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Kanchilug Monthly Meet – Oct ,13 2024

Lightning Talk by Krishna

Topic : Desktop Customization : picom, pywal

Resource : Krishna S

SSD File System Comparison :

Notes on Choosing HDD to SSD Linux Installation migration

Chat GPT Prompt : how to backup current linux installation configuration files and packages list as a archive and apply on a new installation


Backing up your current Linux installation’s configuration files and package lists is a great way to ensure you can easily restore or replicate your setup on a new installation. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Backup Configuration Files

  1. Identify Configuration Files: Most configuration files are located in /etc. You may also have application-specific configurations in your home directory (like .bashrc, .vimrc, etc.).
  2. Create an Archive:
    You can create a compressed archive (like a tarball) of your configuration files. Run the following command:
   sudo tar -czvf config_backup.tar.gz /etc /home/your_username/.bashrc /home/your_username/.vimrc

Adjust the paths based on what configuration files you want to back up.

Step 2: Backup Installed Packages List

The method to back up the installed package list depends on your Linux distribution.

For Debian-based systems (like Ubuntu):

  1. Backup Installed Packages:
   dpkg --get-selections > package_list.txt
  1. Backup Sources List:
   sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup

For Red Hat-based systems (like Fedora, CentOS):

  1. Backup Installed Packages:
   rpm -qa > package_list.txt
  1. Backup Repositories:
   sudo cp -r /etc/yum.repos.d/ /path/to/backup/repo_backup/

Step 3: Create a Complete Backup Archive

Combine everything into one archive:

tar -czvf full_backup.tar.gz config_backup.tar.gz package_list.txt /etc/apt/sources.list.backup

Step 4: Restore on a New Installation

  1. Transfer the Backup: Copy the full_backup.tar.gz to your new installation.
  2. Extract the Backup:
   tar -xzvf full_backup.tar.gz
  1. Restore Configuration Files:
   sudo tar -xzvf config_backup.tar.gz -C /
  1. Restore Package List: For Debian-based systems:
   sudo dpkg --set-selections < package_list.txt
   sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade

#### For Red Hat-based systems:
You can reinstall packages from the list:

   xargs -a package_list.txt sudo dnf install -y
  1. Restore Sources List (Debian-based):
   sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list.backup /etc/apt/sources.list
   sudo apt update

Step 5: Finalize and Reboot

After restoring everything, it’s a good idea to reboot your system to ensure all configurations take effect.


  • Make sure to review any new configurations or installed packages after the restoration, as dependencies and versions may vary.
  • For user-specific configurations, you may want to back up the entire home directory or specific application directories.

This process should help you smoothly transition to a new Linux installation with your desired configurations and packages!

Chat GPT Prompt : I am in a plan of migrating linux os to a new file system which is xfs or zfs brtfs which on is good

Choosing between XFS, ZFS, and Btrfs depends on your specific needs and use cases. Here’s a breakdown of each file system’s strengths and considerations to help you decide:



  • Performance: Excellent performance, especially for large files and high-performance workloads.
  • Scalability: Designed for scalability, making it suitable for high-capacity storage systems.
  • Mature: A well-established file system with a long history of stability.


  • Features: Lacks some advanced features like snapshots and built-in RAID compared to ZFS and Btrfs.
  • Management: Does not have as many management tools as ZFS.



  • Data Integrity: Strong focus on data integrity with built-in checksumming.
  • Snapshots and Clones: Supports efficient snapshots and clones, allowing for easy backups and recovery.
  • Compression: Offers built-in compression options, which can save space.
  • RAID: Supports various RAID levels natively (ZRAID), enhancing redundancy.


  • Memory Usage: Can require more RAM for optimal performance.
  • Complexity: More complex to set up and manage compared to traditional file systems.



  • Snapshots and Subvolumes: Supports snapshots and subvolumes, making it flexible for backups and system management.
  • Built-in RAID: Offers support for multiple RAID levels.
  • Compression and Deduplication: Supports on-the-fly compression and deduplication.


