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How Failure Feels?

Source: CanvaGPT AI

Like hell…Failure is just a part of life — an unskippable, teaching part. But when we fail once, twice, and even three times, we tackle that pain. But how is it to fail 98 out of 100 times? How does it feel?

Hi guys, 👋 today I’d like to share my feelings about failures in life and how I try to tackle them. To be frank, I’m not an expert, but I will share my experience.

We are not superheroes who can tackle all issues simply. Even superheroes failed in both comics and movies.

How do you feel about failures?

The feelings should be like “Our eyes are darkened, our mind is frustrated, our body is not in our control,” right? Even I have the same mentality when I fail. But continuous failure should be an unexplainable hell moment. We try something, we don’t enjoy life like others, we don’t have our meals perfectly, we don’t go to the ground to play games — we sacrifice all for the purpose. The purpose can be anything, like studying, learning, developing, coding, designing, editing, reading, or anything else. But what if we don’t win? If there is no difference between the life of others and us? How do they feel?

In one word, hell, right?

Trying many things without rest, like freelancing, developing, writing, designing, editing, approaching jobs and intern roles, and even podcasting, with the desire to shine anywhere. But zero output or an output without any financial benefits. How does it feel?

In one word, hell, right?

In the past, I was in the same situation as you, like all of us.

How to Tackle?

I have two simple solutions. But first, what do we need to do?

The first important thing is to throw your phones away or switch them off. When parents call us at that time, the situation becomes worse, or we call them unnecessarily and scold them. So the first advisable thing is to switch off the phones.

First Way: Write that pain on a piece of paper, then throw it in the dustbin after completing it. Even type it on a computer, then erase the file. Even a WhatsApp Status. It all depends on you.

Second Way: Don’t make any decisions at that time. Make yourself alone, cry until you become cool, then don’t plan anything, don’t do anything. Life will give you a way — just travel on that way.

Personally, I follow both of these methods.

At one moment, I felt like “I was not a good developer. In the upcoming days, I didn’t touch my laptop. I have not coded and developed any webpage”. But a few days after, a work came from my friend for web development. At first, I didn’t like to code and develop in the moment. But, after starting, I enjoy it. One of the quotes from my mother is, “When it’s for you, it must come”.

When I am in the confusion stage, I should carry on as a developer or move on to any other role in IT. I just imagine myself without development. It feels bad. Then I understood. I Love to develop. I only love to develop. So I decide, I achieve or not. Join in Big Jaint companies or not. But I should not leave from the development journey.

So, failure hurts. But it hurts more and more in the way of not being faced. Just move on as a traveller in the life giving way. I hope by the blog I share the moment of “How failure feels?”

If you feel it is true and useful idea to tackle that failure. Just comment your thoughts below 👇

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Prompting & my life

Source: Bing AI

In the AI Era, we all use AI in our daily lives. Prompting is an efficient way of using AI like ChatGPT, Perplexity, and others. Today, I would like to share the “Power of Prompting” in this blog. But to know the power of prompting, I would like to share my story. How the Prompting should change my life.

As a small introduction, my name is Anand. I am a Front-End Developer, Tech & Finance Enthusiast and have a desire to work as an developer in Top IT company.

Where do I start???

Ok, I am pursuing my Higher Education in Government Aided School. A School filled with the teaching of discipline & education. Due to loosening of strict in school about language. I have no confidence in speaking in English. Even try to speak in English. We all know about the response of friends. How do they tease us?

Fast forward to 2022, I completed my schooling and joined BSc Computer Science. At that time, to be frank, I have no knowledge about tech, coding, hardware, and all. But I have that spark to learn. As we always know, the internet is filled with knowledge. But language is a big barrier to gaining knowledge.

Here is the intro of today’s AI war beginner or the reason for today’s AI war — ChatGPT. In November 2022, the ChatGPT was launched. Due to got an good roommates in my first year. I have know about the power of the internet. So, in that time, I gained the knowledge using only YouTube. Within one week of its release, I started using ChatGPT.

It helps to understand tech, education, and what I want using simple English or English filled with Grammar mistakes. After the lot of prompting I gained more knowledge about tech. Then move on to the courses in various platforms like Coursera, Udemy and other platform. Then move on to Blogs, Research Papers as little bit and more on.

Fast forward today, I have good foundational knowledge in various tech & finance. But the barrier of english and without knowledge of “How search anything in internet deeply?” are broken and the AI acts as good mentor.

