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Before yesterdayDevOps

Fix – 1:

12 March 2025 at 03:08

On searching this,

found that we have to install gd library of PHP.

we had installed this already in the server as

sudo apt install php-gd

Now, checked the php version.

php -v
PHP 8.1.31 (cli) (built: Nov 21 2024 13:10:15) (NTS)

installed the gd version for it.

sudo apt install php8.1-gd

and restarted apache

sudo systemctl restart apache2

That’s all.

Now, unpublished the catalog. re-uploaded the cover images and published again.

Now, the thumbnails are generated.

But they are too small.

How do I use the ResourceTag, condition keys to create an IAM policy for tag-based restriction

By: Kannan
28 February 2025 at 08:12

The following IAM policies use condition keys to create tag-based restriction.

  • Before you use tags to control access to your AWS resources, you must understand how AWS grants access. AWS is composed of collections of resources. An Amazon EC2 instance is a resource. An Amazon S3 bucket is a resource. You can use the AWS API, the AWS CLI, or the AWS Management Console to perform an operation, such as creating a bucket in Amazon S3. When you do, you send a request for that operation. Your request specifies an action, a resource, a principal entity (user or role), a principal account, and any necessary request information.

  • You can then create an IAM policy that allows or denies access to a resource based on that resource's tag. In that policy, you can use tag condition keys to control access to any of the following:

  • Resource – Control access to AWS service resources based on the tags on those resources. To do this, use the_ aws:ResourceTag/key-name_ condition key to determine whether to allow access to the resource based on the tags that are attached to the resource.

ResourceTag condition key

Use the _aws:ResourceTag/tag-key _condition key to compare the tag key-value pair that's specified in the IAM policy with the key-value pair that's attached to the AWS resource. For more information, see Controlling access to AWS resources.

You can use this condition key with the global aws:ResourceTag version and AWS services, such as ec2:ResourceTag. For more information, see Actions, resources, and condition keys for AWS services.

  • The following IAM policy allows users to start, stop, and terminate instances that are in the test application tag
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:*:3817********:instance/*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "ec2:ResourceTag/application": "test"
            "Sid": "VisualEditor1",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

Create the policy and attach the policy to user or role.

  • Created 2 instance one is with application tag and other is non tagged.

Image description
You can see the tagged instance are able to perform Start and Stop action using the IAM resources tag condition.
non-tagged instance we are not able to perform the same.

  • check the status of the instance

Image description

  • perform the Termination action

Image description

reference commands

aws ec2 start-instances --instance-ids "instance-id"
aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-ids "instance-id"
aws ec2 describe-instance-status  --instance-ids "instance-id"
aws ec2 terminate-instances --instance-ids "instance-id"

String condition operators

String condition operators let you construct Condition elements that restrict access based on comparing a key to a string value.

  • StringEquals - Exact matching, case sensitive

  • StringNotEquals - Negated matching

  • StringEqualsIgnoreCase - Exact matching, ignoring case

  • StringNotEqualsIgnoreCase - Negated matching, ignoring case

  • StringLike - Case-sensitive matching. The values can include multi-character match wildcards (*) and single-character match wildcards (?) anywhere in the string. You must specify wildcards to achieve partial string matches.
    If a key contains multiple values, StringLike can be qualified with set operators—ForAllValues:StringLike and ForAnyValue:StringLike.

  • StringNotLike - Negated case-sensitive matching. The values can include multi-character match wildcards (*) or single-character match wildcards (?) anywhere in the string.

Script to list the S3 Bucket storage size

By: Kannan
28 February 2025 at 05:41

If we need to fetch the S3 bucket storage size we need to trace via individual bucket under metrics we get the storage size.
on one go use the below script to get the bucket name with storage size.

s3list=`aws s3 ls | awk  '{print $3}'`
for s3dir in $s3list
    echo $s3dir
    aws s3 ls "s3://$s3dir"  --recursive --human-readable --summarize | grep "Total Size" 
  1. create the .sh file
  2. copy the code on the file
  3. Excecute the script to get the s3 bucket details

Installation of Linux Mint 22.1 Cinnamon Edition

15 February 2025 at 18:13

Linux Mint 22.1 Cinnamon Edition iso
download link
Installation of Linux Mint 22.1 Cinnamon Edition

make the iso file to a usb installer
then in bios settings make usb as first boot order
insert the pendirve automatically it detects the Linux Mint OS
and this screen will appear

select “start linux mint” then hit enter
we got the linux mint home screen

now double click the “install linux mint” icon
in the welcome screen choose “English” and continue

select keyboard layout to English (US) and continue

Next we got the multimedia codecs wizard leave as it is and
hit continue

next we got the installation type wizard
select “something else ” and continue

in the next wizard click “New Partition Table”

we got the “create new empty partition table on this device ?” wizard
click continue

then select the free space and click “+”

