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Yesterday — 17 October 2024DevOps

React -Router

By: Elavarasu
17 October 2024 at 05:08

Understanding Routes

React- Router is used for render the components depends on URL without reloading the browser page. It navigates a page to another page without page reloads. we can use router in react project, first we install the react-router-dom package from react.

Then, access the router using

import {BrowserRouter,Router,Routes} from 'react-router-dom';

after that we use link to diplay the browser using Link instead <a href=''> in react.


import {BrowserRouter,Router,Routes,Link} from ‘react-router-dom’;

example for using Link and routes:

Using Links:

  '/' is the root page it display default home page

    <Link to='/'>Home</Link>
    <Link to='/about'>About</Link>
    <Link to='/contact'>Contact</Link>

}/> }> }/>

Using Routes:

<Browser Router>
<Routes path='/' element={<Home/>}/>
<Routes path='/about' element={<About/>}>
<Routes path='/contact' element={<Contact/>}/>
</Browser Router>

React -Router

By: Elavarasu
17 October 2024 at 05:08

Understanding Routes

React- Router is used for render the components depends on URL without reloading the browser page. It navigates a page to another page without page reloads. we can use router in react project, first we install the react-router-dom package from react.

Then, access the router using

import {BrowserRouter,Router,Routes} from 'react-router-dom';

after that we use link to diplay the browser using Link instead <a href=''> in react.


import {BrowserRouter,Router,Routes,Link} from ‘react-router-dom’;

example for using Link and routes:

Using Links:

  '/' is the root page it display default home page

    <Link to='/'>Home</Link>
    <Link to='/about'>About</Link>
    <Link to='/contact'>Contact</Link>

}/> }> }/>

Using Routes:

<Browser Router>
<Routes path='/' element={<Home/>}/>
<Routes path='/about' element={<About/>}>
<Routes path='/contact' element={<Contact/>}/>
</Browser Router>

Before yesterdayDevOps

Hacktoberfest 2024

30 September 2024 at 23:23

Hacktoberfest 2024 is just around the corner, and I hope you’re as excited as I am for this month-long celebration of all things open-source!

If you’re looking for beginner-friendly open-source projects to contribute to, we’ve got you covered. The Kaniyam Foundation Team has compiled a list of project ideas that you can take on and make your own. A special thanks to KanchiLug volunteer Syed Jaffer for putting together this list of projects to work on. Check it out at the link below:

If you need any open source project to be developed, share your project idea in detail here.

Register here –

#Hacktoberfest #Hacktoberfest2024

Chennaipy – September meetup

27 September 2024 at 13:55

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to the September month meetup.

# Schedule

* AI in Digital marketing
* Novice with Metaprogramming — Decorates with Decorator
* Best practices in optimizing large scale data processing using pandas-like libraries
* Transforming Automotive Electronics Testing with Python and Robot Framework * Lightning Talks (10 mins/talk)

# Venue

Zilogic Systems
Development Centre I
2nd Floor, Ragula Tech Park,
Type II/16, Dr. VSI Estate (Phase 1),
Chennai – 600 041.


* RSVP to get the meeting link

# Date & Time

* 28/09/2024
* 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM

# New to Python ?

* Learn Python in 30 minutes

* How to think like a computer

Chennaipy mailing list

Hacktoberfest 2024

30 September 2024 at 23:23

Hacktoberfest 2024 is just around the corner, and I hope you’re as excited as I am for this month-long celebration of all things open-source!

If you’re looking for beginner-friendly open-source projects to contribute to, we’ve got you covered. The Kaniyam Foundation Team has compiled a list of project ideas that you can take on and make your own. A special thanks to KanchiLug volunteer Syed Jaffer for putting together this list of projects to work on. Check it out at the link below:

If you need any open source project to be developed, share your project idea in detail here.

Register here –

#Hacktoberfest #Hacktoberfest2024

Chennaipy – September meetup

27 September 2024 at 13:55

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to the September month meetup.

