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Learning Notes #40 – SAGA Pattern | Cloud Patterns

Today, I learnt about SAGA Pattern, followed by Compensation Pattern, Orchestration Pattern, Choreography Pattern and Two Phase Commit. SAGA is a combination of all the above. In this blog, i jot down notes on SAGA, for my future self.

Modern software applications often require the coordination of multiple distributed services to perform complex business operations. In such systems, ensuring consistency and reliability can be challenging, especially when a failure occurs in one of the services. The SAGA design pattern offers a robust solution to manage distributed transactions while maintaining data consistency.

What is the SAGA Pattern?

The SAGA pattern is a distributed transaction management mechanism where a series of independent operations (or steps) are executed sequentially across multiple services. Each operation in the sequence has a corresponding compensating action to roll back changes if a failure occurs. This approach avoids the complexities of distributed transactions, such as two-phase commits, by breaking down the process into smaller, manageable units.

Key Characteristics

  1. Decentralized Control: Transactions are managed across services without a central coordinator.
  2. Compensating Transactions: Every operation has an undo or rollback mechanism.
  3. Asynchronous Communication: Services communicate asynchronously in most implementations, ensuring loose coupling.

Types of SAGA Patterns

There are two primary types of SAGA patterns:

1. Choreography-Based SAGA

  • In this approach, services communicate with each other directly to coordinate the workflow.
  • Each service knows which operation to trigger next after completing its own task.
  • If a failure occurs, each service initiates its compensating action to roll back changes.


  • Simple implementation.
  • No central coordinator required.


  • Difficult to manage and debug in complex workflows.
  • Tight coupling between services.
import pika

class RabbitMQHandler:
    def __init__(self, queue):
        self.connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters('localhost'))
        self.channel = self.connection.channel()
        self.queue = queue

    def publish(self, message):
        self.channel.basic_publish(exchange='', routing_key=self.queue, body=message)

    def consume(self, callback):
        self.channel.basic_consume(queue=self.queue, on_message_callback=callback, auto_ack=True)

# Define services
class FlightService:
    def book_flight(self):
        print("Flight booked.")

class HotelService:
    def on_flight_booked(self, ch, method, properties, body):
            print("Hotel booked.")
        except Exception:
            print("Failed to book hotel. Rolling back flight.")

    def cancel_flight(self):
        print("Flight booking canceled.")

# Setup RabbitMQ
flight_service = FlightService()
hotel_service = HotelService()


# Trigger the workflow

2. Orchestration-Based SAGA

  • A central orchestrator service manages the workflow and coordinates between the services.
  • The orchestrator determines the sequence of operations and handles compensating actions in case of failures.


  • Clear control and visibility of the workflow.
  • Easier to debug and manage.


  • The orchestrator can become a single point of failure.
  • More complex implementation.
import pika

class Orchestrator:
    def __init__(self):
        self.rabbitmq = RabbitMQHandler('orchestrator_queue')

    def execute_saga(self):
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error occurred: {e}. Initiating rollback.")

    def reserve_inventory(self):
        print("Inventory reserved.")

    def process_payment(self):
        print("Payment processed.")

    def generate_invoice(self):
        print("Invoice generated.")

    def compensate(self):
        print("Rolling back invoice.")
        print("Rolling back payment.")
        print("Rolling back inventory.")

# Trigger the workflow

How SAGA Works

  1. Transaction Initiation: The first operation is executed by one of the services.
  2. Service Communication: Subsequent services execute their operations based on the outcome of the previous step.
  3. Failure Handling: If an operation fails, compensating transactions are triggered in reverse order to undo any changes.
  4. Completion: Once all operations are successfully executed, the transaction is considered complete.

Benefits of the SAGA Pattern

  1. Improved Resilience: Allows partial rollbacks in case of failure.
  2. Scalability: Suitable for microservices and distributed systems.
  3. Flexibility: Works well with event-driven architectures.
  4. No Global Locks: Unlike traditional transactions, SAGA does not require global locking of resources.

Challenges and Limitations

  1. Complexity in Rollbacks: Designing compensating transactions for every operation can be challenging.
  2. Data Consistency: Achieving eventual consistency may require additional effort.
  3. Debugging Issues: Debugging failures in a distributed environment can be cumbersome.
  4. Latency: Sequential execution may increase overall latency.

