Reading#Eat the Frog: Ch-2
In continuation from Chapter 1, Chapter 2 starts with how to approach the priority list. Because for a normal person[without any priority like me :-)] every task will be a priority. Unlike that, the author is suggesting an alternative.
It goes like this. Take a piece of paper or use a text editor and name that as “Priorities” and start writing all the tasks that comes to your mind which you wanted to do. Not necessarily in a day, week or month. Just random. For eg: Complete reading a book, finish the assignment, save a minimum amount, practice meditation etc., By the end of this activity, you will have an exhaustive list of task that you wish you could complete.
Next, take one more sheet of paper or open one more text editor and name this as monthly. In here, from the list that you created in “Priorities”, pick up those tasks which could be or has to be completed in the next month. From our example, we can choose “Finish an assignment” and add it to the “monthly” list.
Now the monthly list will be comparatively less than the entire priorities and you have a clear idea of what needs to be done in next 30 days. From here, create one more list for “Weekly”. And do the same exercise of choosing the things that has to or could be completed in next 7 days. And start including them in the weekly list.
Hard part is now complete. From here, connect the things that was described in Chapter#1. Pick up the frog that is bigger to eat and add it to your daily list.
From a larger picture, the moment you knock off one task from daily it creates a ripple effect. That is, it knocks off a task from weekly, then monthly and from the entire priorities. You will accomplished by the end of first week. And if we do this on week 2 we will feel even more happier and accomplished.
This is all about Chapter-2. Once again, this is my understanding and nothing to do with authors narration.
See you again in Chapter-3! Thank you for reading!