How Failure Feels?

Like hell…Failure is just a part of life — an unskippable, teaching part. But when we fail once, twice, and even three times, we tackle that pain. But how is it to fail 98 out of 100 times? How does it feel?
Hi guys, 👋 today I’d like to share my feelings about failures in life and how I try to tackle them. To be frank, I’m not an expert, but I will share my experience.
We are not superheroes who can tackle all issues simply. Even superheroes failed in both comics and movies.
How do you feel about failures?
The feelings should be like “Our eyes are darkened, our mind is frustrated, our body is not in our control,” right? Even I have the same mentality when I fail. But continuous failure should be an unexplainable hell moment. We try something, we don’t enjoy life like others, we don’t have our meals perfectly, we don’t go to the ground to play games — we sacrifice all for the purpose. The purpose can be anything, like studying, learning, developing, coding, designing, editing, reading, or anything else. But what if we don’t win? If there is no difference between the life of others and us? How do they feel?
In one word, hell, right?
Trying many things without rest, like freelancing, developing, writing, designing, editing, approaching jobs and intern roles, and even podcasting, with the desire to shine anywhere. But zero output or an output without any financial benefits. How does it feel?
In one word, hell, right?
In the past, I was in the same situation as you, like all of us.
How to Tackle?
I have two simple solutions. But first, what do we need to do?
The first important thing is to throw your phones away or switch them off. When parents call us at that time, the situation becomes worse, or we call them unnecessarily and scold them. So the first advisable thing is to switch off the phones.
First Way: Write that pain on a piece of paper, then throw it in the dustbin after completing it. Even type it on a computer, then erase the file. Even a WhatsApp Status. It all depends on you.
Second Way: Don’t make any decisions at that time. Make yourself alone, cry until you become cool, then don’t plan anything, don’t do anything. Life will give you a way — just travel on that way.
Personally, I follow both of these methods.
At one moment, I felt like “I was not a good developer. In the upcoming days, I didn’t touch my laptop. I have not coded and developed any webpage”. But a few days after, a work came from my friend for web development. At first, I didn’t like to code and develop in the moment. But, after starting, I enjoy it. One of the quotes from my mother is, “When it’s for you, it must come”.
When I am in the confusion stage, I should carry on as a developer or move on to any other role in IT. I just imagine myself without development. It feels bad. Then I understood. I Love to develop. I only love to develop. So I decide, I achieve or not. Join in Big Jaint companies or not. But I should not leave from the development journey.
So, failure hurts. But it hurts more and more in the way of not being faced. Just move on as a traveller in the life giving way. I hope by the blog I share the moment of “How failure feels?”
If you feel it is true and useful idea to tackle that failure. Just comment your thoughts below 👇
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