# Schedule

* AI in Digital marketing
* Novice with Metaprogramming — Decorates with Decorator
* Best practices in optimizing large scale data processing using pandas-like libraries
* Transforming Automotive Electronics Testing with Python and Robot Framework * Lightning Talks (10 mins/talk)

# Venue

Zilogic Systems
Development Centre I
2nd Floor, Ragula Tech Park,
Type II/16, Dr. VSI Estate (Phase 1),
Chennai – 600 041.


* RSVP to get the meeting link

# Date & Time

* 28/09/2024
* 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM

# New to Python ?

* Learn Python in 30 minutes

* How to think like a computer

Chennaipy mailing list

Lets Learn சிவப்புHat Linux - 2

25 September 2024 at 17:34

nmcli - NetworkManager Command Line Interface

  • The nmcli utility can be used by both users and scripts for controlling NetworkManager.
  • nmcli is a command-line tool which is used for controlling NetworkManager.
  • nmcli command can also be used to display network device status, create, edit, activate/deactivate, and delete network connections.

List of commands

nmcli general status

Image description

nmcli connection

Image description

Image description

Image description

nmcli connection modify <name> i<tab>

  • Once modified & then bring the nmcli UP.
  • nmcli connection modify "name" ipv4.addresses ipv4.gateway ipv4.dns
  • Now bring it UP.
nmcli connection up "<name>"


  • Nameserver is also referred as DNS.
  • Give the tab always so that option appears , its like what is next command or word.
  • IP address , Netmask , Gateway & Nameserver.
  • How to assign number after "/" in the IP address --> TBD

Docker - Part - I

22 September 2024 at 18:09

Virtual Machine

Image description

Image description
Physical servers , Virtual Machine & Containers.

Manual and Dynamic allocation can be done in Virtual Machine.
Type 1 : Its like Enterprise --> In Azure , OCI , etc this concept is used.
Type 2: Mostly which we are using eg., laptop.

  • Containers is a concept.
  • Docker uses containerisation concept.
  • Docker Engine is like Kitchen .
  • Docker File is like notes for recipe.
  • Sambar recipe for all i.e Docker Image . One cup for each person i.e Docker Container.
  • Pantry --> Docker Registry --> all images are available.
  • Chef --> Docker Daemon --> It will be running continuously.
  • Docker Network and Volumes --> Its Dinning Area.
docker        --> To check whether docker is installed or not.
docker images --> List all the images which are present.
docker pull hello-world ( if no version is provided then it will take the latest version only )

Image description

Image description

docker pull hello-world:nanoserver-1809

Now run the image so that a container will be created ,

docker run hello-world

Check the container list,

docker ps -a
( only ps will show the running container )

To delete the container,

docker rm -f <container-id>

Sites or URL


  1. Image ID will be same for all.
  2. Container ID will be created each time which will be a new number.
  3. While running any image without version , then it will take the latest one only.
  4. If latest image is not there in the server then it will pull and then run the image. So use latest wisely.

Interview Questions

  1. What is VM ? A software emulation of a physical computer.
  2. What does hypervisor do in a virtualisation ? It allows VM to run on a physical host by managing their resources.
  3. What is Docker primarily used for ? Containerising applications to ensure portability.
  4. Advantage of using containers ? Containers are portable & can run across different environments.
  5. which type of hypervisor runs directly on Physical hardware ? Type - 1.
  6. Difference btw VM & Container ? Containers share the host OS , while VM have their won OS.

Need to know

VMware ESXi
vCenter - Server Management Software - vCenter
VMware Workstation

Install postgres & pgadmin

By: Elavarasu
20 September 2024 at 16:57

sudo apt install -y postgresql-common
sudo /usr/share/postgresql-common/pgdg/

To manually configure the Apt repository, follow these steps:

sudo apt install curl ca-certificates
sudo install -d /usr/share/postgresql-common/pgdg
sudo curl -o /usr/share/postgresql-common/pgdg/ –fail
sudo sh -c ‘echo “deb

[signed-by=/usr/share/postgresql-common/pgdg/] $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main” > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list’
sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install postgresql

sudo -i -u postgres



createdb my_pgdb

psql -d my_pgdb


After the we have download pgadmin using cmd :

# Setup the repository

# Install the public key for the repository (if not done previously):
curl -fsS | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/packages-pgadmin-org.gpg