When to Use the SAGA Pattern

  • Distributed systems where global ACID transactions are infeasible.
  • Microservices architectures with independent services.
  • Applications requiring high resilience and eventual consistency.

Real-World Applications

  1. E-Commerce Platforms: Managing orders, payments, and inventory updates.
  2. Travel Booking Systems: Coordinating flight, hotel, and car rental reservations.
  3. Banking Systems: Handling distributed account updates and transfers.
  4. Healthcare: Coordinating appointment scheduling and insurance claims.

Learning Notes #37 – Orchestrator Pattern | Cloud Pattern

Today, i learnt about orchestrator pattern, while l was learning about SAGA Pattern. It simplifies the coordination of these workflows, making the system more efficient and easier to manage. In this blog i jot down notes on Orchestrator Pattern for better understanding.

What is the Orchestrator Pattern?

The Orchestrator Pattern is a design strategy where a central orchestrator coordinates interactions between various services or components to execute a workflow.

Unlike the Choreography Pattern, where services interact with each other independently and are aware of their peers, the orchestrator acts as the central decision-maker, directing how and when services interact.

Key Features

  • Centralized control of workflows.
  • Simplified service communication.
  • Enhanced error handling and monitoring.

When to Use the Orchestrator Pattern

  • Complex Workflows: When multiple services or steps need to be executed in a defined sequence.
  • Error Handling: When failures in one step require recovery strategies or compensating transactions.
  • Centralized Logic: When you want to encapsulate business logic in a single place for easier maintenance.

Benefits of the Orchestrator Pattern

  1. Simplifies Service Communication: Services remain focused on their core functionality while the orchestrator manages interactions.
  2. Improves Scalability: Workflows can be scaled independently from services.
  3. Centralized Monitoring: Makes it easier to track the progress of workflows and debug issues.
  4. Flexibility: Changing a workflow involves modifying the orchestrator, not the services.

Example: Order Processing Workflow


A fictional e-commerce platform needs to process orders. The workflow involves:

  1. Validating the order.
  2. Reserving inventory.
  3. Processing payment.
  4. Notifying the user.

Each step is handled by a separate microservice.


We implement an orchestrator to manage this workflow. Let’s see how this works in practice.

import requests

class OrderOrchestrator:
    def __init__(self):
        self.services = {
            "validate_order": "http://order-service/validate",
            "reserve_inventory": "http://inventory-service/reserve",
            "process_payment": "http://payment-service/process",
            "notify_user": "http://notification-service/notify",

    def execute_workflow(self, order_id):
            # Step 1: Validate Order
            self.call_service("validate_order", {"order_id": order_id})

            # Step 2: Reserve Inventory
            self.call_service("reserve_inventory", {"order_id": order_id})

            # Step 3: Process Payment
            self.call_service("process_payment", {"order_id": order_id})

            # Step 4: Notify User
            self.call_service("notify_user", {"order_id": order_id})

            print(f"Order {order_id} processed successfully!")
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error processing order {order_id}: {e}")

    def call_service(self, service_name, payload):
        url = self.services[service_name]
        response = requests.post(url, json=payload)
        if response.status_code != 200:
            raise Exception(f"{service_name} failed: {response.text}")

Key Tactics for Implementation

  1. Services vs. Serverless: Use serverless functions for steps that are triggered occasionally and don’t need always-on services, reducing costs.
  2. Recovery from Failures:
    • Retry Mechanism: Configure retries with limits and delays to handle transient failures.
    • Circuit Breaker Pattern: Detect and isolate failing services to allow recovery.
    • Graceful Degradation: Use fallbacks like cached results or alternate services to ensure continuity.
  3. Monitoring and Alerting:
    • Implement real-time monitoring with automated recovery strategies.
    • Set up alerts for exceptions and utilize logs for troubleshooting.
  4. Orchestration Service Failures:
    • Service Replication: Deploy multiple instances of the orchestrator for failover.
    • Data Replication: Ensure data consistency for seamless recovery.
    • Request Queues: Use queues to buffer requests during downtime and process them later.

Important Considerations

The primary goal of this architectural pattern is to decompose the entire business workflow into multiple services, making it more flexible and scalable. Due to this, it’s crucial to analyze and comprehend the business processes in detail before implementation. A poorly defined and overly complicated business process will lead to a system that would be hard to maintain and scale.

