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Before yesterdayArul Mozhi

Journey of learning Devops

17 July 2023 at 16:13

Getting started to learn devops is exciting. As a fresher its not an easy path but its not impossible. All we have to do is stay focused, know about fundamentals and practice more and more until we become amateur to professional. In this learning process first i get to know about GNU/LINUX.

Brief Introduction to Linux

Linux is a free and open source operating system which is used as server os for web servers and any other type of shared server.

Simple commands of Linux

$ dateIt is used to display date.
$ echoIt is used to print the content we write .
$ cat > filename.txtIt is used to create a file in cat editor. (There are many editors to create files like vim, nano, emacs etc.)
$ lsThis command is used to view the existence of the file we created.
$ cat filenameIt is used to view the content of the file.
$ rm filenameIt is used to delete the file.
$ cp filename1 filename2It is used to copy a file.
$ mv filename1 filename2It is used to move a file.

To logout of shell use $exit / ctrl + D
