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Basic Commands -history

Here,we discuss about a new and important command named “history”.


Just,simply write “history” in the terminal and see the result.
It showed the entire commands which we are used from the initial stage of installing the linux to upto date.
This will brings us the previous commands to know the steps if we have any issues facing in re-usability of an application.

history | head
history | tail

| head ==> denotes the first 10 commands which we used.
| tail ==> denoted the last 10 commands we used.

history 50

The number 50 denotes the last 50 commands.We can pass any numbers.


‘!’ ==> brings the command to perform that particular action now.For eg:-
127 git push -u origin master
In my history the 127th command i use to push some files to git master branch.This number is called as “Event Number“.
if i pass the above command,it perform the action on the 127th line what is previously declared.

history -d 920

-d ==> denotes deletion.
If you want to delete a particular command in the history.Use the above command line and recheck once again the history,you will see the result.

history -c

-c ==> indicates clear entire history.
It will remove your entire command history.User cannot recover this.
IMP : Be aware for using this command.

Linux store every 1000 commands as default.
If you crossed above 1000 commands,it takes 1000 from your current line.
For eg:
1005 ls
i use ls command as my 1005th one.
Linux stores from 5 – 1005 as the default.
If we use “history | head
It displays 5 – 15 as the first 10 commands.
We can modify it’s default value at any time.

Read the manual for additional commands in the history family.

Basic Linux Commands-ls

Here,some of the basic commands we are going to use mostly in the beginning.


pwd stands for “print working directory“.We can also assume as “present working directory”.This command is used to find the current working directory of the user.


ls stands for “list“.This command is used to display the list of files and folders present in the current directory.

ls -l

This command is used to display the list of files and folders present in the current directory with a proper ordered list contains it’s file size,date of creation,read and write permission also the size of that particular directory.

ls -a
ls -all

“ls -a”==> This command is for displaying the hidden files in the current directory.
Whereas, “ls -all” is to displays all files including hidden ones with it’s file size,date of creation,read and write permission also the size of that particular directory.

ls -h

h ==>stands for “human reading“.The file size were easily read by the user.Let’s see with an example..
28641 Jan 22 16:20 Flipkart_TestCase.pdf
This was a file which has a size of 28641.If we use ‘-h’ it displays the same as,
28K Jan 22 16:20 Flipkart_TestCase.pdf
Here, 28641 is changed into 28K (28 KiloBytes).

ls -S
ls -s

-S ==> “Sorting“.We can Sort the list in the directory.
-s ==>”size“.We can see the size of each files and folders with Byte format.

ls -R
ls -r

-R ==> “Recursive”.This command is for displaying the entire files and sub-folder files in the current directory.
-r ==>”Reverse”.This command displays the files and folders in descending/reverse order.

ls -t

t ==> “sort by time”.Sort the files according to the time,newest first.

ls -b

This commands escapes the non-graphic characters in the list displayed.Let’s see with an example…
Frameworks Challenges-pdf’
Frameworks\ Challenges-pdf

The spaces were filled with ‘ \ ‘ and removes the ” ‘ ‘ “.

man ls

There are so many commands in the ls (LS) category.
We can refer it with the manual given by the linux by default.By accessing the manual use this command in the terminal.

man ==> For accessing the manual.
man ls ==> Getting a manual for particular command “ls”.

We can use these in multiple ways,we get as per the order used in the command line.for eg:-

  • ls -la
  • ls -hla
  • ls -Sh and so….


அக்டோபர் மாத அழகில்
ஒருவளா அவள் ! என
இல்லை என்றது மனம்.
ஏன் எனக்
புன்னகையுடன் வந்தது


(02 – 02 – 2024) இரவில்…

Learnt about GAFAM

I have learnt the importance of WordPress on the YouTube channel named “Payilagam”.In that video Mr.Muthuramalingam mentioned a word “GAFAM COMPANIES”.I took search on the internet and understood that they were “the monopolies who rules the word predominantly in a silent way”.

  • Google
  • Apple
  • Facebook (Meta)
  • Amazon
  • Microsoft

Even an uneducated person is linked with these company directly or indirectly.Also i find that,a group of community were taking steps to reduce the domination of these GAFAM companies and provide some Open Source applications to the environment.It’s a great thing.

I switched from Windows to Linux is the first step that taken by me to reduce the usage of GAFAM.I need to travel much more in this corporate world.I also learnt how to customize the site which i was created and i explore many functions.

I hope that doing these things will improve my writing and learning skills to the next level.

So,That’s it today!.

A great journey is waiting ahead.I must wish myself “All The Best” man.

Installation of Tamil 99 Keyboard on Debian

A new way to learn the installation of ‘Tamil 99 Keyboard’ on Debian and Debian based Distrios.

sudo apt install ibus-m17n

By using this command on the terminal we can install Tamil99 keyboard in our system.

  1. Navigate to the Settings and go to ‘IBus Preferences’.
  2. Go tho Input Method and select ‘Add’ button.
  3. Select the More option mentioned ( 3 Dots) and choose the language as Tamil.
  4. Select Tamil (TamilNet 99) and click ‘Add’ and close the windoow.
  5. Now you can choose the language in the Keyboard Preference on Desktop to Tamil or English.

This is one of the Pure Layout for the language Tamil.
If you want to use Tamil Phonetic Layout use this command line in the terminal.

NOTE : IF YOU ALREADY INSTALLED THE ABOVE COMMAND,LEAVE THE LAST PACKAGE “ibus-m17n” below and install remaining packages.

sudo apt-get install m17n-db m17n-contrib ibus-m17n

The methods are same as mentioned above.

Select [ Tamil – ta-phonetic (m17n) as input method to use phonetic layout.

Thanks to Kaniyam ‘Shrinivasan’ for getting me this information.

