you might already be connected to internet.
Use the command
ping -c 4
or another website to ping from to check if you're connected to the internet.

To connect to wi-fi, type in the command
ip link

This should show you all the internet devices you have. Your wi-fi should typically be wlan0 or something like wlp3s0, which is your device name.

Then type the command

This should get you into an interactive command line interface.
You can explore the options by using the command

My device name was wlan0 so I'm using wlan0 in the command I'm going to show if yours is different make the appropriate changes.

To connect to the wifi use the command
station wlan0 connect "Network Name"
where "Network Name" is the name of your network.

If you want to know the name of your network before doing this you can try the command
station wlan0 get-networks

To get out of the environment simply use the command

After you exit, you can verify your connection with
ping -c 4

If it doesn't work, try the command
ping -c 4

If the above also doesn't work, the problem may lie with your network.

However if the second option works for you, the fix would be to manually change the DNS server you're using.
To do that, run the command
nano /etc/systemd/resolved.conf

In this file if the DNS part is commented using a #, remove the # and replace it with a DNS server you desire. For eg:

ctrl + x to save and exit

Now try pinging a website such as again to make sure you're properly connected to the internet.

3. Set the proper time

When you connect to the internet you should have the proper time. To check you can use the command

4. Create the partitions for Arch Linux

To check what partitions you have, use the command

This will list the partitions you have. It will be in the format /dev/sda or /dev/nvme0n1 or something else. Mine was /dev/nvme0n1 so I'll be using the same in the commands below.

To make the partitions, use the command
fdisk /dev/nvme0n1

This should bring you to a separate command line interface.

It will give you an introduction on what to do.

Now we will create the partitions.
To create a partition, use the command

It will show you what you want to number your partition and the default option. Click enter as it will automatically take the default option if you don't enter any value. Let's say mine is 1.

It will show you what sector you want the partition to start from and the default option. Click enter.

Then it will ask you where you want the sectors to end: type

1g will allot 1 GB to the partition you just created.

Then create another partition in the same way, let's say mine is sector number 2 this time and finally instead of
+1g use +4g

This will allot 4 GB to the second partition you just created.

Create another partition and this time leave the last sector to default so it can have the remaining space. Let's say this partition is number 3.

partition 1 - EFI system partition
partition 2 - Linux SWAP partition
partition 3 - Linux root partition

5. Prepare the created partitions for Arch Linux installation

Here, we are going to format the memory in the chosen partitions and make them the appropriate file systems.

For the EFI partition:
mkfs.fat -F 32 /dev/nvme0n1p1

This converts the 1 GB partition into a fat32 file system.

For SWAP partition:
mkswap /dev/nvme0n1p2

This converts the 4 GB partition into something that can be used as virtual RAM.

For root partition:
mkfs.ext4 /dev/nvme0n1p3

This converts the root partition into a file system that is called ext4.

6. Mounting the partitions

This is for setting a reference point to the partitions we just created.

For the EFI partition:
mount --mkdir /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt/boot

For the root partition:
mount /dev/nvme0n1p3 /mnt

For the swap partition:
swapon /dev/nvme0n1p2

Step 3: The Arch Linux Installation

1. Updating the mirrorlist (optional)

The mirrorlist is a list of mirror servers from which packages can be downloaded. Choosing the right mirror server could get you higher download speeds.

This step isn't required as the mirror list is automatically updated when connected to the internet but if you would like to manually do it, its in the file

2. Installing base Linux kernel and firmware

To do this, use the command
pacstrap -K /mnt base linux linux-firmware

Step 4: Configuring Arch Linux system

1. generating fstab

The fstab is the file system table. It contains information on each of the file partitions and storage devices. It also contains information on how they should be mounted during boot.

To do it, use the command:
genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab

2. Chroot

Chroot is short for change root. It is used to directly interact with the Arch Linux partitions from the live environment in the USB.

To do it, use the command:
arch-chroot /mnt

3. Time

The timezone has 2 parts the region and the city. I am from India so my region is Asia and the city is Kolkata. Change yours appropriately to your needs.