we got the create partition wizard
give the size for root partition (Maximum size 85%)
use as “Ext4 journaling file system”
Mount point : /
then click “OK”

then again select the free space and click “+” sign

give the size for swap (twice the size of RAM usually)
select Use as: swap area
then click “OK”

again select the free space and click “+” sign
give the size for EFI partition 1GB
select Use as: EFI system partition
and click “OK”

again select the free space and click “+” sign
give the size 100 MB for
use as : “Reserved BIOS boot area” then click OK

then click Install continue

the give the time zone as kolkata

then click continue and in the next wizard
give username , computer name , password
either choose login automatically or require password

then click “continue”
the installation process took  a while
when the installation complete
it will ask to remove the installation medium and press ENTER

the system reboots and Linux Mint cinnamon home page will be displayed


Welcoming Winter with Python – PyKids and PyLadies

31 January 2025 at 21:30

Winter Break for kids

In Canada, we have around 15 days of winter break for all school kids, covering Christmas and New year.

These celebrations are helping much to come out of the winter worries.

Winter is scary word, but people have to go through it, as life has to go on. As we can not travel much and there are no outdoor events/games, we have to be at home, all the days, weeks and months. Organizing indoor events are costly.

To spend the winter actively, many celebrations days are occurring. Halloween, Christmas, Boxing day, New year, Valentine day and more are there, to make the winter active.

Keeping the kids at home for 17 days winter break is tough. We have to engage them whole day. In our apartment, we are conducting many kids events like weekly chess hour, dance hours, board games day, movie time, sleep over nights etc.

Computer Literacy is good here. Kids are learning to use computer at school, from Grade 3 itself. They play many educational games at school. Homework are done with google slides and google docs, from grade 5. Scratch programming also trained here at grade 5. So, they know very well to use computer, read text online, search the internet and gather some info etc.


This time, thought of having some tech events for kids. Called for 10 days training as “PyKids”, for grade 5 and above. The announcement was welcomed well by many parents. We had around 17 kids participated.

As our house is empty mostly, ( thanks to Nithya, for the minimalistic life style ), our hall helped for gathering and teaching.

By keeping the hall empty, we are using the place as Daily Zumba dance hall, mini party hall, DJ hall, kids play area and now as a learning place.

Teaching Python for kids is not easy. The kids are not ready to listen to any long talks. They can not even listen to my regular “python introduction” slides. So, jumped into hands-on on the day one itself.

My mentor, Asokan Pichai explained how we have to goto hands-on on any python training, few months ago. Experienced the benefits of it this time.

Even-though, I am using Python for 10+ years, teaching it to kids was really tough. I had to read few books and read on more basics, so that I can explain the building blocks of python with more relevant examples for kids.

The kids are good at asking questions. They share feedback with their eyes itself. It is a huge different on teaching to adults. Most of the adults don’t ask questions. They hesitate to say they don’t understand something. But, kids are brave enough to ask questions and express the feedback immediately.

With a training on 4-6 pm everyday, for around 10 days, we can cover so little of python only.

We practiced the code here – We used as IDE, as the kids have laptops and tablets with different OS. Will install Python on their laptops on next events so that they can explore more python libraries.

On the final day, my friend Jay Varadharajan, gave a Pizza party for all kids, along with a participation certificate.

Thanks for all the questions kids. Along with you, I learnt a lot. Thanks for all the parents for the great support.


Nithya wanted to try out full day training for her friends. Getting a time of 9-5 to learn something is so luxury for many people. Still, around 10 friends participated.

Nithya took the day with all hands-on. She covered the variables, getting input, if/else, for/while loop, string/list operations. The participants were happy to dive into programming so quickly.

“A byte of Python” is a super easy book to learn python. Read it here for free.

Gave this link as asked to read/practice regularly. Hope they are following the book.

Hall for PyLadies meetup

Home as Learning Space

Thus, we are converting our home as a learning space for kids and friends. Thinking of conducting some technical meetups too. ( I am missing all the Linux Users groups meetings and hackathons). Hope we can get more tech events in the winter and make it so interesting and productive.

Welcoming Winter with Python – PyKids and PyLadies

31 January 2025 at 21:30

Winter Break for kids

In Canada, we have around 15 days of winter break for all school kids, covering Christmas and New year.

These celebrations are helping much to come out of the winter worries.

Winter is scary word, but people have to go through it, as life has to go on. As we can not travel much and there are no outdoor events/games, we have to be at home, all the days, weeks and months. Organizing indoor events are costly.

To spend the winter actively, many celebrations days are occurring. Halloween, Christmas, Boxing day, New year, Valentine day and more are there, to make the winter active.

Keeping the kids at home for 17 days winter break is tough. We have to engage them whole day. In our apartment, we are conducting many kids events like weekly chess hour, dance hours, board games day, movie time, sleep over nights etc.