Nowadays even though I have gain knowledge through various things from youtube, blogs, AI, research papers, books. This all begin from that. Because without that beginning, now I am nothing.

I think this blog is interesting in the way of denote the “Prompting & my life”. Stay tuned for my tech & finance blogs.

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The Evolution & Backclash of Developers Using ChatGPT

ChatGPT made a revolution in human life, it changed many of their lives. Two Months ago I saw a great example of it. Using ChatGPT & LinkedIn, businessman Iwan Richard — Founder & CEO of Reneonix should bring their business to the next level. To know more about their journey check the Being Scenius with Sriram Selvan Podcast the link is below 👇

ChatGPT also plays an important role in my learning journey. So, I like to write a blog about “The Evolution & Backclash of Developers Using ChatGPT”.

Note: Here I write the blog from my perspective, it may be changed for you.

What makes the 100 Million People use the ChatGPT actively in just two months after their launching?


Before the arrival of ChatGPT, the Internet plays a key role in learning anything. The process of visiting many websites and reading many things such as Blogs and articles is good for gaining knowledge. But it consumes more time and makes them tired. ChatGPT changes all things in time of arrival. It gives solutions for most things and explains easily in a way even understand by the children. But at the time of arrival, it does not give solutions for the present-day related questions. But that should be solved and made possible by using various methodologies and advancing the ChatGPT.

But only that reason for using ChatGPT by a million users?

No, ChatGPT has been used by various people for various things. Like learning anything as easily, drafting mail professionally, more and more. Due to the tuning of the AI Model as perfect, they should not answer for bad things. Such a question is related to do crimes. That sounds interesting, right? It has done all things as good with the restrictions of helping bad things. So, it’s good only.

To be frank no. But Why?

Because ChatGPT makes the work easy. For Developers, it gives the basic code and even gives good code then the beginner level developers. However, the developers need sufficient knowledge to explain that code and fix the bug given by ChatGPT. Even Foreign IT Companies are allowed to use ChatGPT and other AI for development. But they expect basic knowledge at the time of their entry into their company. They did not like to hire persons who just copied and pasted the code without the knowledge of how the coding works.

The problem arises for the beginners. One who starts using ChatGPT in their earlier stage is affected in two ways. First, they change them as lazy to code. Due to laziness after some time they struggle to code without ChatGPT. So, they also lose their confidence themself. Like “I Should not code as well or I am not a good developer” and due to laziness, they lose their problem-solving skills. Even the person who has good knowledge in the time of going to the companies for an interview, due to their high dependence on ChatGPT in time of practice, lacks code at the selection round. Second, in time of start learning no one is perfect. No one should develop a website like “Netflix” as straightly. But the ChatGPT had been done that. Here they imagine the AI should replicate the Developer's work as soon. Maybe it is possible but for that also need humans as a main player and just AI as a tool. Because it works by pre-training and scraping data from the web.

What is the Solution?

  1. Using AI such as ChatGPT as a tool makes no trouble. However using that as an overload makes the developers lazy, which makes them lose their problem-solving skills.
  2. Using ChatGPT at the time of beginning the journey in coding causes more trouble than expected. Why? Because it gives unnecessary thinking, does not help to gain knowledge & more. The Error makes the developer's life as good. So, trying to solve the error yourself in the beginning gives a healthy journey.

In conclusion using AI in development as a tool makes life as more easier, helps debug easily, and is enormously helpful usage. But using it over time gives only trouble.

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Today I am back with an interesting topic, which I would like to share with you guys. Nowadays we all use AI as normal in our life. But actually, the use of AI begins with one AI. Which is ChatGPT. Did you think about it? How does the ChatGPT give more and more data as it is mostly accurate?

The Blog is about that only. Come on guys, have a joyful dive.


The ChatGPT uses the technique or methodology of Reinforcement Learning From Human Feedback(RLFH). It looks complex, right? It’s a simple concept.

In our childhood, when we play in the ground we eat the sand right like God Krishna. But we do not show the whole universe in our mouths like them. I just take that example here. When Mother saw that they had beaten us and said not to do? Likewise in our school, when we got the first mark our mother appreciated us.

Here we learn what to do? by the feedback.

Here the AI should Rewarded(Positive Feedback) when they have perfectly done that or Otherwise they get Penalties(Negative Feedback). As a result, they change as per the feedback. The same thing here is done by Reinforcement Learning. They try a lot of things. This means here they give various results and get a lot of Feedback. By that, they learned, what need to do and don’t.