The command:
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Kolkata /etc/localtime

We can also set the time in hardware clock as UTC.
To do that:
hwclock --systohc

4. Installing some important tools

The system you have installed is a very basic system, so it doesn't have a lot of stuff. I'm recommending two very basic tools as they can be handy.

i) nano:
This is a text editor file so you can make changes to configuration files.
pacman -S nano

ii) iwd:
This is called iNet wireless daemon. I recommend this so that you can connect to wi-fi once you reboot to your actual arch system.
pacman -S iwd

5. Localization

This is for setting the keyboard layout and language. Go to the file /etc/locale.conf by using
nano /etc/locale.conf

I want to use the english language that is the default in most devices so for doing that you have to uncomment(remove the #) for the line that says

As there are a lot of lines you can search using ctrl+F.

Then ctrl+X to save and exit.

Then use the command

This command generates the locale you just uncommented.

6. Host and password

To create the host name, we should do it in the /etc/hostname file. Use
nano /etc/hostname

Then type in what your hostname would be.
ctrl + X to save and exit.

To set the password of your root user, use the command

7. Getting out of chroot and rebooting the system

To get out of chroot simply use

Then to reboot the system use

Remove the installation medium(USB) as the device turns off.

Step 5: Enjoy Arch Linux

Arch Linux is one of the most minimal systems. So you can customize it to your liking. You can also install other desktop environments if you feel like it.

My First Public Speaking

By: Sugirtha
12 November 2024 at 14:59

Public Speaking – It’s just two words, but it makes many people feel frightened. Even I did. I felt embarrassed to stand in front of my schoolmates/colleagues.

Usually, I am present in college during working days, but if it’s seminar days, you can’t find me – I will be absent. But whatever you try to avoid in life, one day you’ll face it, right? That was what happened in my interview. Fear! Fear!!

But how could we compare an interview with public speaking? Why not? If the interview panel has multiple people, and they ask you questions you may or may not know the answers – but at least in public speaking, you will speak about what you know.

I still have that fear. So, I decided not to run away but FACE THE ISSUE. A few good people supported me in overcoming this situation. First, my professor Muthu Sir, who advised me to join open-source communities, specifically ILUGC and KanchiILUGC. He said, “Just join, they will take care of you if you follow them.” I joined, and under Mr. Shrini’s guidance, I started doing simple projects. In between, he asked me to give a presentation at an ILUGC meet.

I said OK immediately (I already wanted to overcome my fear). I felt I accepted in a rush, and suddenly had mixed feelings like run away 🙂 But he was so fast – I received an email to give my name, and the formalities proceeded. The real race started in my heart.

My inner thoughts: “What, Sugi? What are you going to do? The subject is fine, but can you speak in front of people?”

I said to myself, It’s OK, whatever, I have to do. Then, Muthu Sir, Ms.Jothy, friends, classmates, my family and all others encouraged me.

I still remember what Muthu Sir said: “What’s the worst that can happen? One, you can do well. If so, you’ll feel good and confident. Two, you may not do well, but that will push you to do better next time. Both outcomes will yield good and positive results, so just go for it.”

Then I practiced alone and felt OK. I had some paper notes in my hand, but when the laptop screen turned on, my heart rate went up, and my hands started shaking. When people asked me to start, I said, “I am Sugirtha,” and then forgot everything.

Thank God I at least remembered my name! Fine, let’s see the paper – What is this? I couldn’t read it, nothing was going inside my brain. It felt like Latin, which I don’t understand. I threw the paper aside, started recollecting, and said, “HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language.” Inside, I thought, Oh my God, this is not my first line to say, I thought I would start differently. For about 5 to 10 minutes, I fumbled with the points but didn’t deliver them as I expected. But when I started working on the code, I felt OK, as I got immersed in it.

Finally, it was over. There was still some tension, and after some time, I thought, I don’t know if my presentation was good or not, but at least I finished it. Then, after a while, I thought, Oh God, you did it, Sugi! Finally, you did something.

