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Linux basics for beginners

Linux is one of the most powerful and widely-used operating systems in the world, found everywhere from mobile devices to high-powered servers. Known for its stability, security, and open-source nature, Linux is an essential skill for anyone interested in IT, programming, or system administration.
In this blog , we are going to see What is linux and Why choose linux.

1) What is linux
Linux is an open-source operating system that was first introduced by Linus Torvalds in 1991. Built on a Unix-based foundation, Linux is community-driven, meaning anyone can view, modify, and contribute to its code. This collaborative approach has led to the creation of various Linux distributions, or "distros," each tailored to different types of users and use cases. Some of the most popular Linux distributions are:

  • Ubuntu: Known for its user-friendly interface, great for beginners.
  • Fedora: A cutting-edge distro with the latest software versions, popular with developers.
  • CentOS: Stable and widely used in enterprise environments. Each distribution may look and function slightly differently, but they all share the same core Linux features.

2) Why choose linux
Linux is favored for many reasons, including its:

  1. Stability: Linux is well-known for running smoothly without crashing, even in demanding environments.
  2. Security: Its open-source nature allows the community to detect and fix vulnerabilities quickly, making it highly secure.
  3. Customizability: Users have complete control to modify and customize their system.
  4. Performance: Linux is efficient, allowing it to run on a wide range of devices, from servers to small IoT devices.

Learning Linux basics is the first step to becoming proficient in an operating system that powers much of the digital world. We can see more about some basics and interesting things about linux in further upcoming blogs which I will be posting.

Follow for more and happy learning :)

A simple design calculator on linux command line

when we open terminal or Konsole in Linux we used to think by using many utilities why calculators was not there interactively in itΒ ?

Now here is the solution for it just by cloning a repository from GitHub on your PC. Here is the GitHub link to cloneΒ it.

Just open your terminal and make a directory for safety purpose for thatΒ type,

mkdir calculator;cd calculator

creating directory on my home directory and changing it to calculator

the above command explain about making and changing directory from home directory.

then type,

git clone https://github.com/vishnumur777/simplecalculatorbash

cloning repository through gitΒ command

this command will clone all the files present in the repository.

but please make sure that you have installed git on yourΒ PC.

Then change directory to simplecalculatorbash using

cd simplecalculatorbash/

changing directory to simplecalculatorbash

then type,

chmod +xΒ calci.sh

modifying permissions to executables

this command changes the permission to run on user without depending on rootΒ . So that many PC cause this error that permission was denied while executing theΒ file.

For execution runΒ type,


command to execute simplecalculator

and press enterΒ key

which will run very colourful calculator interactive prompt by installing dependencies which I posted onΒ GitHub.

calculator performing addition of two numbers interactively

Day – 1 in Commands Practice

Today Learned below commands.

List Commands

ls -> it listed out all the files
ls -l -> it gave long listing items
ls -lh -> it returns items with human readable file size
ls -lS -> it sorted out the files
ls -lSh -> it sorted the files also it returns file with human readable format
ls -R -> returned all the files in the directory

whoami -> shows the current user
hostname -> shows the hostname
hostname -I -> shows the IP address of the user

Date Commands

date -> displayed current date
date –date=”tomorrow” -> prints the tomorrow date
date –date=”3 years ago” -> prints the date 3 years ago.

CAT Commands : Concatenate commands

cat > test1.text -> creates a new file
cat test1.text | less -> show the file in page fize
q -> to quit

ECHO Commands

echo β€œHello world” -> it usually prints the data.

History Commands

history -> it displays the last 1000 commands executed in our machine. we can increase the limit
history 10 -> executes last 10 commands
history | head -> shows first 10 commands
history | tail -> last 10 commands
history !1000(event) -> executed the specified event command.

Remove command

rm -i test1.text -> it asks user permission whether to delete this or not
rm test1.text -> removes the files
rm * text -> removes all the files which are text file type.

Manual command

man ls -> shows all the information about ls command
man date -> displayes all the info about date command
z -> to down the page.
w -> to go up in the page.

Day – 1 in Commands Practice

Today Learned below commands.

List Commands

ls -> it listed out all the files
ls -l -> it gave long listing items
ls -lh -> it returns items with human readable file size
ls -lS -> it sorted out the files
ls -lSh -> it sorted the files also it returns file with human readable format
ls -R -> returned all the files in the directory

whoami -> shows the current user
hostname -> shows the hostname
hostname -I -> shows the IP address of the user

Date Commands

date -> displayed current date
date –date=”tomorrow” -> prints the tomorrow date
date –date=”3 years ago” -> prints the date 3 years ago.

CAT Commands : Concatenate commands

cat > test1.text -> creates a new file
cat test1.text | less -> show the file in page fize
q -> to quit

ECHO Commands

echo β€œHello world” -> it usually prints the data.

History Commands

history -> it displays the last 1000 commands executed in our machine. we can increase the limit
history 10 -> executes last 10 commands
history | head -> shows first 10 commands
history | tail -> last 10 commands
history !1000(event) -> executed the specified event command.

Remove command

rm -i test1.text -> it asks user permission whether to delete this or not
rm test1.text -> removes the files
rm * text -> removes all the files which are text file type.

Manual command

man ls -> shows all the information about ls command
man date -> displayes all the info about date command
z -> to down the page.
w -> to go up in the page.