# Create the repository configuration file:
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/packages-pgadmin-org.gpg]$(lsb_release -cs) pgadmin4 main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgadmin4.list && apt update'

# Install pgAdmin

# Install for both desktop and web modes:
sudo apt install pgadmin4

# Install for desktop mode only:
sudo apt install pgadmin4-desktop

# Install for web mode only:
sudo apt install pgadmin4-web

# Configure the webserver, if you installed pgadmin4-web:
sudo /usr/pgadmin4/bin/

After tat setting password for pgadmin

sudo -i -u postgres


\password postgres

Enter new pasword :

Enter it again

Reference :

Install postgres & pgadmin

By: Elavarasu
20 September 2024 at 16:57

sudo apt install -y postgresql-common
sudo /usr/share/postgresql-common/pgdg/

To manually configure the Apt repository, follow these steps:

sudo apt install curl ca-certificates
sudo install -d /usr/share/postgresql-common/pgdg
sudo curl -o /usr/share/postgresql-common/pgdg/ –fail
sudo sh -c ‘echo “deb

[signed-by=/usr/share/postgresql-common/pgdg/] $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main” > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list’
sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install postgresql

sudo -i -u postgres



createdb my_pgdb

psql -d my_pgdb


After the we have download pgadmin using cmd :

# Setup the repository

# Install the public key for the repository (if not done previously):
curl -fsS | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/packages-pgadmin-org.gpg

# Create the repository configuration file:
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/packages-pgadmin-org.gpg]$(lsb_release -cs) pgadmin4 main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgadmin4.list && apt update'

# Install pgAdmin

# Install for both desktop and web modes:
sudo apt install pgadmin4

# Install for desktop mode only:
sudo apt install pgadmin4-desktop

# Install for web mode only:
sudo apt install pgadmin4-web

# Configure the webserver, if you installed pgadmin4-web:
sudo /usr/pgadmin4/bin/

After tat setting password for pgadmin

sudo -i -u postgres


\password postgres

Enter new pasword :

Enter it again

Reference :

Weekly Notes 38 – 2024

16 September 2024 at 02:33

Busy Summer

I missed writing weekly notes for last few months. Just capturing few memorable activities in past few months.

We had a super busy summer in Canada. All the weekends were filled with some event/gathering/viewing places etc. High Park, Harbour Front, Toronto Zoo, Wonderland, Royal Ontario Museum, Canada Exhibition at Toronto, Central Island, few libraries, few book release events, literature meetups are the key places we visited. There were tons of fun events for kids and adults. Mississauga government conducted free play based activities for entire summer. We sent our kids there on all weekdays. It helped a lot to make the kids busy in summer.

Finally, school started for kids last week. Kids are going to new school, this year, as we moved to a new house. Here, schools are allocated based on the living address. We moved to the next street, just some 800m away. Still have to goto another school. Slowly, kids started to go along with the new school.

Tolkappiyam Conference

Tolkappiyam is one of the oldest grammar rule book for Tamil language. it was from several centuries ago. The beauty of the Tamil language is still those old rules are followed mostly. This book is being read, interpreted, understood, explained, practised generations by generations, in all the countries where Tamil people live.

In Canada, we have a conference on Tolkappiyam, next weekend.

I am volunteering on the conference days. Along with Prof. Sathyaraj, presenting a research paper too.

Writing python code for Tolkappiyam grammar rules

Prof. Sathyaraj, Boopalan, kamalakannan, Parameswar, myself and few more people meet every Saturday. We discuss the rules and write them as python code. In a year or so, we hope that we can build a better open source grammar rule engine for tamil in Python.

Minutes are here –

Code –

A Tamil professor (Sathyaraj), A math student (Boopalan), An Instrumentation Engineer ( hehe. its me ), A mechanical Engineer(Parameswar) are contributing to Tamil grammar rules in Python is the awesome moments in my life.

After our recent python classes, Tamil professor Sathyaraj writes good code and validates our code quickly.

New website –

Recently, Tamilnadu government release all the works of former CM Kalaignar Karunanithi, in Public Domain License. It was a long time ask for many readers. Thanks to Tamilnadu government for such great decision. On this year death anniversary, 7 August 2024, we collected few of his books in PDF format and published as a separate website for quick access. Check here Completed converting them all to text using automated google OCR ( Thanks to python ).