  • Stability: Still considered less mature than XFS and ZFS; while it has improved significantly, it may not be as stable for all workloads.
  • Performance: Can have variable performance depending on the workload and configuration.


  • For General Use: If you want stability and performance for general workloads, XFS is a great choice.
  • For Data Integrity and Advanced Features: If data integrity, snapshots, and advanced features are critical, ZFS is likely the best option.
  • For Flexibility and Modern Features: If you want modern features like snapshots and subvolumes with some flexibility, consider Btrfs.

Final Thoughts

Evaluate your specific use cases (e.g., data integrity, performance, ease of management) and the resources available on your system (e.g., RAM for ZFS). If possible, testing each file system in a non-production environment can also help you determine which one best meets your needs.

Hacktoberfest 2024

Hacktoberfest 2024 is just around the corner, and I hope you’re as excited as I am for this month-long celebration of all things open-source!

If you’re looking for beginner-friendly open-source projects to contribute to, we’ve got you covered. The Kaniyam Foundation Team has compiled a list of project ideas that you can take on and make your own. A special thanks to KanchiLug volunteer Syed Jaffer for putting together this list of projects to work on. Check it out at the link below:

If you need any open source project to be developed, share your project idea in detail here.

Register here –

#Hacktoberfest #Hacktoberfest2024

Chennaipy – September meetup

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to the September month meetup.

# Schedule

* AI in Digital marketing
* Novice with Metaprogramming — Decorates with Decorator
* Best practices in optimizing large scale data processing using pandas-like libraries
* Transforming Automotive Electronics Testing with Python and Robot Framework * Lightning Talks (10 mins/talk)

# Venue

Zilogic Systems
Development Centre I
2nd Floor, Ragula Tech Park,
Type II/16, Dr. VSI Estate (Phase 1),
Chennai – 600 041.


* RSVP to get the meeting link

# Date & Time

* 28/09/2024
* 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM

# New to Python ?

* Learn Python in 30 minutes

* How to think like a computer

Chennaipy mailing list

Hacktoberfest 2024

Hacktoberfest 2024 is just around the corner, and I hope you’re as excited as I am for this month-long celebration of all things open-source!

If you’re looking for beginner-friendly open-source projects to contribute to, we’ve got you covered. The Kaniyam Foundation Team has compiled a list of project ideas that you can take on and make your own. A special thanks to KanchiLug volunteer Syed Jaffer for putting together this list of projects to work on. Check it out at the link below:

If you need any open source project to be developed, share your project idea in detail here.

Register here –

#Hacktoberfest #Hacktoberfest2024

Chennaipy – September meetup

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to the September month meetup.

# Schedule

* AI in Digital marketing
* Novice with Metaprogramming — Decorates with Decorator
* Best practices in optimizing large scale data processing using pandas-like libraries
* Transforming Automotive Electronics Testing with Python and Robot Framework * Lightning Talks (10 mins/talk)

# Venue

Zilogic Systems
Development Centre I
2nd Floor, Ragula Tech Park,
Type II/16, Dr. VSI Estate (Phase 1),
Chennai – 600 041.


* RSVP to get the meeting link

# Date & Time

* 28/09/2024
* 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM

# New to Python ?

* Learn Python in 30 minutes

* How to think like a computer

Chennaipy mailing list

Demystifying IP Addresses and Netmasks: The Complete Overview

In this blog, we will learn about IP addresses and netmasks.


The Internet Protocol (IP) is a unique identifier for your device, similar to how a mobile number uniquely identifies your phone.

IP addresses are typically represented as four Octets for IPv4, with each octet being One byte/Octets in size, and eight octets for IPv6, with each octet being two bytes/Octets in size.


  • IPv4:
  • IPv6: 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888

For the purposes of this discussion, we will focus on IPv4.

Do we really require four Octets structure with dots between them?

The answer is NO

The only requirement for an IPv4 address is that it must be 4 bytes in size. However, it does not have to be written as four octets or even with dots separating them.

Let’s test this by fetching Google’s IP address using the nslookup command.

Convert this to binary number using bc calculator in Bash shell.