Now, I wonder if I get another chance, could I do it again? Back then, I somehow managed, but now… the fear returns. But this not the same as before which I feel I can overcome easily. So to overcome this I have to do more and more. I don’t want to prove anything to anyone, but I just want to prove something to myself. For my own satisfaction, I want to do more. I feel I will do better.

If I can, why can’t you?

Getting Started with Django: Creating Your First Project and Application

By: Sakthivel
12 November 2024 at 14:17

Django is a powerful and versatile web framework that helps you build web applications efficiently. Here’s how you can set up a Django project and create an application within it.

Step 1: Install Django

First, you’ll need to install Django on your machine. Open your terminal or command prompt and run:

pip install django

Step 2: Check Django Version

To confirm Django is installed, you can check the version by running:

python3 -m django --version

Step 3: Set Up Project Directory

Organize your workspace by creating a folder where your Django project will reside. In the terminal, run:

mkdir django_project
cd django_project

Step 4: Create a Django Project

Now, create a Django project within this folder. Use the following command:

django-admin startproject mysite

This will create a new Django project named mysite.

Project Structure Overview

Once the project is created, you’ll notice a few files and folders within the mysite directory. Here’s a quick overview:

  • A command-line utility that lets you interact with this Django project in various ways (starting the server, creating applications, running migrations, etc.).
  • An empty file that tells Python to treat the directory as a Python package.

Step 5: Run the Development Server

Now that the project is set up, you can test it by running Django’s development server:

python3 runserver

Visit in your browser, and you should see the Django welcome page, confirming your project is working.

Step 6: Create an Application

In Django, projects can contain multiple applications, each serving a specific function. To create an application, use the command:

python3 startapp firstapplication

This will create a folder named firstapplication inside your project directory, which will contain files essential for defining the app’s models, views, templates, and more.

With this setup, you’re ready to start building features in Django by defining models, views, templates, and URLs. This foundation will help you build scalable and structured web applications efficiently.


1. Create a Django Application to display Hello World Message as response.

2. Create One Django Application with multiple views.

3. Create a Django Application to display Current Date and Time.

Open inside the project folder and add a application name(firstapplication) to INSTALLED APPS List[]

Next open the inside the application folder import httpresponse and create a function.

from django.shortcuts import render
from django.http import HttpResponse

# Create your views here.
def display(request):
    views_content='<h2>HELLO WORLD!<H2>'
    return HttpResponse(views_content)

def display1(request):
    views_content='<h2>WELCOME TO DJANGO<H2>'
    return HttpResponse(views_content)

def display2(request):
    views_content='<h2>WELCOME TO MY APPLICATION<H2>'
    return HttpResponse(views_content)

import datetime

# Create your views here.

def time_info_view(request):
    time =
    output = '<h1> Currently the time is ' + str(time) + '</h1>'
    return HttpResponse(output)

next open the inside the project folder

from firstapplication(application) import views

create a urls of the page in urlpatterns list[]

from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path
from firstapplication import views

urlpatterns = [

Now open the local host you will see the below page

it contains 5 pages admin(default),welcome,second,third,datetime these are we created ones.

If you change the path to you will see below page

If you change the path to you will see below page

If you change the path to you will see below page

If you change the path to you will see below page

These are the essential steps for creating a Django project as a beginner, helping you understand the basic setup and flow of a Django application.

Address Book v2.0 as on 08Nov2024 – (DEVELOPMENT IN PROGRESS)

By: Sugirtha
8 November 2024 at 16:08

Project Title : Address Book

S/w Used : HTML, CSS, JavaScript with LocalStorage for storing data (little Bootstrap)

Framework Used : Text Editor

Description : A small addressbook which is having name, email, contact no, and city which is having CRUD operations.

Till Today :

  • From v1.0, design changed completely.
  • Code done for Adding new Contact with modal window.
  • And whenever new entry added that will get displayed in the table dynamically with del and edit buttons.
  • Delete button action also done.
  • Alignment I could not able to do well, so took chatGPT help.