Computer Literacy is good here. Kids are learning to use computer at school, from Grade 3 itself. They play many educational games at school. Homework are done with google slides and google docs, from grade 5. Scratch programming also trained here at grade 5. So, they know very well to use computer, read text online, search the internet and gather some info etc.


This time, thought of having some tech events for kids. Called for 10 days training as “PyKids”, for grade 5 and above. The announcement was welcomed well by many parents. We had around 17 kids participated.

As our house is empty mostly, ( thanks to Nithya, for the minimalistic life style ), our hall helped for gathering and teaching.

By keeping the hall empty, we are using the place as Daily Zumba dance hall, mini party hall, DJ hall, kids play area and now as a learning place.

Teaching Python for kids is not easy. The kids are not ready to listen to any long talks. They can not even listen to my regular “python introduction” slides. So, jumped into hands-on on the day one itself.

My mentor, Asokan Pichai explained how we have to goto hands-on on any python training, few months ago. Experienced the benefits of it this time.

Even-though, I am using Python for 10+ years, teaching it to kids was really tough. I had to read few books and read on more basics, so that I can explain the building blocks of python with more relevant examples for kids.

The kids are good at asking questions. They share feedback with their eyes itself. It is a huge different on teaching to adults. Most of the adults don’t ask questions. They hesitate to say they don’t understand something. But, kids are brave enough to ask questions and express the feedback immediately.

With a training on 4-6 pm everyday, for around 10 days, we can cover so little of python only.

We practiced the code here – We used as IDE, as the kids have laptops and tablets with different OS. Will install Python on their laptops on next events so that they can explore more python libraries.

On the final day, my friend Jay Varadharajan, gave a Pizza party for all kids, along with a participation certificate.

Thanks for all the questions kids. Along with you, I learnt a lot. Thanks for all the parents for the great support.


Nithya wanted to try out full day training for her friends. Getting a time of 9-5 to learn something is so luxury for many people. Still, around 10 friends participated.

Nithya took the day with all hands-on. She covered the variables, getting input, if/else, for/while loop, string/list operations. The participants were happy to dive into programming so quickly.

“A byte of Python” is a super easy book to learn python. Read it here for free.

Gave this link as asked to read/practice regularly. Hope they are following the book.

Hall for PyLadies meetup

Home as Learning Space

Thus, we are converting our home as a learning space for kids and friends. Thinking of conducting some technical meetups too. ( I am missing all the Linux Users groups meetings and hackathons). Hope we can get more tech events in the winter and make it so interesting and productive.

git checkout HEAD filename

3 January 2025 at 16:59

In GIT, usually when a commit occurs, HEAD points to the latest commit.

For an example, there is a commit made in a file. You further made some changes. Later at some point, you realize that change is not required anymore. In this case, you need to point the head to the old HEAD. Below command should be used.

git checkout HEAD <<filename>>

In a nutshell – above command is used to discard changes in the working directory

git reset HEAD filename

Imagine you made changes to file1.txt and file2.txt and added to staging area. Further you accidentally made some changes to file3.txt and added to staging area. Later you realize, changes made to file3.txt is unnecessary.

So, in order to remove file3.txt from staging area, use below command

git reset HEAD <<filename>>

basically this command is used to unstage changes from staging area.

Remember, this command only removes file from staging area. The changes you made to the file remains available.

git reset commit_SHA

Imagine if you have made 10 commits on a single file. If in case, if you need to discard all the changes from 6th commit, you would use this command so that all commits from 7th to 10th commit will be removed.

git reset 232bfg2

here 232bfg2 is first 7 characters of git commit SHA

Connect postman to salesforce

3 January 2025 at 16:27

Today, I want to capture notes that I learnt from trailhead academy on connecting postman to a salesforce org.

To make postman allow changes at Salesforce org, we have to enable CORS policy in Salesforce. See below what does CORS mean.

CORS- Cross Origin Resource Sharing

It is a browser feature that controls how resources are requested from one site to another site. By configuring CORS, it enables special permissions for other external websites to access our salesforce data. In this case, we are enabling CORS for postman to access salesforce.

  • From setup ==> search for CORS ==> Add https://* and https://* URL
  • After that, in postman desktop -Do below steps one by one.
  • Create a separate workspace for Salesforce APIs to play around.
  • Search for Salesforce APIs. It does list out all the available collections.
  • Fork “Salesforce Platform API” and it will available to your local postman workspace.
  • After that, go to “Authorization” click on “Generate token” and copy “instance” URL.
  • Configure “_endpoint” value from variable tab as “instance” URL
  • All set and that’s it. You can play around whatever requests that are available.

git checkout HEAD filename

3 January 2025 at 16:59

In GIT, usually when a commit occurs, HEAD points to the latest commit.