Now the question comes to your mind such as “How is this used by ChatGPT?”

We all know ChatGPT is used by a lot of people in various ways. We also know that it’s just an AI that replies to us as per the pre-trained data or already existing data. But people should ask the real-time data. For example, the model should be trained and launched during Joe Biden’s presidency. At the time, the model was fine-tuned to provide accurate and contextually relevant information about policies, initiatives, and events related to Joe Biden. However, after the next election, Donald Trump became the president. But still, the ChatGPT should give the same result as Joe Biden it’s an incorrect and also an outdated response right? To prevent that the methodology of Reinforcement Learning is used.

To give real-time data, they should not only use this RLHF method. They also use Web Scrapping to get data & more other things. But the RLHF is also an important thing to give Real-time data by the ChatGPT. Because now the ChatGPT is not only the Chatbot AI or just a text-based AI. Now the ChatGPT 4 is an Multimodal AI. To learn more about Multimodal AI check the link:


For that, they should use various methodologies to tune the modal to give better results for the users. But this RLHF methodology is more interesting than others for me. So, I like to share it with you guys.

Note: Even the ChatGPT uses the methodology of Reinforcement Learning it’s trying to give more accuracy. But the result is not 100% perfect till now. Which means till 07/01/2025.

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Neuralink: Send humans to the next level

28 December 2024 at 07:26

Hi guys, Today’s topic feels like something straight out of a science fiction movie. But it has become a reality through the Elon Musk company “Neuralink”. Elon Musk is a person who thinks always differently. The different man thinks differently and achieves in different ways. Such one achievement is “Neuralink” the Brain Computer Interface alias “BCI”.

Neuralink is a neurotechnology company co-founded by Elon Musk in 2016. Guys, it’s neurotechnology not nanotechnology founded and used by Iron Man alias Tony Stark. Ok, jokes apart. The primary goal of the company is to create a direct communication pathway between the human brain and the computer to enhance human capabilities. As simply, Neuralink is a small, advanced chip designed to be implanted in the cerebrum of the human brain to give a pathway between the human brain and the computer via Bluetooth.

How do they implant the Chip in the Brain?

The humans made mistakes. But the mistake happened here it caused danger to the patient's life. So, for this, the company should specially develop and manufacture the machine called as R1 Robot. They hand over the overall operation as good. It is programmed perfectly for this surgery.

For more details about the Implantation of the Chip in the Brain Watch the below video 👇

How it works?

In the chip, there is an ultra-thin, flexible thread. There are 1024 threads and more in it to detect electrical signals generated by neurons. Here we all are doubting right “Why need to detect electrical signals generated by neurons?” Because neurons only transmit the data all over the human body. Like the Electrical Wire passing the current. When our brain says to walk the neurons transmit the data to the leg and it happens.

Did you know about AI in Neural Networks? It’s actually created with the inspiration of humans.

Then the electrical signals are sent to a chip. The chip processes the signals and converts them into digital data wirelessly transmitted to external devices via Bluetooth. This allows for bidirectional communication, where the brain can send signals to devices and receive input in return. The system uses advanced algorithms and machine learning to decode the neural data.

What is the use case?

There is an enormous use case for the neuralink. In the world, not everyone is born with perfect vision, speech, or physical abilities. Many individuals face challenges from birth, such as blindness, deafness, and paralysis. Even for some of them, it happened due to some accidents. Come on guys, try to feel that. How the pain it is? In just imagine, it is like hell, right? Because today we are not just ready to live without mobile phones. In this world, how does that feel for the people?

But it was corrected by the technology of neuralink. How?

By Neuralink, for blind people, the specialized camera acts as an Eye, for deaf people the external microphone acts as an Ear. Likewise, for all people who have problems in their body, it gives a solution for it.

Now many of them think, then how it is used for us. Just imagine guys, like in Hollywood movies the eye acts as a Camera, and when humans forget anything they recall by it. How the feels gives the secondary memory is not in the laptop or system. It’s in our brain. We save the details as per like we save the details in the various devices.

When you read it’s like a Sci-Fi Movie. But, it becomes a reality. Nowadays many of them fear AI and Humanoids have become like “TERMINATOR” movies in Humanoids. But it’s actually not possible. Because the person who is working on AI should learn first about the Ethical Concerns in AI. There is a standalone section or training about it. The AI should train in this manner only. It should not be trained in this manner. So don’t worry guys back to the topic.

Cons of Neuralink?