To Do:

  • Edit action and Search are pending.
  • Add New screen is not getting closed after adding – has to be rectified.
  • Design should get changed in AddNew screen
  • Table – Headings font size should get changed. (As used bootstrap table class – th is not getting changed through css – have to research in it.
  • Some Code duplication is there, have to be optimized like keep in one function (inside validationPassed & addNewContact).

Technical WorkFlow:

function validationPassed : This function checks all the fields are not empty.

function getAddrBook : This function returns an Array which extracts the existing contacts from localStorage, if available, and parse it. Otherwise an empty array will be returned.

function addNewContact : If validationPassed, then new contact entry is created from 4 fields (Name, Email, ContactNo and City), together will form an object and pushed into addrBook array (got through getAddrBook) and will get saved into localStorage. showBook() function is getting called immediately to show the added contact.

function showBook() : This is actually a table where rows(contacts) with delete and edit buttons are getting added dynamically and will be shown.

function deleteCont(idx) : As the name suggests it will take the index of the array as input and delete the contact when the delete button pressed.

Output till now :

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-5.png

AddNew Screen:

gitlab :

Task#6-New version of integrating the Store Billing app to produce a well formatted pdf file using python

8 November 2024 at 15:00

I was so much into using the fpdf module that I almost gave up on this particular task. The challenge I faced is that, I can pass the entire content to the createpdf function but the formatting went completely off track. The other option i was thinking is that send lines one after the other to a text file and finally convert that text file to a pdf. But even that task looked out of my ability. I paused this for a few days and poured in all my frustration not just with this task but with all the other challenges in my IRC channel #kaniyam where I received awesome suggestions from Shrinivasan.T, again not just with the solution to this problem but in general about overcoming the challenges in reading.

Took a deep breath and started fresh and came across a resource where they implemented pdf creation using a different module called reportlab where there was a solution to insert the text to display into a python list and get the entries from the list using a loop and add it to the pdf construct. I was able to finally complete the first step using that module.

Here is the code block

import configparser
import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extras
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics
from reportlab.lib import colors
config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini')
hostname = config['ConnPostgres']['hostname']
database = config['ConnPostgres']['database']
port_id = config['ConnPostgres']['port_id']
pwd = config['ConnPostgres']['pwd']
username = config['ConnPostgres']['username']
final_bill_txt = ''
textlines = []
def fetch_BillAmount(in_item,in_qty):
conn = psycopg2.connect(
host = hostname,
dbname = database,
user = username,
password = pwd,
cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.RealDictCursor)
select_script = '''Select ItemCode, ItemName, ItemPrice from StoreItems where ItemCode= %s'''
dict_items = dict()
dict_items = cur.fetchall()
for dictItem in dict_items:
bill_amount = in_qty * dictItem['itemprice']
return dictItem['itemname'],bill_amount
except Exception as error:
if conn is not None:
if cur is not None:
def billing():
global bill,textlines
in_item = input('Enter the item code:')
in_qty = int(input('Enter the quantity:'))
item_name,calc_bill = fetch_BillAmount(in_item,in_qty)
bill = bill + calc_bill
print(f'The Bill amount for {in_qty} of {item_name} : ${calc_bill}')
textlines.append(f'The Bill amount for {in_qty} of {item_name} : ${calc_bill}')
def write2Pdf(lsTextline):
pdf = canvas.Canvas('Demo.pdf')
pdf.drawCentredString(290,720,"Shoppers Mart")
text = pdf.beginText(40,680)
for line in lsTextline:
print('Welcome to Shoppers Mart')
first_login = 'Y' #default initial condition
i=1 #default loop initial value
while i != 0:
if first_login != 'Y':
in_Opt = input('Do you wish to continue shopping?(Y/N)')
if first_login == 'Y' or in_Opt == 'Y':
first_login = 'N'
print(f'Your total bill amount is ${bill}')
textlines.append(f'Your total bill amount is ${bill}')
print('Thank you for shopping!')
textlines.append('Thank you for shopping!')