For an example, there is a commit made in a file. You further made some changes. Later at some point, you realize that change is not required anymore. In this case, you need to point the head to the old HEAD. Below command should be used.

git checkout HEAD <<filename>>

In a nutshell – above command is used to discard changes in the working directory

git reset HEAD filename

Imagine you made changes to file1.txt and file2.txt and added to staging area. Further you accidentally made some changes to file3.txt and added to staging area. Later you realize, changes made to file3.txt is unnecessary.

So, in order to remove file3.txt from staging area, use below command

git reset HEAD <<filename>>

basically this command is used to unstage changes from staging area.

Remember, this command only removes file from staging area. The changes you made to the file remains available.

git reset commit_SHA

Imagine if you have made 10 commits on a single file. If in case, if you need to discard all the changes from 6th commit, you would use this command so that all commits from 7th to 10th commit will be removed.

git reset 232bfg2

here 232bfg2 is first 7 characters of git commit SHA

Connect postman to salesforce

3 January 2025 at 16:27

Today, I want to capture notes that I learnt from trailhead academy on connecting postman to a salesforce org.

To make postman allow changes at Salesforce org, we have to enable CORS policy in Salesforce. See below what does CORS mean.

CORS- Cross Origin Resource Sharing

It is a browser feature that controls how resources are requested from one site to another site. By configuring CORS, it enables special permissions for other external websites to access our salesforce data. In this case, we are enabling CORS for postman to access salesforce.

  • From setup ==> search for CORS ==> Add https://* and https://* URL
  • After that, in postman desktop -Do below steps one by one.
  • Create a separate workspace for Salesforce APIs to play around.
  • Search for Salesforce APIs. It does list out all the available collections.
  • Fork “Salesforce Platform API” and it will available to your local postman workspace.
  • After that, go to “Authorization” click on “Generate token” and copy “instance” URL.
  • Configure “_endpoint” value from variable tab as “instance” URL
  • All set and that’s it. You can play around whatever requests that are available.

Kanchi Linux Users Group Monthly Meeting – Dec 08, 2024

8 December 2024 at 02:43

Hi everyone,
KanchiLUG’s Monthly meet is scheduled as online meeting this week on Sunday, Dec 08, 2024 17:00 – 18:00 IST

Meeting link :

Can join with any browser or JitSi android app.
All the Discussions are in Tamil.

Talk Details

Talk 0:
Topic : my Elisp ‘load random theme’ function
Description : I wanted to randomly load a theme in Emacs during startup. After i search in online, I achieved this
functionality using Emacs Lisp. this my talk Duration : 10 minutes
Name : Krishna Subramaniyan
About :GNU/Linux and Emacs user 😉

Talk 1:
Topic : PDF generation using python
Description : To demo a python program which will generate a PDF output. Duration : 20 minutes
Name : Sethu
About : Member of KanchiLUG & Kaniyam IRC Channel

Talk 2:
Topic : distrobox – a wrapper on podman/docker
Description : Intro about the tool, why I had to use that and a demo Duration : 15 minutes
Name : Annamalai N
About : a GNU/Linux user

Talk 3:
Topic : Real Time Update Mechanisms (Polling, Long Polling, Server Sent Events)
Description : To demo Real Time Update Mechanisms with JS and Python Duration : 30 minutes
Name :Syed Jafer (parottasalna)
About : Developer. Currently teaching postgres at

After Talks : Q&A, General discussion

About KanchiLUG : Kanchi Linux Users Group [ KanchiLUG ] has been spreading awareness on Free/Open Source Software (F/OSS) in
Kanchipuram since November 2006.

Anyone can join! (Entry is free)
Everyone is welcome
Feel free to share this to your friends

Mailing list:
Repository :
Twitter handle: @kanchilug
Kanchilug Blog :

To subscribe/unsubscribe kanchilug mailing list :

Kanchi Linux Users Group Monthly Meeting – Dec 08, 2024

8 December 2024 at 02:43

Hi everyone,
KanchiLUG’s Monthly meet is scheduled as online meeting this week on Sunday, Dec 08, 2024 17:00 – 18:00 IST

Meeting link :

Can join with any browser or JitSi android app.
All the Discussions are in Tamil.

Talk Details

Talk 0:
Topic : my Elisp ‘load random theme’ function
Description : I wanted to randomly load a theme in Emacs during startup. After i search in online, I achieved this
functionality using Emacs Lisp. this my talk Duration : 10 minutes
Name : Krishna Subramaniyan
About :GNU/Linux and Emacs user 😉

Talk 1:
Topic : PDF generation using python
Description : To demo a python program which will generate a PDF output. Duration : 20 minutes
Name : Sethu
About : Member of KanchiLUG & Kaniyam IRC Channel

Talk 2:
Topic : distrobox – a wrapper on podman/docker
Description : Intro about the tool, why I had to use that and a demo Duration : 15 minutes
Name : Annamalai N
About : a GNU/Linux user

Talk 3:
Topic : Real Time Update Mechanisms (Polling, Long Polling, Server Sent Events)
Description : To demo Real Time Update Mechanisms with JS and Python Duration : 30 minutes
Name :Syed Jafer (parottasalna)
About : Developer. Currently teaching postgres at

After Talks : Q&A, General discussion

About KanchiLUG : Kanchi Linux Users Group [ KanchiLUG ] has been spreading awareness on Free/Open Source Software (F/OSS) in
Kanchipuram since November 2006.