Sent few books in text format to a publisher for proofreading. Soon, we will get them as print and free ebook in epub, mobi formats too.

Python course completion

We conducted a 2-month online free python course in Tamil. My friend Syed Jafer handled the classes. It was a weekly 3-hour training. Python is a crowd puller. We got some 3500 members in 3 whatsapp groups. 1000+ joined for initial classes. Around 50 people completed the course successfully. Many participants wrote good blogs. We can read all their blogs here –

Thanks to Syed for the good classes, Asokan and for donating Zoom, and all participants for great enthusiasm. Read my closing notes here –

Contributions from python class students

Many students started doing good projects. Scrapping, Tamil NLP, and more. We have good project ideas to contribute here –

Happy to see the students pick some real projects and start contributing to them.

Explore ML – mini crash course

At the Python course, many asked questions on ML. Wanted to give some intro about ML. My friend Dr.Tamilarasan came forward to give some quick intro on ML. It was a 3 day ( 5 hours ) discussion exploring the basics of ML.

Thanks to Dr.Tamilarasan and participants for the nice discussions.

Docker course started

Syed started his next free course. This time the topic is Docker. Get more details here –

Software Freedom Day Celebrations at Chennai

Many FOSS communities jointly celebrate Software Freedom Day in Chennai on Sep 21 2024. If you are in Chennai, buy a ticket here – Don’t miss meeting awesome people in Chennai.

Software Freedom Day Celebrations at Karaikudi

Kaniyam Foundation team is celebrating software freedom day in Karaikudi. Will share more details soon.

With all friends from free software communities, I always feel like having 100 heads and 200 hands. We all are dreaming same thing at same time and implement all our dreams together. Thanks to all free/open source contributors. You all make the world a better place to live.

Heartcomonos planning meet

HeartComonons is a Non Profit Social organization in my area in Mississauga, Canada. We attend/volunteer for their events as family. Last week, we had a planning meet for next 3 year goals. The brainstorming session was good. Learned many things on how to think as an organization.

Manual Mode in Photography

I was hesitant to learn Linux for many years. Postponed learning Emacs for around 15 years. But, living with Linux for past 20 years and with Emacs for past 3 years. Similarly, I was too lazy to learn Manual Mode in Camera for many years. I just Don’t wanted to miss any good moments, while changing the options in Camera. But, recently, started to play with it. Oh, Man!. It can do magics with the lighting. We can get better outputs, if we can control what goes into the camera with all the manual mode options. I have a huge pile of photos, waiting to upload in Wikimedia commons, so that anyone can use them freely. Keeping this for winter days.

My podcast with MalaiKannan

Recenly, I had a detailed discussion with MalaiKannan, CTO, Saama Technologies, on Free/Open Source Software, Tamil, NLP, Linux Users Groups etc. If you have time to kill for around 2 hours, see it here on “Malai Talks” youtube channel – So happy to revisit my life and share with all. Thanks to Malai for the nice questions and patience on asking.

PhD in Family

My brother Arulalan, completed his PhD IIT Delhi. It was a very long path for him with tons of sacrifices. All the efforts are worth as he is the first PhD in our family. I think he is first in our street, in our generation. May many get inspired from his works and get more PhD researchers.

He works for India Meteorological Department 

Hoping to see him on TV shows and news explaining weather situations soon. Please give more leaves.

TNPSC Group 2A in Family

My another brother Suresh, got selected in TNPSC group 2A. Already he is a group 4 employee. On his efforts to get into good roles, he puts tons of efforts on exams. Hoping to see him even great roles soon and to train many people to get into govt jobs.

Free online training on Docker in Tamil

15 September 2024 at 00:01

After the wonderful python online training, my friend Syed Jafer is launching a free online training on Docker in Tamil.

Starting on Sep 15 2024

7-8 PM IST

To get meeting link, join the telegram group

He has prerecorded the videos too.Check them here

See you on the class.

Weekly Notes 38 – 2024

16 September 2024 at 02:33

Busy Summer

I missed writing weekly notes for last few months. Just capturing few memorable activities in past few months.