And you can see it’s working.

This is because the octet structure and the dots between them are only for human readability. Computers do not interpret dots; they just need an IP address that is 4 bytes in size, and that’s it.

The range for IPv4 addresses is from to

Types of IP Addresses

IP addresses are classified into two main types: Public IPs and Private IPs.

Private IP addresses are used for communication between local devices without connecting to the Internet. They are free to use and secure to use.

You can find your private IP address by using the ifconfig command

The private IP address ranges are as follows: to to to

Public IP addresses are Internet-facing addresses provided by an Internet Service Provider (ISP). These addresses are used to access the internet and are not free.

By default

Private IP to Private IP communication is possible.
Public IP to Public IP communication is possible.


Public IP to Private IP communication is not possible.
Private IP to Public IP communication is not possible.

Nevertheless, these types of communication can occur through Network Address Translation (NAT), which is typically used by your home router. This is why you can access the Internet even with a private IP address.

Netmasks are used to define the range of IP addresses within a network.

Which means,

You can see 24 Ones and 8 Zeros.

Here, we have converted 255 to binary using division method.

255 ÷ 2 = 127 remainder 1

127 ÷ 2 = 63 remainder 1

63 ÷ 2 = 31 remainder 1

31 ÷ 2 = 15 remainder 1

15 ÷ 2 = 7 remainder 1

7 ÷ 2 = 3 remainder 1

3 ÷ 2 = 1 remainder 1

1 ÷ 2 = 0 remainder 1

So, binary value of 255 is 11111111

By using this, we can able to find the number of IP addresses and its range.

Since we have 8 zeros, so

Number of IPs = 2 ^8 which equals to 256 IPs. SO, the usable IP range is – and the broadcast IP is

And we can also write this as . Here 24 denotes CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing).

Thats it.

Kindly let me know in comments if you are any queries in these topics.

KanchiLUG’s Weekly discussion – Aug 18, 2024

This week in Kanchi Linux Users Group we have scheduled an weekly discussion as online meeting on Sunday, Aug 18, 2024 17:00 – 18:00 IST

Meeting Link –

Weekly discussion is an open and friendly discussion where topics related to Linux/FOSS technologies will be discussed. We will meet in the online jitsi meeting and discuss new linux things everyone explored this week and we chat about linux news and topics. If you are facing any issues with linux or any FOSS applications, you can also share your issues during the discussion. Our KanchiLUG community will help to debug or suggest some good alternatives.

Can join with any browser or JitSi android app.
All the Discussions are in Tamil.

KanchiLUG’s Weekly discussion – Aug 18, 2024

This week in Kanchi Linux Users Group we have scheduled an weekly discussion as online meeting on Sunday, Aug 18, 2024 17:00 – 18:00 IST

Meeting Link –

Weekly discussion is an open and friendly discussion where topics related to Linux/FOSS technologies will be discussed. We will meet in the online jitsi meeting and discuss new linux things everyone explored this week and we chat about linux news and topics. If you are facing any issues with linux or any FOSS applications, you can also share your issues during the discussion. Our KanchiLUG community will help to debug or suggest some good alternatives.

Can join with any browser or JitSi android app.
All the Discussions are in Tamil.

ILUGC Monthly Meet – August 10, 2024 – 3.00 PM IST

Indian Linux Users Group, Chennai [ ILUGC ] has been spreading awareness on Free/Open Source Software (F/OSS) in Chennai since January 1998.
For the month of August, 2024 we shall meet through Jitsi
on Saturday August 10, 2024 at 1500 IST.

meet link:

Talk Details:

Topic 0: Intro to fish shell
Description: Bash is great and very commonly used in scripting, but doesn’t mean we should use bash as default. In this talk, we will try fish shell and features of it. Demonstration will be showing only the interactive shell but fish also supports scripting.
Duration: 15 mins
Full Name: Parameshwar Arunachalam
About Yourself: Working as a developer in a proprietary software company and doing open source contribution as a human apart from job : )

Topic 1: python arguments and parameter types
Description: i will explain python language arguments different type of parameters
Duration: 5mins
Full Name: N.Tamilselvan
About Yourself: i am beginner of python

Mailing List Guidelines: Web:
Internet Relay Chat: on

Linux Partition: Static Partition Scaling without any data loss

In this blog, we are going to see how to increase or decrease the size of the static partition in Linux without compromising any data loss and how to do that in Online mode without unmounting.