Secondly, it’s easy to fall into the trap of adding business logic into the orchestration service. Sometimes it’s inevitable because certain functionalities are too small to create their separate service. But the risk here is that if the orchestration service becomes too intelligent and performs too much business logic, it can evolve into a monolithic application that also happens to talk to microservices. So, it’s crucial to keep track of every addition to the orchestration service and ensure that its work remains within the boundaries of orchestration. Maintaining the scope of the orchestration service will prevent it from becoming a burden on the system, leading to decreased scalability and flexibility.

Why Use the Orchestration Pattern

The pattern comes with the following advantages

  • Orchestration makes it easier to understand, monitor, and observe the application, resulting in a better understanding of the core part of the system with less effort.
  • The pattern promotes loose coupling. Each downstream service exposes an API interface and is self-contained, without any need to know about the other services.
  • The pattern simplifies the business workflows and improves the separation of concerns. Each service participates in a long-running transaction without any need to know about it.
  • The orchestrator service can decide what to do in case of failure, making the system fault-tolerant and reliable.

Learning Notes #36 – Active Active / Active Passive Patterns | HA Patterns

Today, i learnt about High Availability patterns. Basically on how to handle the clusters for high availability. In this blog i jot down notes on Active Active and Active Passive Patterns for better understanding.

Active-Active Configuration

In an Active-Active setup, all nodes in the cluster are actively processing requests. This configuration maximizes resource utilization and ensures high throughput. If one node fails, the remaining active nodes take over the load.

Example Scenario

Consider a web application with two servers:

  1. Server 1: IP
  2. Server 2: IP
  3. Server 3: IP
  4. Server 4: IP

Both servers handle incoming requests simultaneously. A load balancer distributes traffic between these servers to balance the load.

Pros and Cons


  • Higher resource utilization.
  • Better scalability and performance.


  • Increased complexity in handling data consistency and synchronization.
  • Potential for split-brain issues in certain setups.

Sample HAProxy config

frontend http_front
    bind *:80
    default_backend http_back

    mode http
    timeout connect 5000ms
    timeout client 50000ms
    timeout server 50000ms

backend http_back
    balance roundrobin
    server server_a check
    server server_b check

Active-Passive Configuration

In an Active-Passive setup, one node (Active) handles all the requests, while the other node (Passive) acts as a standby. If the active node fails, the passive node takes over.

Example Scenario

Using the same servers:

  1. Server 1: IP (Active)
  2. Server 2: IP (Active)
  3. Server 3: IP (Passive)
  4. Server 4: IP (Passive)

Server B remains idle until Server A becomes unavailable, at which point Server B assumes the active role.

Pros and Cons


  • Simplified consistency management.
  • Reliable failover mechanism.


  • Underutilized resources (passive node is idle most of the time).
  • Slight delay during failover.

Sample HA Proxy Config

frontend http_front
    bind *:80
    default_backend http_back

    mode http
    timeout connect 5000ms
    timeout client 50000ms
    timeout server 50000ms

backend http_back
    server server_a check
    server server_b check backup

Learning Notes #13 – Gateway Aggregator Pattern

As part of cloud design patterns, today i learned about Gateway Aggregation Pattern. It seems like a motivation for GraphQL. In this blog, i write down the notes on Gateway Aggregation Pattern for my future self.

In the world of microservices, applications are often broken down into smaller, independent services, each responsible for a specific functionality.

While this architecture promotes scalability and maintainability, it can complicate communication between services. The Gateway Aggregation Pattern emerges as a solution, enabling streamlined interactions between clients and services.

What is the Gateway Aggregation Pattern?

The Gateway Aggregation Pattern involves introducing a gateway layer to handle requests from clients. Instead of the client making multiple calls to different services, the gateway aggregates the data by making calls to the relevant services and then returning a unified response to the client.

This pattern is particularly useful for:

  • Reducing the number of round-trips between clients and services.
  • Simplifying client logic.
  • Improving performance by centralizing the communication and aggregation logic.

How It Works

  1. Client Request: The client sends a single request to the gateway.
  2. Gateway Processing: The gateway makes multiple requests to the required services, aggregates their responses, and applies any necessary transformation.
  3. Unified Response: The gateway sends a unified response back to the client.