We had a super busy summer in Canada. All the weekends were filled with some event/gathering/viewing places etc. High Park, Harbour Front, Toronto Zoo, Wonderland, Royal Ontario Museum, Canada Exhibition at Toronto, Central Island, few libraries, few book release events, literature meetups are the key places we visited. There were tons of fun events for kids and adults. Mississauga government conducted free play based activities for entire summer. We sent our kids there on all weekdays. It helped a lot to make the kids busy in summer.

Finally, school started for kids last week. Kids are going to new school, this year, as we moved to a new house. Here, schools are allocated based on the living address. We moved to the next street, just some 800m away. Still have to goto another school. Slowly, kids started to go along with the new school.

Tolkappiyam Conference

Tolkappiyam is one of the oldest grammar rule book for Tamil language. it was from several centuries ago. The beauty of the Tamil language is still those old rules are followed mostly. This book is being read, interpreted, understood, explained, practised generations by generations, in all the countries where Tamil people live.

In Canada, we have a conference on Tolkappiyam, next weekend.

I am volunteering on the conference days. Along with Prof. Sathyaraj, presenting a research paper too.

Writing python code for Tolkappiyam grammar rules

Prof. Sathyaraj, Boopalan, kamalakannan, Parameswar, myself and few more people meet every Saturday. We discuss the rules and write them as python code. In a year or so, we hope that we can build a better open source grammar rule engine for tamil in Python.

Minutes are here –

Code –

A Tamil professor (Sathyaraj), A math student (Boopalan), An Instrumentation Engineer ( hehe. its me ), A mechanical Engineer(Parameswar) are contributing to Tamil grammar rules in Python is the awesome moments in my life.

After our recent python classes, Tamil professor Sathyaraj writes good code and validates our code quickly.

New website –

Recently, Tamilnadu government release all the works of former CM Kalaignar Karunanithi, in Public Domain License. It was a long time ask for many readers. Thanks to Tamilnadu government for such great decision. On this year death anniversary, 7 August 2024, we collected few of his books in PDF format and published as a separate website for quick access. Check here Completed converting them all to text using automated google OCR ( Thanks to python ).

Sent few books in text format to a publisher for proofreading. Soon, we will get them as print and free ebook in epub, mobi formats too.

Python course completion

We conducted a 2-month online free python course in Tamil. My friend Syed Jafer handled the classes. It was a weekly 3-hour training. Python is a crowd puller. We got some 3500 members in 3 whatsapp groups. 1000+ joined for initial classes. Around 50 people completed the course successfully. Many participants wrote good blogs. We can read all their blogs here –

Thanks to Syed for the good classes, Asokan and for donating Zoom, and all participants for great enthusiasm. Read my closing notes here –

Contributions from python class students

Many students started doing good projects. Scrapping, Tamil NLP, and more. We have good project ideas to contribute here –

Happy to see the students pick some real projects and start contributing to them.

Explore ML – mini crash course

At the Python course, many asked questions on ML. Wanted to give some intro about ML. My friend Dr.Tamilarasan came forward to give some quick intro on ML. It was a 3 day ( 5 hours ) discussion exploring the basics of ML.

Thanks to Dr.Tamilarasan and participants for the nice discussions.

Docker course started

Syed started his next free course. This time the topic is Docker. Get more details here –

Software Freedom Day Celebrations at Chennai

Many FOSS communities jointly celebrate Software Freedom Day in Chennai on Sep 21 2024. If you are in Chennai, buy a ticket here – Don’t miss meeting awesome people in Chennai.

Software Freedom Day Celebrations at Karaikudi

Kaniyam Foundation team is celebrating software freedom day in Karaikudi. Will share more details soon.

With all friends from free software communities, I always feel like having 100 heads and 200 hands. We all are dreaming same thing at same time and implement all our dreams together. Thanks to all free/open source contributors. You all make the world a better place to live.

Heartcomonos planning meet

HeartComonons is a Non Profit Social organization in my area in Mississauga, Canada. We attend/volunteer for their events as family. Last week, we had a planning meet for next 3 year goals. The brainstorming session was good. Learned many things on how to think as an organization.