Anyone can join! (Entry is free)
Everyone is welcome
Feel free to share this to your friends

Mailing list:
Repository :
Twitter handle: @kanchilug
Kanchilug Blog :

To subscribe/unsubscribe kanchilug mailing list :

Weekly Notes 48 – 2024

5 December 2024 at 03:18

Christmas Lighting at Niagara

Few weeks ago, Niagara had its Christmas lighting started. Went there with friends. We went there in the evening. Niagara is one of the greatest natural beauty, which we can see a million times. Visited the Casino there. Got 10$ free card and played with few slot machines. Won 3$ and lost all 13$. Though it was a free money, it was tough to stop the game.

Then, visited the wonderful lighting. It was a very long walk, in dark roads, along with glittering lights on the road sides. Kids enjoyed much to see them all.

Few photos are here –

Winter Celebration at Heart Comonos

Last Saturday, we had a grand event to celebrate the winter, organized by HeartComonos team. I volunteered a little amount for the event. We had nearly 2 months of preparation. All the volunteers made the event a memorable one. We had around 300 participants. The Bollywood dance team won all the attention. I had a makeover as ELF and was giving candy to all the kids there.

Few pics of the events are here –

Daily IRC meetings for open source project mentoring

We are having daily meeting for open source project mentoring. Around 10 people are doing different projects. We are discussing many things like linux, Emacs, productivity, book reviews etc. Read the logs here –

2025 planning for kaniyam

Started a thread to plan the 2025 activities for Kaniyam Foundation. Write there what do you think on what we can do next year.

Revamping is with a very old theme for past 10+ years. We need the below changes.

  • Check for new theme
  • improve its SEO for search results.
  • Fix the send2kindle links
  • Fix the categories
  • Merge duplicate author names, categories
  • Fix the download stats
  • Get the detailed download report for all the books
  • have author page
  • have contributor page
  • remove email address on the book’s pages
  • add intro content to all books

Created an project idea issue for this here.

Ravishankar is the founding member of and a mentor for kaniyam. He started to work on these tasks. He gave a new theme and improved the SEO. Need more volunteers to work on other items. Let me know if you can spend few hours for

Winter / Snow started

Today, we got the very first snow fall of the year. It is mesmerizing to see all the green lands are turning into white. For 4 months, we will be in hibernate state. Have to plan many indoor events. I have tons of books to read, tasks to complete.

LLM dataset part 3 released

We are collecting large amount of Tamil text with shareable, open licensed content, for LLM and other research works. So far, collected 1.6 GB of text, from Tamil Wikipedia, FreeTamilEbooks, project madurai, tamilmunn publishers books, etc. Get the data from here –

Read the blog posts on these here

part 1 –

part 2 –

part 3 –

Planning for scratch / python training for kids

Around Dec 25 to Jan 5, we will get winter break for schools. I am thinking of teaching python or scratch for kids in this break. Learning scratch for that. The graphics, the colors, drag/drop may be easy for kids. But it is tough for me as a terminal dweller. Yet to think and plan more on the training for kids. At least, I should teach the basics of programming and show a taste of making computers to obey our orders.

Weekly chess hours for kids

Started to teach chess for our condo kids. we conduct a weekly chess hour, to teach and play with other kids. Good to see that many kids know chess already and they all enjoy the game hours.

Moana 2

Watched Moana 2 yesterday. Viyan loved it. It is very difficult to being a part 2 movie as good as part 1. Moana team did a great job on this. Stunning graphics, good story line, nice music, heart melting songs make the move as a wonder. Don’t miss to watch it in theaters.


completed – பேசத் தெரிந்த நிழல்கள் – sramakrishnan. Took it from a local library. It is a book full of review of world movies. Happy to read a physical tamil book apart from 1000s of miles.

In progress – Drupal, LLM, Digital Museums

100% savings on Thanksgiving Day

As usual, got 100% savings on Thanksgiving Day sales. Bought nothing. As we are following minimalism as much as possible, we feel that we have all the things required. I was thinking, if the name of the day is like “Genocide Memorial Day”, we won’t be rushing for shops to get offers and sales. They should rename the day to show the history.

Self-hosted social media – gotosocial

I am running a social media platform on my desktop, and interacting with the world using that. It is a software called ‘Gotosocial’. It is like twitter, but we can install on our own servers. The Fediverse activitypub protocol connects with other millions of such servers around the world.

Hosted it here

Happy to see many Emacs, FOSS, Linux, Self hosting lovers are there to interact. Getting replies for all the questions I am asking there. It gives much happiness, to be with like-minded people, around the globe.