Now we see the dark side of neuralink. Every technology has a light and dark side, right? The best example of it is in our hands, the “Internet”. The Internet is a good tool to learn anything in the world. But it is also a bad tool to affect people. Likewise, Neuralink has had some dark side.

When we like to say that in a word it is “Safety, Privacy and Control”.

In the end, it’s a technology, right?
Every technology is hackable and vulnerable. Whether they hacked, after the chip integrated into your brain. We became the toy for the hackers. They do anything using us. Maybe it’s possible.
Then the next thing, it’s affects our privacy as easily.
Because the eye becomes a camera. Then they record all the things we see. It’s a thread, right? When the company is like to see any of the privacy it’s easily possible. Because the neuralink is not worked under a man. It’s worked by the whole company. So, it’s a big question mark for privacy?

Likewise, there are some problems with it.

I hope by the blog, I explain about Neuralink in a good manner.

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Journey of the Stupid Explorer in Flutter & Namma Flutter


Sometimes, the most unexpected paths lead to the most rewarding journeys. My adventure with Flutter in many ways a happy accident. In fact, my entire journey as a developer feels like one big, unplanned detour — an “accident” that turned into a passion. To be frank, I am not a wonderful developer. But I am also not bad at that. Actually, I spend my free time exploring different types of development like Flutter, Streamlit, Flask & More. But the flutter journey is different & crucial for me.

Like most students at the end of their undergraduate journey, I was required to secure an internship, a common expectation in colleges. While I had a foundation in development, I didn’t have any direct connections within the IT industry. Due to certain circumstances, I studying at a Tier 3 college in a rural area, despite performing well in my 12th-grade exams. So, I struggled to connect with others. To gain experience, I decided to look for internships online. However, what I found wasn’t exactly an internship — it was a paid skill development course in my point of view. The program consisted of one month of training followed by a month of project work. Even though it wasn’t an internship, I had to pay for the opportunity and I accepted it. Despite not being a traditional internship, the training provided valuable knowledge in Flutter. I learned a lot about flutter during the training days. I try out many small projects. Even though I practiced a lot, I struggled to develop the main project. According to the company, in the period of developing the app we need to develop the Mini Project as alone and the Major Project as a team.

Source: Namma Flutter I Flutter Chennai I LinkedIn

My fellow team members and I had foundational knowledge, just like me. During that time, I came across an introduction to Namma Flutter. As a community member of FOSS, I reached out for help. That’s when I got introduced to Justin Bro, thanks to Hari Bro. Justin Bro introduced me to Namma Flutter, and I asked for help with an issue I was facing. Both Justin Bro and Vijay Bro kindly assisted me by explaining the problem. While it seemed like a simple explanation, I spent nearly five days trying to resolve the issue on my own but couldn’t make progress.

However, it was on that day that I managed to resolve the issue, thanks to the support of the community. The help I received from the community not only provided me with the knowledge but also connected me with others who guided me to the solution. This experience was a testament to the power of community, showing me how collaboration can lead to overcoming challenges and continuous learning.

After completing the project with my team and submitting it, I received a certificate to show at my college. Then after that, it gives some guilt. Like we had not completed an internship. It’s not a perfect internship, more and more. So, I start to explore LinkedIn and by Community. I did not get a good internship opportunity. Because I had not done the Internship in my domain. However, I got a true Internship as a Tech Research Intern and Machine Learning Intern. Side by side I learned more and more as possible like React, JSP, Servlet, JDBC, Spring, Spring Boot, and more to become a good Web Developer.

When compared to my knowledge of 2022, I am good. The community help me to resolve issues. Now I am developing the app for my College Hostel for taking Attendance. It’s given the feel like I dream it on. But in this project also the help of Justin Bro is a little bit.

As a blogger, I like to share my journey and for a beginner-level developer maybe it is a good showcase about “How Community helps to grow and solve issues?”

Thanks for spending time to read about my journey in Flutter and Namma Flutter.

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Journey of the Stupid Explorer in Flutter & Namma Flutter was originally published in NammaFlutter on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Why HTML, CSS is a foundation for Web Development

In the vast world of web development, HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) serve as the fundamental building blocks for creating websites. Why HTML and CSS are not replaceable?

Any idea about it?

Today in the blog we did not discuss the boring history of web development. We discuss why HTML and CSS are a base for web development. Even in advanced technologies Like React JS and Angular JS, the base is HTML and CSS. Come on guys, let’s take a dive.