I already explained the basic concepts of partition in very detail in my previous blog. You can refer to that blog by clicking here.

In this practical, the Oracle VirtualBox is used for hosting the Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL8) Virtual Machine (VM).

The first step is to attach one hard disk. So, I attached one virtual hard disk with the size of 40GiB. That disk is named “/dev/sdc”. You can check the disk name and all other disks present in your VM by running the following command.

fdisk -l

Then, we have to do partition by using “fdisk” command.

fdisk /dev/sdc

Then, enter “n” in order to create a new partition. Then enter the partition number and specify the number of sectors or GiB. Here, we entered 20 GiB in order to utilize that much storage unless we do partition, we can’t utilize any storage.

We had created one partition named as “/dev/sdc1”. Next step is to format the partition. Here, we used Ext4 filesystem(format) to create an inode table.

Next step is to create one directory using “mkdir” command and mount that partition in that directory since we can’t directly use the hardware device no matter it is either real or virtual.

One file should be created inside that directory in order to check the data loss after Live scaling of static partition.

Ok, now the size of the static partition is 20 GiB, we are going to do scaling up to 30GiB without unmounting the partition. For this, again we have to run the following command.

fdisk /dev/sdc

Then delete the partition. Don’t bother about the data, it won’t lose.

Then enter “n” to create the new partition and specify your desired size. Here, I like to scale up to 30GiB. And then one warning will come and it says that “Partition 1 contains an ext4 signature” and ask us what to do with that either remove the signature or retain.

If you don’t want to lose the data, then enter “N”. Then enter “w” to save the partition. you can verify your partition size by running “fdisk -l” command in terminal. Finally, you increased the size of static partition.

First part is done. Then next step is to format the partition in order to create the file system. But this time, we will not use “mkfs” command, since it will delete all the data. We don’t need it. We have to do format without comprising the data. For that we have to run the following command.

resize2fs  /dev/sdc1

Finally, we done format without comprising the data. We can check this by going inside that mount point and check whether the data is here or not.

Yes, data is here. It is not lost even though we created new partition and formatted the partition.

Live Linux Static Partition scaling without any data loss

In this blog, we are going to see how to increase or decrease the size of the static partition in Linux without compromising any data loss and done in Online mode.

I already explained the basic concepts of partition in very detail in my previous blog. You can refer to that blog by clicking here.

In this practical, the Oracle VirtualBox is used for hosting the Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL8) Virtual Machine (VM).

The first step is to attach one hard disk. So, I attached one virtual hard disk with the size of 40GiB. That disk is named “/dev/sdc”. You can check the disk name and all other disks present in your VM by running the following command.

fdisk -l

Then, we have to do partition by using “fdisk” command.

fdisk /dev/sdc

Then, enter “n” in order to create a new partition. Then enter the partition number and specify the number of sectors or GiB. Here, we entered 20 GiB in order to utilize that much storage unless we do partition, we can’t utilize any storage.

We had created one partition named as “/dev/sdc1”. Next step is to format the partition. Here, we used Ext4 filesystem(format) to create an inode table.

Next step is to create one directory using “mkdir” command and mount that partition in that directory since we can’t directly use the hardware device no matter it is either real or virtual.

One file should be created inside that directory in order to check the data loss after Live scaling of static partition.

Ok, now the size of the static partition is 20 GiB, we are going to do scaling up to 30GiB without unmounting the partition. For this, again we have to run the following command.

fdisk /dev/sdc

Then delete the partition. Don’t bother about the data, it won’t lose.

Then enter “n” to create the new partition and specify your desired size. Here, I like to scale up to 30GiB. And then one warning will come and it says that “Partition 1 contains an ext4 signature” and ask us what to do with that either remove the signature or retain.

