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Minimal Typing Practice Application in Python


This is a Python-based single-file application designed for typing practice. It provides a simple interface to improve typing accuracy and speed. Over time, this minimal program has gradually increased my typing skill.

What I Learned from This Project

  • 2D Array Validation
    I first simply used a 1D array to store user input, but I noticed some issues. After implementing a 2D array, I understood why the 2D array was more appropriate for handling user inputs.
  • Tkinter
    I wanted to visually see and update correct, wrong, and incomplete typing inputs, but I didn’t know how to implement it in the terminal. So, I used a simple Tkinter gui window

Run This Program

It depends on the following applications:

  • Python 3
  • python3-tk

Installation Command on Debian-Based Systems

sudo apt install python3 python3-tk

Clone repository and run program

git clone https://github.com/github-CS-krishna/TerminalTyping
cd TerminalTyping
python3 terminalType.py


For more details, refer to the README documentation on GitHub.

This will help you understand how to use it.

source code(github)