Manual Mode in Photography

I was hesitant to learn Linux for many years. Postponed learning Emacs for around 15 years. But, living with Linux for past 20 years and with Emacs for past 3 years. Similarly, I was too lazy to learn Manual Mode in Camera for many years. I just Don’t wanted to miss any good moments, while changing the options in Camera. But, recently, started to play with it. Oh, Man!. It can do magics with the lighting. We can get better outputs, if we can control what goes into the camera with all the manual mode options. I have a huge pile of photos, waiting to upload in Wikimedia commons, so that anyone can use them freely. Keeping this for winter days.

My podcast with MalaiKannan

Recenly, I had a detailed discussion with MalaiKannan, CTO, Saama Technologies, on Free/Open Source Software, Tamil, NLP, Linux Users Groups etc. If you have time to kill for around 2 hours, see it here on “Malai Talks” youtube channel – So happy to revisit my life and share with all. Thanks to Malai for the nice questions and patience on asking.

PhD in Family

My brother Arulalan, completed his PhD IIT Delhi. It was a very long path for him with tons of sacrifices. All the efforts are worth as he is the first PhD in our family. I think he is first in our street, in our generation. May many get inspired from his works and get more PhD researchers.

He works for India Meteorological Department 

Hoping to see him on TV shows and news explaining weather situations soon. Please give more leaves.

TNPSC Group 2A in Family

My another brother Suresh, got selected in TNPSC group 2A. Already he is a group 4 employee. On his efforts to get into good roles, he puts tons of efforts on exams. Hoping to see him even great roles soon and to train many people to get into govt jobs.

Free online training on Docker in Tamil

15 September 2024 at 00:01

After the wonderful python online training, my friend Syed Jafer is launching a free online training on Docker in Tamil.

Starting on Sep 15 2024

7-8 PM IST

To get meeting link, join the telegram group

He has prerecorded the videos too.Check them here

See you on the class.

API - An overview

9 September 2024 at 20:51

Application Programming Interface

  • Its like server/Waiter in a HOTEL refers to API. Image description
  • Interface--> Allow control of interaction with obstruction --> API is for Programmers.

Image description

  • Client & Server --> Can be any language.
  • All web application will have API.
  1. SOAP-API --> Simple Object Access Protocol --> Function/Method needs to be written so that one can call it . Its like a WRAPPER.
  2. REST-API --> REPRESENTATIONAL STATE TRANSFER --> If you know the concept of REST then everyone will write the same.

Image description

  • CURL ( cURL ) --> Command line CLIENT for testing and developing API.
  • Postman ( its a Graphical version based ) --> its a company now. 1 year we can use it for FREE.

Continue with REST

  • Method ( GET , POST , PUT/PATCH , DELETE )
  • Address / Endpoint (URL)
  • Path

Image description

  • Query/Search Parameters --> Starts with ? followed by KEY & VALUE.
  • Authorization
  • Header & Body
  • Request Body can be sent via JSON Data types, which is default.
  • Response --> 200 OK or 404 Not found or 201 created along with Headers and body.
  • Layered --> It will have all configured LB & everything.

Image description

Why REST is popular ?

  1. Simple & Standardised --> Everyone will use the same method to use.
  2. Scalable & Stateles. Eg., It wont store anything. Each time it request as fresh request.
  3. High Performance & Caching.


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Continue with REST

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Image description

import requests
api_url = ""
response = requests.get(api_url)

All Request

import requests
api_url = ""
response = requests.get(api_url)

Image description

Print in proper format or PrettyPrint

Image description

Image description

Post method

Image description

Image description

  • For this API , the best example is BANKING with website & Mobile APP. ( Why ? In internet banking you will pass all values and its the DB then gets the response which is obvious BUT think of the APP in your mobile which is lite weight app which will use API calls to DB and does the same operations )
  • Web Scraping --> you can get only DATA but you can't update or modify. Each website we need to write different web scraping code. EACH WEBSITE WILL HAVE DIFFERENT CONTROL.

  • ? & key = value & key = value

  • Now with KEY ,

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Image description

Image description

Important Links

Important Notes