If you don’t want to lose the data, then enter “N”. Then enter “w” to save the partition. you can verify your partition size by running “fdisk -l” command in terminal. Finally, you increased the size of static partition.

First part is done. Then next step is to format the partition in order to create the file system. But this time, we will not use “mkfs” command, since it will delete all the data. We don’t need it. We have to do format without comprising the data. For that we have to run the following command.

resize2fs  /dev/sdc1

Finally, we done format without comprising the data. We can check this by going inside that mount point and check whether the data is here or not.

Yes, data is here. It is not lost even though we created new partition and formatted the partition.

Reduce the size of the Static Partition

You can also reduce the Static Partition size. For this, you have to follow the below steps.

  • Unmount
  • Cleaning bad sectors
  • Format
  • Mount

First step is to unmount your mount point since it is online, somebody will using it.

umount /partition1

Then we have to clean the bad sectors by running the following command

e2fsck -f /dev/sdc1

Then we have to format the size you want. Here we want only 20 GiB and we will reduce the remaining 10 GiB space. This is done by running following command.

resize2fs /dev/sdc1 20G

Then we have to mount the partition.

Finally, we reduced the static partition size.

Above figure shows that Data is also not lost during scaling down.

Thank you all for your reads. Stay tuned for my next article, because it is Endless.

Setting up your own High Availability managed WordPress hosting using Amazon RDS

Hosting your own WordPress website is interesting right!! Ok, come on let’s do it!!

We are going to do this practical from Scratch. From the Creation of our Own VPC, Subnets, Internet Gateway, Route tables to Deployment of WordPress.

Here, we are going to use Amazon Web Service’s RDS service for hosting our own WordPress site. Before that, let’s take a look at a basic introduction to RDS service.

Amazon Relational Database Service is a distributed relational database service by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is a web service running in the cloud designed to simplify the setup, operation, and scaling of a relational database for use in applications. Administration processes like patching the database software, backing up databases and enabling point-in-time recovery are managed automatically.

Features of AWS RDS

  • Lower administrative burden. Easy to use
  • Performance. General Purpose (SSD) Storage
  • Scalability. Push-button compute scaling
  • Availability and durability. Automated backups
  • Security. Encryption at rest and in transit
  • Manageability. Monitoring and metrics
  • Cost-effectiveness. Pay only for what you use

Ok, let’s jump onto the practical part!!

We will do this practical from scratch. Since it will be big, so we divided this into 5 small parts namely

  • Creating a MySQL database with RDS
  • Creating an EC2 instance
  • Configuring your RDS database
  • Configuring WordPress on EC2
  • Deployment of WordPress website

Creating a MySQL database with RDS

Before that, we have to do two pre-works namely the Creation of Virtual Private Cloud(VPC), Subnets and Security groups. These are more important because in order to have a reliable connection between WordPress and MySQL database, they should be located in the same VPC and should have the same Security Group.

Since Instances are launched on Subnets only, Moreover RDS will launch your MySQL database in EC2 instance only that we cannot able to see since it is fully managed by AWS.

VPC Dashboard

We are going to create our own VPC. For that, we have to specify IP range and CIDR. We specified IP and CIDR as

What is CIDR?. I explained this in my previous blog in very detail. You can refer here.

Lets come to the point. After specifying the IP range and CIDR, enter your VPC name.

Now, VPC is successfully created with our specified details.

Next step is to launch the subnet in the above VPC.

Subnet Dashboard

For Creating Subnets, you have to specify which VPC the lab should launch. We already have our own VPC named “myvpc123”.

And then we have to specify the range of Subnet IP and CIDR. Please note that the Subnet range should come under VPC range, it should not exceed VPC range.

For achieving the property of High Availability, We have to launch minimum two subnets, so that Amazon RDS will launch its database in two subnets, if one subnet collapsed means, it won’t cause any trouble.

Now, two Subnets with their specified range of IPs and CIDR are launched successfully inside our own VPC and they are available.