This approach abstracts the complexity of service interactions from the client, improving the overall user experience.

Example Use Case

Imagine an e-commerce application where a client needs to display a product’s details, reviews, and availability. Without a gateway, the client must call three different microservices

  1. Product Service: Provides details like name, description, and price.
  2. Review Service: Returns customer reviews and ratings.
  3. Inventory Service: Indicates product availability.

Using the Gateway Aggregation Pattern, the client makes a single request to the gateway. The gateway calls the three services, aggregates their responses, and returns a combined result, such as

  "product": {
    "id": "123",
    "name": "Smartphone",
    "description": "Latest model with advanced features",
    "price": 699.99
  "reviews": [
      "user": "Alice",
      "rating": 4,
      "comment": "Great product!"
      "user": "Bob",
      "rating": 5,
      "comment": "Excellent value for money."
  "availability": {
    "inStock": true,
    "warehouse": "Warehouse A"

Tools to implement Gateway Aggregation Pattern

1. Kong Gateway

Kong is a popular API gateway that supports custom plugins for advanced use cases like aggregation.


Implement a custom Lua plugin to fetch and aggregate data from multiple services.

Use Kong’s Route and Upstream configurations to direct traffic.

2. GraphQL

GraphQL can act as a natural gateway by fetching and aggregating data from multiple sources.

const { ApolloServer, gql } = require('apollo-server');
const { RESTDataSource } = require('apollo-datasource-rest');

class ProductAPI extends RESTDataSource {
  constructor() {
    this.baseURL = 'http://product-service/';
  async getProduct(id) {
    return this.get(`products/${id}`);

class ReviewAPI extends RESTDataSource {
  constructor() {
    this.baseURL = 'http://review-service/';
  async getReviews(productId) {
    return this.get(`reviews/${productId}`);

const typeDefs = gql`
  type Product {
    id: ID!
    name: String
    description: String
    price: Float

  type Review {
    user: String
    rating: Int
    comment: String

  type AggregatedData {
    product: Product
    reviews: [Review]

  type Query {
    aggregatedData(productId: ID!): AggregatedData

const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    aggregatedData: async (_, { productId }, { dataSources }) => {
      const product = await dataSources.productAPI.getProduct(productId);
      const reviews = await dataSources.reviewAPI.getReviews(productId);
      return { product, reviews };

const server = new ApolloServer({
  dataSources: () => ({
    productAPI: new ProductAPI(),
    reviewAPI: new ReviewAPI(),

server.listen().then(({ url }) => {
  console.log(`Server ready at ${url}`);

By consolidating service calls and centralizing the aggregation logic, this pattern enhances performance and reduces complexity. Open-source tools like Express.js, Apache APISIX, Kong Gateway, and GraphQL make it easy to implement the pattern in diverse environments.

Learning Notes #11 – Sidecar Pattern | Cloud Patterns

Today, I learnt about Sidecar Pattern. Its seems like offloading the common functionalities (logging, networking, …) aside within a pod to be used by other apps within the pod.

Its just not only about pods, but other deployments aswell. In this blog, i am going to curate the items i have learnt for my future self. Its a pattern, not an strict rule.

What is a Sidecar?

Imagine you’re riding a motorbike, and you attach a little sidecar to carry your friend or groceries. The sidecar isn’t part of the motorbike’s engine or core mechanism, but it helps you achieve your goalsβ€”whether it’s carrying more stuff or having a buddy ride along.

In the software world, a sidecar is a similar concept. It’s a separate process or container that runs alongside a primary application. Like the motorbike’s sidecar, it supports the main application by offloading or enhancing certain tasks without interfering with its core functionality.

Why Use a Sidecar?

In traditional applications, all responsibilities (logging, communication, monitoring, etc.) are bundled into the main application. This approach can make the application complex and harder to manage. Sidecars address this by handling auxiliary tasks separately, so the main application can focus on its primary purpose.

Here are some key reasons to use a sidecar

  1. Modularity: Sidecars separate responsibilities, making the system easier to develop, test, and maintain.
  2. Reusability: The same sidecar can be used across multiple services. And its language agnostic.
  3. Scalability: You can scale the sidecar independently from the main application.
  4. Isolation: Sidecars provide a level of isolation, reducing the risk of one part affecting the other.