Weekly Notes 48 – 2024

5 December 2024 at 03:18

Christmas Lighting at Niagara

Few weeks ago, Niagara had its Christmas lighting started. Went there with friends. We went there in the evening. Niagara is one of the greatest natural beauty, which we can see a million times. Visited the Casino there. Got 10$ free card and played with few slot machines. Won 3$ and lost all 13$. Though it was a free money, it was tough to stop the game.

Then, visited the wonderful lighting. It was a very long walk, in dark roads, along with glittering lights on the road sides. Kids enjoyed much to see them all.

Few photos are here –

Winter Celebration at Heart Comonos

Last Saturday, we had a grand event to celebrate the winter, organized by HeartComonos team. I volunteered a little amount for the event. We had nearly 2 months of preparation. All the volunteers made the event a memorable one. We had around 300 participants. The Bollywood dance team won all the attention. I had a makeover as ELF and was giving candy to all the kids there.

Few pics of the events are here –

Daily IRC meetings for open source project mentoring

We are having daily meeting for open source project mentoring. Around 10 people are doing different projects. We are discussing many things like linux, Emacs, productivity, book reviews etc. Read the logs here –

2025 planning for kaniyam

Started a thread to plan the 2025 activities for Kaniyam Foundation. Write there what do you think on what we can do next year.

Revamping is with a very old theme for past 10+ years. We need the below changes.

  • Check for new theme
  • improve its SEO for search results.
  • Fix the send2kindle links
  • Fix the categories
  • Merge duplicate author names, categories
  • Fix the download stats
  • Get the detailed download report for all the books
  • have author page
  • have contributor page
  • remove email address on the book’s pages
  • add intro content to all books

Created an project idea issue for this here.

Ravishankar is the founding member of and a mentor for kaniyam. He started to work on these tasks. He gave a new theme and improved the SEO. Need more volunteers to work on other items. Let me know if you can spend few hours for

Winter / Snow started

Today, we got the very first snow fall of the year. It is mesmerizing to see all the green lands are turning into white. For 4 months, we will be in hibernate state. Have to plan many indoor events. I have tons of books to read, tasks to complete.

LLM dataset part 3 released

We are collecting large amount of Tamil text with shareable, open licensed content, for LLM and other research works. So far, collected 1.6 GB of text, from Tamil Wikipedia, FreeTamilEbooks, project madurai, tamilmunn publishers books, etc. Get the data from here –

Read the blog posts on these here

part 1 –

part 2 –

part 3 –

Planning for scratch / python training for kids

Around Dec 25 to Jan 5, we will get winter break for schools. I am thinking of teaching python or scratch for kids in this break. Learning scratch for that. The graphics, the colors, drag/drop may be easy for kids. But it is tough for me as a terminal dweller. Yet to think and plan more on the training for kids. At least, I should teach the basics of programming and show a taste of making computers to obey our orders.

Weekly chess hours for kids

Started to teach chess for our condo kids. we conduct a weekly chess hour, to teach and play with other kids. Good to see that many kids know chess already and they all enjoy the game hours.

Moana 2

Watched Moana 2 yesterday. Viyan loved it. It is very difficult to being a part 2 movie as good as part 1. Moana team did a great job on this. Stunning graphics, good story line, nice music, heart melting songs make the move as a wonder. Don’t miss to watch it in theaters.


completed – பேசத் தெரிந்த நிழல்கள் – sramakrishnan. Took it from a local library. It is a book full of review of world movies. Happy to read a physical tamil book apart from 1000s of miles.

In progress – Drupal, LLM, Digital Museums

100% savings on Thanksgiving Day

As usual, got 100% savings on Thanksgiving Day sales. Bought nothing. As we are following minimalism as much as possible, we feel that we have all the things required. I was thinking, if the name of the day is like “Genocide Memorial Day”, we won’t be rushing for shops to get offers and sales. They should rename the day to show the history.

Self-hosted social media – gotosocial

I am running a social media platform on my desktop, and interacting with the world using that. It is a software called ‘Gotosocial’. It is like twitter, but we can install on our own servers. The Fediverse activitypub protocol connects with other millions of such servers around the world.

Hosted it here

Happy to see many Emacs, FOSS, Linux, Self hosting lovers are there to interact. Getting replies for all the questions I am asking there. It gives much happiness, to be with like-minded people, around the globe.

Jenkins - 1

  • Open source integration tool.
  • It can be made as centralised server by integrating multiple source like source code management , build tools , deployment environment .
  • Its Java based.
  • To automate the repeated task.
  • CI/CD ( continuous integration and continuous delivery )
  • Even you can do patching.
  • In simple , its a centralised server.