Next step is to create a security group in order to secure the WordPress and MySQL databases. Note that both should have the same Security Group or else it won’t connect.

For creating a Security Group, we have to specify which VPC it should be launched and adding a Description is mandatory.

Then we have to specify inbound rules, for making this practical simple, we are allowing all traffic to access our instance.

Now, the Security Group is successfully created with our specified details.

Now let’s jump into part 1 which is about Creating a MySQL database with RDS.

RDS dashboard

Select Create database, then select Standard create and specify the database type.

Then you have to specify the Version. Version plays a major role in MySQL when integrating with WordPress, so select the compactible version or else it will cause serious trouble at the end. Then select the template, here we are using Free-tier since it won’t be chargeable.

Then you have to specify the credentials such as Database Instance name, Master username and Master password.

Most important part is a selection of VPC, you should select the same VPC where you will launch your EC2 instance for your WordPress and we can’t modify the VPC once the database is created. Then select the Public access as No for providing more security to our database. Now, the people outside of your VPC can’t connect to your database.

Then you have to specify the security group for your database. Note that the Security Group for your database and WordPress should be the same or else it will cause serious trouble.

Note that Security Groups is created per VPC. After selecting Security Group, then click Ok to create the RDS database.

Creating an EC2 instance

Before creating an instance, there should be two things you configured namely Internet Gateway and Route tables. It is used for providing outside internet connectivity to an instance launched in the subnet.

Internet Gateway Dashboard

Internet Gateway is created per VPC. First, we have to create one new Internet Gateway with the specified details.

Then you have to attach Internet Gateway to the VPC

Next step is to create Routing tables. Note that Route table is created per Subnet.

We have to specify which VPC in which your subnet is available to attach routing table with it, specify Name and click create to create the route table.

Then click Edit route to edit the route details namely destination and target. Enter destination as for accessing any IP anywhere on the Internet and target is your Internet Gateway.

After entering the details, click Save routes.

We created a Route table, then we have to attach that table to your Subnet. For that click Edit route table association and select your subnet where you want to attach the route table with it.

Now, lets jump into the task of creating an EC2 instance.

First, you have to choose the AMI image in which you used for creating an EC2 instance, here I selected Amazon Linux 2 AMI for that.

Then you have to select Instance type, here I selected t2.micro since it comes under free tier.

Then you have to specify the VPC, Subnet for your instance and you have to enable Auto-assign Public IP in order to get your Public IP to your instance.

Then you have to add storage for your instance. It is optional only.

Then you have to specify the tags which will be more useful especially for automation.

Then you have to select the Security Group for your instance. It should be the same as your database have.

And click Review and Launch. Then you have to add Keypair to launch your EC2 instance. If you didn’t have Keypair means, you can create at that time.

Configuring your RDS database

At this point, you have created an RDS database and an EC2 instance. Now, we will configure the RDS database to allow access to specific entities.

You have to run the below command in your EC2 instance in order to establish the connection with your database.

export MYSQL_HOST=<your-endpoint>

You can find your endpoint by clicking database in the RDS dashboard. Then you have to run the following command.

mysql --user=<user> --password=<password> dbname

This output shows the database is successfully connected to an EC2 instance.

In the MySQL command terminal, you have to run the following commands in order to get all privileges to your account.

CREATE USER 'vishnu' IDENTIFIED BY 'vishnupassword';

Configuring WordPress on EC2

For Configuring WordPress on EC2 instance, the first step is to configure the webserver, here I am using Apache webserver. For that, you have to run the following commands.

sudo yum install -y httpd
sudo service httpd start

Next step would be download the WordPress application from the internet by using wget command. Run the following code to download the WordPress application.

tar -xzf latest.tar.gz

Then we have to do some configuration, for this follow the below steps.

cd wordpress
cp wp-config-sample.php wp-config.php
cd wp-config.php

Go inside the wp-config.php file and enter your credentials (including your password too)

Then, Goto this link and copy all and paste it to replace the existing lines of code.

