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Simplify Your Workflow with Global .gitignore: Code Happily, Ignore Globally!

To my surprise, i came to know about that there is a stuff called as global ignore in git. In this blog i will jot down notes on setting up global .gitignore file.

Git allows you to ignore certain files and directories using a .gitignore file. However, if you frequently work on multiple projects, you might want to configure a global .gitignore file to avoid repeating the same ignore rules across repositories.

Why Use a Global .gitignore?

A global .gitignore file is beneficial when you want to exclude common files across all Git repositories on your system. Some examples include,

  • OS-specific files (e.g., macOS .DS_Store, Windows Thumbs.db)
  • Editor/IDE-specific files (e.g., .vscode/, .idea/)
  • Common compiled files (e.g., *.pyc, node_modules/, dist/)
  • Personal configurations that should not be committed (e.g., .env files)
  • Or you can just define a format like *.ignore.* , which you can use to ignore any file needed.

Setting Up a Global .gitignore File

1. Create the Global .gitignore File

Run the following command to create a global .gitignore file in your home directory:

 touch ~/.gitignore_global

You can use any path, but ~/.gitignore_global is commonly used.

2. Configure Git to Use the Global .gitignore

Tell Git to use this file globally by running

 git config --global core.excludesFile ~/.gitignore_global

3. Add Rules to the Global .gitignore

Edit the ~/.gitignore_global file using a text editor

 nano ~/.gitignore_global

Example content

# Ignore system files

# Ignore editor/IDE settings

# Ignore compiled files

# Ignore environment files

Save the file and exit the editor.

4. Verify the Global Ignore Configuration

To check if Git recognizes your global .gitignore file, run

 git config --global core.excludesFile

It should return the path to your global ignore file, e.g., ~/.gitignore_global.

Managing the Global .gitignore

  • To update the file, edit ~/.gitignore_global and add/remove rules as needed.
  • If you ever want to remove the global .gitignore setting, run:git config --global --unset core.excludesFile
  • To list all global configurations, use:git config --global --list

Setting up a global .gitignore file is a simple yet powerful way to maintain cleaner repositories and avoid committing unnecessary files. By following these steps, you can streamline your workflow across multiple Git projects efficiently.