Photo by Rahul Mishra on Unsplash

As a small Intro, HTML is the backbone of any webpage. It provides the structure, content, and layout for web pages by using a set of predefined tags and elements. As simple it’s a Skeleton for the Webpage.

CSS controls the visual presentation of the HTML structure. It defines how the HTML elements should be styled, such as their colors, fonts, spacing, and layout. Here CSS is simply the Skin for Webpage.

Even with the advent of advanced frameworks like React.js, Vue.js, and Angular.js. HTML and CSS remain irreplaceable because these technologies operate on top of them. Every framework and library still relies on HTML for structure and CSS for styling. For example,

Normal HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>HTML Example</title>
<h1>Hello, World!</h1>

In React:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>React Example</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<div id="root"></div>
<script type="text/babel">
const App = () => {
return (
<h1>Hello, World!</h1>

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));


Here you see guys, the React is written under the HTML. Why?

In the beginning stage of web development, they start with HTML and CSS only. Then, as it continued evolving, it became base and mandatory. So, only use any frameworks in any language.


Python — Flask, Django

Java — Spring, Spring Boot

JavaScript — React JS, Angular JS.

They paired/collaborated with HTML and CSS.

Finally, I think we understand, that HTML and CSS will always remain the core of web development, no matter how advanced frameworks or libraries become. These foundational technologies are irreplaceable because they provide the structure and styling necessary for any web page. While tools like React, Angular, and Vue offer enhanced functionality and interactivity, they still rely on HTML for content structure and CSS for styling. As web technologies continue to evolve, HTML and CSS will adapt, but their fundamental role in web development will never change. So, mastering these technologies is essential for every web developer, as they are the building blocks that power the internet.

What’s Behind Rising Prices? Inflation in Simple Terms

24 November 2024 at 16:25
Photo by John McArthur on Unsplash

In the year 2000, the rate of milk per liter was ₹12 and the cylinder was ₹350. Fast-forward to today, the rate of milk is ₹60 and the cylinder is ₹950 and above.

Do you have any idea why this rate difference exists?

It’s called Inflation. Today, we discuss Inflation and the craziest hyperinflation. Come on guys, let’s dive into it.

I thought about this for many days. Why there are differences in the price of a product from each certain period? Then due to curiosity to understand this, I searched about it through the internet and also watched YouTube videos. It gives a broad view of inflation. It searched it over six or eight months ago, I think. But even at the age of 19, I don’t know about it before searching on the internet.

A few days ago, I raised a question about inflation to my mom. They also didn’t know about it. So, I decided to write this as a blog. Likewise, this idea begins to share about inflation as a blog.

As I said, inflation is nothing but a gradual increase in the prices of goods and services over time. There are many reasons why inflation occurs. From that, we see some of the reasons for the situation.

Demand over supply:

Our mother taught us these things from our childhood. Today, the rate of tomatoes is increasing due to yesterday’s heavy rain. Even the loss of a tomato due to that product need we ready to pay much more money. Did you notice, guys? Here, the need for a product is high. But the supply is low due to the loss of heavy tomatoes in yesterday’s rain. Here, due to the high demand rate, the price is increasing. So here, the inflation occurs.

Photo by Museums Victoria on Unsplash

Increase in Costs:

The next reason is the Increase in Costs. We all know about this thing guys, we daily hear about the news of war, right? Due to the war, the cost of oil has increased. This is also inflation, right guys? Even though the war happened a lot of distance away from us, it made an issue in our lives. It increases the price of Oil. It’s one example. Due to the hike in oil prices, the other goods prices also increased. Because all transportation of goods needs oil. So, in the end, all product prices should increase. I hope now you understand about Inflation.

But like Thalaivar said “Edhu summa trailer tha ma, nee ennum main picture pakkalaya”. Likewise, the other craziest thing is Hyperinflation.

Just imagine now you are going to the hotel and ordering a Briyani. The worth of Briyani at the time of order is 100. But after you had lunch in time to settle the amount, the worth of Briyani is 150.

How do we feel? Very bad, right? Ya.

Which is called Hyperinflation.

Whether in inflation, they increase gradually in the prices of goods and services over time. But in Hyperinflation, it takes some hours to see the price changes. Very crazy, right?

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Same Chip, Varying Speed: The Mystery Behind U, P and H Series Performance

11 November 2024 at 10:44

When you think about it, processors in the same family, such as the U, P and H series often have similar architectures and core counts. But despite these similarities, their performance can vary significantly. Like,

· U Series: Low performance but high battery life.