Next step is to deploy the WordPress application. For that, you have to run the following commands in order to solve the dependencies and deploy WordPress in the webserver.

sudo amazon-linux-extras install -y lamp-mariadb10.2-php7.2 php7.2
sudo cp -r wordpress/* /var/www/html/
sudo service httpd restart

That’s it. You have a live, publicly-accessible WordPress installation using a fully-managed MySQL database on Amazon RDS.

Then if you enter your WordPress instance IP in your browser, you will land your WordPress home page.

After you filled in your credentials, you will get your own homepage.

That’s it. You launched your own application in your own instance and your database is managed by AWS RDS service.

Thank you all for your reads. Stay tuned for my next article.

ILUGC Monthly Meet – August 10, 2024 – 3.00 PM IST

Indian Linux Users Group, Chennai [ ILUGC ] has been spreading awareness on Free/Open Source Software (F/OSS) in Chennai since January 1998.
For the month of August, 2024 we shall meet through Jitsi
on Saturday August 10, 2024 at 1500 IST.

meet link:

Talk Details:

Topic 0: Intro to fish shell
Description: Bash is great and very commonly used in scripting, but doesn’t mean we should use bash as default. In this talk, we will try fish shell and features of it. Demonstration will be showing only the interactive shell but fish also supports scripting.
Duration: 15 mins
Full Name: Parameshwar Arunachalam
About Yourself: Working as a developer in a proprietary software company and doing open source contribution as a human apart from job : )

Topic 1: python arguments and parameter types
Description: i will explain python language arguments different type of parameters
Duration: 5mins
Full Name: N.Tamilselvan
About Yourself: i am beginner of python

Mailing List Guidelines: Web:
Internet Relay Chat: #ilugc on

ILUGC Monthly Meet – July 13, 2024 – 3.00 PM IST

Indian Linux Users Group, Chennai [ ILUGC ] has been spreading
awareness on Free/Open Source Software (F/OSS) in Chennai since
January 1998.

For the month of July, 2024 we shall meet through Jitsi
on Saturday July 13, 2024 at 1500 IST.

meet link:

Talk Details:
Topic 0:Exploring Jaw dropping features of find command
Description: find command is used to find a file or folder in linux.
basically a searching tool. But it has more than that.
Let me show you some of the jaw dropping features of find command which i
explored recently
Duration: 30 mins
Full Name: Parameshwar Arunachalam
About Yourself: Hopefully human and Open source enthusiast

Topic 1: My learnings on neural networks
Description: Just a summary of neural network concepts and materials i
found interesting
Duration: 45 mins
Full Name: Thanga Ayyanar @ Gold Ayan
About Yourself: Just a curious linux kiddo :p

Mailing List Guidelines:
Internet Relay Chat: on

ILUGC Monthly Meet – July 13, 2024 – 3.00 PM IST

Indian Linux Users Group, Chennai [ ILUGC ] has been spreading
awareness on Free/Open Source Software (F/OSS) in Chennai since
January 1998.

For the month of July, 2024 we shall meet through Jitsi
on Saturday July 13, 2024 at 1500 IST.

meet link:

Talk Details:
Topic 0:Exploring Jaw dropping features of find command
Description: find command is used to find a file or folder in linux.
basically a searching tool. But it has more than that.
Let me show you some of the jaw dropping features of find command which i
explored recently
Duration: 30 mins
Full Name: Parameshwar Arunachalam
About Yourself: Hopefully human and Open source enthusiast

Topic 1: My learnings on neural networks
Description: Just a summary of neural network concepts and materials i
found interesting
Duration: 45 mins
Full Name: Thanga Ayyanar @ Gold Ayan
About Yourself: Just a curious linux kiddo :p

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My interview on Malai Talks

Last week, had a discussion with MalaiKannan on Linux, Linux Users Groups, Kaniyam, Tamil Computing, Ebooks, ML/AI etc. Today he published the talk on his youtube channel “Malai Talks” .

See it here –

Shhh. It is a 2 hrs talk. Get prepared to hear long stories.

Sivaprabu, a friend from ilugc, shared a small clip of him seeing the talk on big TV. So happy 🙂