Real-Life Analogies

To make the concept clearer, here are some real-world analogies:

  1. Coffee Maker with a Milk Frother:
    • The coffee maker (main application) brews coffee.
    • The milk frother (sidecar) prepares frothed milk for your latte.
    • Both work independently but combine their outputs for a better experience.
  2. Movie Subtitles:
    • The movie (main application) provides the visuals and sound.
    • The subtitles (sidecar) add clarity for those who need them.
    • You can watch the movie with or without subtitlesβ€”they’re optional but enhance the experience.
  3. A School with a Sports Coach:
    • The school (main application) handles education.
    • The sports coach (sidecar) focuses on physical training.
    • Both have distinct roles but contribute to the overall development of students.

Some Random Sidecar Ideas in Software

Let’s look at how sidecars are used in actual software scenarios

  1. Service Meshes (e.g., Istio, Linkerd):
    • A service mesh helps microservices communicate with each other reliably and securely.
    • The sidecar (proxy like Envoy) handles tasks like load balancing, encryption, and monitoring, so the main application doesn’t have to.
  2. Logging and Monitoring:
    • Instead of the main application generating and managing logs, a sidecar can collect, format, and send logs to a centralized system like Elasticsearch or Splunk.
  3. Authentication and Security:
    • A sidecar can act as a gatekeeper, handling user authentication and ensuring that only authorized requests reach the main application.
  4. Data Caching:
    • If an application frequently queries a database, a sidecar can serve as a local cache, reducing database load and speeding up responses.
  5. Service Discovery:
    • Sidecars can aid in service discovery by automatically registering the main application with a registry service or load balancer, ensuring seamless communication in dynamic environments.

How Sidecars Work

In modern environments like Kubernetes, sidecars are often deployed as separate containers within the same pod as the main application. They share the same network and storage, making communication between the two seamless.

Here’s a simplified workflow

  1. The main application focuses on its core tasks (e.g., serving a web page).
  2. The sidecar handles auxiliary tasks (e.g., compressing and encrypting logs).
  3. The two communicate over local connections within the pod.

Pros and Cons of Sidecars


  • Simplifies the main application.
  • Encourages reusability and modular design.
  • Improves scalability and flexibility.
  • Enhances observability with centralized logging and metrics.
  • Facilitates experimentationβ€”you can deploy or update sidecars independently.


  • Adds complexity to deployment and orchestration.
  • Consumes additional resources (CPU, memory).
  • Requires careful design to avoid tight coupling between the sidecar and the main application.
  • Latency (You are adding an another hop).

Do we always need to use sidecars

No. Not at all.

a. When there is a latency between the parent application and sidecar, then Reconsider.

b. If your application is small, then reconsider.

c. When you are scaling differently or independently from the parent application, then Reconsider.

Some other examples

1. Adding HTTPS to a Legacy Application

Consider a legacy web service which services requests over unencrypted HTTP. We have a requirement to enhance the same legacy system to service requests with HTTPS in future.

The legacy app is configured to serve request exclusively on localhost, which means that only services that share the local network with the server able to access legacy application. In addition to the main container (legacy app) we can add Nginx Sidecar container which runs in the same network namespace as the main container so that it can access the service running on localhost.

2. For Logging (Image from ByteByteGo)

Sidecars are not just technical solutions; they embody the principle of collaboration and specialization. By dividing responsibilities, they empower the main application to shine while ensuring auxiliary tasks are handled efficiently. Next time you hear about sidecars, you’ll know they’re more than just cool attachments for motorcycle they’re an essential part of scalable, maintainable software systems.

Also, do you feel its closely related to Adapter and Ambassador Pattern ? I Do.


  1. Hussein Nasser – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcJWvhzkPsw&pp=ygUHc2lkZWNhcg%3D%3D
  2. Sudo Code – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QU5WcwuFpZU&pp=ygUPc2lkZWNhciBwYXR0ZXJu
  3. Software Dude – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poPUzN33Oug&pp=ygUPc2lkZWNhciBwYXR0ZXJu
  4. https://medium.com/nerd-for-tech/microservice-design-pattern-sidecar-sidekick-pattern-dbcea9bed783
  5. https://dzone.com/articles/sidecar-design-pattern-in-your-microservices-ecosy-1