· P Series: Medium performance with medium battery life.

· H Series: High performance but has low battery life.

Photo by giuse on Unsplash

These differences in performance are largely due to how much power the processor consumes, which directly affects how fast it can run. Like in our daily life we using Fan. How a fan’s rotation speed depends on how much power it gets, a CPU’s performance depends on the power it consumes. If a processor gets high power, it can perform at higher speeds. If it gets low power, its performance is reduced.

Note: This discussion refers to processors within the same family (U, P, and H series) with similar architectures and core counts. The key factor driving performance differences is the TDP and how it influences power consumption, clock speeds, and thermal management, rather than differences in architecture or core count.

Key System Terms: TDP and Clock Speed

Before we dive deeper, let’s take a moment to understand some key system terms that help explain processor behavior:

What is TDP?

TDP (Thermal Design Power) is a measure of the maximum amount of heat a CPU generates under full load, which correlates to how much power the processor uses. It is crucial for designing the cooling systems required to keep the CPU within safe operating temperatures. While TDP gives an indication of power consumption, it is not a strict limit. The processor may exceed TDP during peak performance, but this will trigger thermal throttling if cooling is insufficient.

What is Clock Speed?

Clock speed, also known as processor frequency, refers to the number of clock cycles per second a CPU can execute. Each cycle represents a basic unit of computation. A higher clock speed means the CPU can perform more tasks per second, leading to faster performance. However, increasing clock speed also requires more power and generates more heat.

What is TDP Limit?

TDP Limit refers to the maximum amount of power a CPU is designed to consume under full load. This measure helps guide the design of cooling systems and ensures the CPU operates within safe thermal boundaries. While a processor with a higher TDP limit has the potential for better performance due to the increased power and thermal headroom, performance is influenced by many factors, including clock speed, core count, and architecture.

What is Base Clock Speed?

Base clock speed is the processor’s default operating speed under light or moderate workloads, such as web browsing or word processing. It is set to balance power efficiency with performance, ensuring the processor is energy-efficient during routine tasks.

What is Boost Clock Speed?

Boost clock speed refers to the maximum speed a processor can achieve when under heavy load, such as gaming, video rendering, or other intensive tasks. Boost speeds are activated when the processor has sufficient power and thermal headroom to perform at higher speeds without overheating, allowing for more efficient execution of demanding tasks.

Power Consumption and Performance: A Simple Analogy

Let’s use a simple analogy to explain the relationship between power and performance. Think about how the food we eat affects our energy levels. When we eat well, we feel energetic and can perform tasks more efficiently, right? Now, I hear many of you thinking: Likewise, when I eat more and better, I sleep well. So, where do I perform well? Right guys. OK, joke’s apart. Let’s continue the explanation. Similarly, when CPU's are provided with sufficient power (higher TDP), they can perform faster and handle demanding tasks, just like when you feel energetic after a good meal.

On the other hand, if the CPU is provided with less power (lower TDP), its performance slows down, and it conserves energy. This is similar to feeling sluggish when you haven’t eaten enough or are consuming low-energy food.

  • U Series processors are designed to consume less power, making them efficient for battery life but limiting their performance.
  • H Series processors are designed for high performance but consume more power, leading to shorter battery life.
  • P Series strikes a balance, offering moderate performance with medium power consumption.
Photo by Rafael Pol on Unsplash

How TDP, Base, and Boost Clock Speeds Affect Performance

For the U Series, a low TDP limit is set to prioritize energy efficiency and extend battery life. When the processor reaches its TDP limit, the cooling system activates to manage heat and maintain safe temperatures. If the processor exceeds thermal limits, its clock speed is automatically reduced (thermal throttling) to avoid overheating, which reduces performance, particularly during demanding tasks.

The same principles apply to the P and H Series, but the TDP limits are set differently:

  • The P Series provides a moderate balance of power and thermal management, allowing for medium performance.
  • The H Series has a higher TDP limit, enabling it to sustain high performance but at the cost of higher power consumption and more heat generation.


In summary, the performance differences between the U, P, and H series processors primarily stem from their varying power consumption limits (TDP). These limits affect how much power the CPU can consume, which in turn influences clock speed and thermal management. While U Series processors are optimized for lower power consumption and longer battery life, they offer reduced performance. H Series processors are designed for high performance but consume more power, leading to shorter battery life. The P Series offers a balance between the two, providing moderate performance and power efficiency.

Note: In this article I use Chatgpt for grammar corrections.

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