  1. CI/CD
  2. Open source
  3. Community driven
  4. Browser based
  5. Supports all Operating system.
  6. Distributed build --> Master and Slave node , how ? If you are setting up Jenkins , it uses resource of the system where its installed and accordingly the Jobs will take the RAM , CPU and resources. To avoid this "Distributed build" was introduced , so that "Master and Slave node" with that the load will be distributed.
  7. We can increase the scalability of master and slave.

CI/CD Workflow

  • Commit
  • Build
  • Test
  • Stage
  • Deploy
  1. Stages will be different in other CI/CD process. Purpose will be the same.
  2. Dedicated branch for each environment it will be a best practice to avoid any confusion here.

Installation & Configuration

sudo apt-get update
java -version

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Add the official key of Jenkins and then the repo.

sudo wget -O /usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc \
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc]" \ binary/ | sudo tee \
  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install jenkins

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Now JENKINS had been installed , please check with command also whether its installed or not.

dpkg -l | grep -i jenkins

As we have encountered error , install higher version of Java from 11 to 17 or 21.

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sudo systemctl start jenkins
sudo systemctl enable jenkins
sudo systemctl status jenkins
  • Now open the console with the IP of the system.

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  • If you want to know the username , then go to below location.
cat /var/lib/jenkins/users/users.xml

want to change the password , edit and restart the jenkins.

<> <passwordHash>#jbcrypt:$2a$10$OTYB2osGPi/rasutjHcYOOhByiCoaEZTEQk52CABOwYdrtxeIPnBu</passwordHash>

  • Give no password for jenkins user ( as its a internal user )

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  • Check whether able to get output without sudo password.

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User Management & security

  • Manage Jenkins > Security

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  • Trying to use the OS user for security features , lets try.
  • Add the user to the group shadow like below and restart the Jenkins.

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  • Now its integrated with the OS user (sathishpy1808) , you can even login with the OS users after integrating.

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Jenkins own database

  • User created in Jenkins only can login , OS users can't.

User creation

  • Change to "Jenkins own database" then only you can view the user creation option like below ,

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  • Go to the ravi user profile and explore.

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  • Even you can terminate all sessions from the console.
  • You can change the password also and delete option is also available.


  • what type of authorisation is given to the users , you can see many options in the below screen.

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  • BY default --> "logged-in users can do anything" its equal to admin access --> its not advisable.
  • Try to use with user based ,

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  • Also ROLE based plugin it will be useful , lets install ( mostly used plugin for role based authorisation )

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  • Manage & roles won't be available at first , it will come after the plugin installation only.

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  • Manage roles and assign roles are very important option.
  • Lets create a role and then assign the users.
  • Pattern based users are created only in "Item Roles". Here if any user starts with word "Manage" , it should the managing job roles.

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  • Create some Jobs to test this user specification.

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  • Item roles in "Assign Roles" will be useful for pattern description for users.
  • You can see all roles which are added.
  • All users are added in this console.

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Job Management

  • Jobs needs to be created to perform a task.

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Build Triggers

  • "Trigger builds remotely (e.g., from scripts)" --> it will trigger once some other task gets triggered.
  • "GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling" --> once the code gets committed then only the job needs to be triggered.

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Build Environment

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Build Steps

  • This is the main step , you can add number of steps here.
  • Raw commands , shell script , etc.
  • Can be added like stages.

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Post-build Actions

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  1. --> In this site , you can get the details of the key and the repo details which we have added in the first of the installation part. [TBD]
  2. What is "openjdk-17-jdk-headless package" ?
  3. Default port of Jenkins is 8080.
  4. jenkins user will be always running.

Commands Used

java -version
locate jdk
whereis java

List of errors

Job for jenkins.service failed because the control process exited with error code.

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  • Now you can get the details by typing ,
journalctl -xeu jenkins.service

Error clearly says , ( version not supported )

Dec 01 22:03:57 jenkins[40153]: Running with Java 11 from /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64, which is older than the minimum required version (J>
Dec 01 22:03:57 jenkins[40153]: Supported Java versions are: [17, 21]
Dec 01 22:03:57 jenkins[40153]: See for more information.
Dec 01 22:03:57 systemd[1]: jenkins.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE

Access Denied

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  • change the ownership to the current user,
sudo chown -R sathishpy1808:sathishpy1808 /var/lib/jenkins/
sudo chown $(whoami) /var/lib/jenkins

Dangling meta character '*' near index 0

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Collecting content for LLM dataset – Part 2 – FreeTamilEbooks

16 June 2024 at 02:35

At we have published 850 ebooks. All in sharable creative commons license. There are many people asking for the text only content of all these books many times. As it is a big task, took long time for it. Thanks to Lenin, Anwar of Kaniyam Foundation, all the contributors, all the writers and readers for making this project alive and a great success.

We are publishing the books as epub format, along with PDF format. Epub is just a zip file of HTML files. So, we can copy all the content from it as unicode text. Pandoc is a wonderful open source software, which can convert an epub to plaintext file.

There are the list of actions we have to do.

  1. Get URLs of all the 850+ epub files
  2. Download them all.
  3. using pandoc, convert to text file.

So far, we dont have a metadata file for all the books published. Getting the links of all epub files need some programming. As Python is a swiss knife to automate anything, started to explore the wordpress REST api with python to get all the books pages content.

Wrote the code here to get all the books info.

This gave a JSON file with book name, author, genre, epub, mobi, a4 pdf,6 inch pdf links.

Converted this to a CSV file with the below code.

I had to fix few things manually on the CSV file.

This is the final CSV file.

The below code is to download all the epub files from their links in the fte_metadata.csv file. Used pandoc to convert to text.

Got 845 txt files. Total size is 374 MB

Compressed with 7z to get 47MB compressed file.

Published the data here.

Download, share the text data for free. Dont sell them as most of the books are released as CC-BY-NC ( No Commercial ) license.

Use these data to build awesome open source applications and researches like Spellchekers, grammar checkers, LLm, RAG, what not?

Data is always the oil. Let us grow the open data oil.

Please share all your text, audio, video content in sharable license like creative commons. They will use to build a better future.

Postgres - Session 02 ( Architecture )

25 November 2024 at 02:27
  • Who uses the DB frequently ? Application.

Lets deep dive into Architecture

Post Master

  • ஒரு specific portல incoming requestஅ collect பண்ணி வச்சிக்கும். It just re-direct.

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  • Backend process pool uses RAM & CPU so we can't give any number. It will assigned with a specific value , if all are used then Backend process pool will ask the request to wait until the other request gets completed. Each Backend process pool as separate VIRTUAL memory. it won't all data , but specific information related to request. Even Backend process pool won't execute the request.

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  • Now Backend process pool ( BP ) will re-direct to Backend workers pool.
  • Eg BP - 100 & BW - 100.
  • Status of these gets changed like ACTIVE , IDEAL , etc
  • Even this Backend workers pool will have separate MEMORY. ( keep in mind )

Query example

  • Take an example of the below one,

select * from employee where first_name=john ;

  • It will go to the Backend workers pool , then " select * from employee " goes and search in SHARED BUFFER. If its there then it returns the response.
  • If the result is not available in SHARED BUFFER , then it goes to DISK.
  • Here the catch is , even the SHARED BUFFER size is limited. This can be configured.
  • For eg., இப்ப அந்த SHARED BUFFERல 10 mb size allocate பண்ணி இருக்கு , அடுத்த request உள்ள வருது , SHARED BUFFERல இந்த request இல்ல so it goes to DISK and then gets the output of 20 mb file size . இப்ப ஏற்கனவே இருந்த 10 mb size file will be erased and new 20 mb file will be saved in that SHARED BUFFER.
  • It will be very fast when the output comes from SHARED BUFFER.
  • WORKER Memory will take the order by , sort , etc other than select ( main query ).

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Auxiliary Process


  • Write Ahead Log
  • If will take all the backup of the request and the query.
  • It as separate buffer space.
  • It will also go to DISK.
  • The command comes to WAL from two places 1. BACKEND WORKER 2. BACKGROUND WRITER.


  • When the output gets stored in the SHARED BUFFER , at the same time a DIRTY PAGES gets created. why it gets created ? Eg., If there is any update in the query which is stored in SHRED BUFFER , then it updates but this is not saved in DISK.
  • If the update or any operation didn't go to main DISK , then it will create a DIRTY PAGES.
  • At the same time BACKGROUND WRITER , takes the notes of DIRTY PAGES and asks WAL WRITER to take a not of it.
  • The uncommitted task still goes to OS FILE SYSTEM from DIRTY PAGES . Note : still the commit didn't reach the MAIN DISK.


  • If there is any crash in SHARED BUFFER , then we can get it from WAL WRITER.
  • Data won't be recovered but the query can be recovered for the WAL.


  • WAL WRITER will put all details to WAL ARCHIVER.


  • Whatever comes to OS FILE SYSTEM , CHECK-POINTER will take care to make sure that it reaches the DISK properly.


  • PostgreSQL works in UPPEND method , it takes a clone of the table and then it updates.
  • PostgreSQL is Multi-version control.
  • It will clean all the STALE process.
  • Eg.,

Arun , 24 , 900 - STALE
Raj , 23 , 901
There is an update in Arun Mark ,
Arun , 24 , 910

  • இதுல Arunகு மட்டும் updation இருக்கு but இதில் update பண்ணும் போது தனியா ஒரு row create பண்ணி like duplicate and then update takes place.
  • AUTOVACCUM will clean all STALE rows.


  • It will start at first and gets all data from WAL Archive Folder , then only Postgres allows the request.
  • Why we need this startup process ? So that all got closed properly.
  • This will happen before the "Post Master".


  • Standby unit.
  • Its like clone OR Master & Slave concept.
  • It receives all details from WAL sender.

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